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Everything posted by Gristle

  1. Impressive. Can you post the .craft file somewhere? I'd like to study your build techniques on this vessel.
  2. I already asked this on the last page but didn't get any response...Can anyone show me the proper way to use the Radial Flange parts? The attach nodes seem borked to me.
  3. If you assign a Rotatrons "Move" command to an action group key, the rototron will spin forever (at least while the vessel has focus).
  4. Is it possible to have a visual indication they are activated? An "on" light. How about a version that uses LiquidFuel and IntakeAir?
  5. Kerbals are stubborn like that. He could have walked 20KM in a couple of days.
  6. Have you looked at how Semni implemented finned docking port in the THSS mod? I know these fins interact and can even prevent successful docking. IMO - this type of system is a PIA. Much easier to use and understand Romfare's docking cam.
  7. Just the opposite here. I will not be using RemoteTech2 if it requires programming. I'm with E-dog, I want a RemoteTech lite. Need to have a comms network to control unmanned stuff, but without the comms delay.
  8. What Sapphire said. And I don't think Sumghai minds mention or discussion of Crew Manifest. In fact I'm pretty sure he has even said he made these modules with the idea you WOULD use Crew Manifest or something similar.
  9. Have a small visual bug to report. The LS-505 engine packs connection nodes do not allow the LS-504 and LS-502 extensions to line up properly. This also affects the LS-503 end cap, but this isn't shown in my screen shot. The engine pack on the left is the LS-505 engine pack with an LS-502 attached, on the right is LS-501 and LS-502 showing proper alignment.
  10. I didn't see anything offensive in it and actually thought "that's an innovative and striking sculpture" before I even knew there was an Earth analog.
  11. I noticed this also. Thought it was just a wierd ship configuration though. To be clear I'm using Cybutek Kerbal Engineer Redux 6.1.1 - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/18230-0-21-1-Kerbal-Engineer-Redux-v0-6-1-0?highlight=engineer Also thank you for the new fairing base part. This will make creating my cargo bay doors so much easier (I think).
  12. Sorry if you were offended by my comments. I would have DLed the .craft and tried to be more helpful but I don't have Mechjeb installed.
  13. Can anyone show me the proper way to use the Radial Flange parts? The attach nodes seem borked to me.
  14. ....fixed it for ya. It''s like the peep with the exploding crafts video. Blames the docking washer, but the logs never mention that part as colliding and exploding. It my very well be the DW, but I couldn't see any evidence of it in the video.
  15. I agree, but what you want is doable with the system as it works today.
  16. You could use the same techniques I used to create the cargo bay. It would actually be easier to do what you want. You'll need to figure out how tall your fairing needs to be in the final build, then substitute parts in between the faring bases to get the edge to edge height right on the fairings. Be sure to attach the faring pieces to the bottom faring base section attached to your lander. Once you get the height correct, lock the fairing shapes using the "L" key, then remove them and rip out the top fairing base and your spacer parts. Reassemble your complete vessel and stick the fairing pieces back on the remaining bottom base.
  17. Are you trying to do something like this? The trick is to use an off center support beam to support / connect the lower and upper section between the fairings. You can see this support embedded in the non movable fairing in the pic.
  18. Are you using the white or beige fairings? The white fairing are meant to be inline and do not have decouple functions. The beige fairings do have the decouple which is whatt I think you are looking for.
  19. Love these engines! They have quickly become my engine of choice on just about everything I'm building. Performance is just right and I love the aesthetics.
  20. Most Awesome. Got any pics of the whole amusement park astronaut training complex?
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