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Everything posted by Gristle

  1. I've noticed that too on occasion. It appears to me that the arms are loading in the odd positions because when you left them to go do something else they were straining under a load. When you return the under load piece assumes it's strained position when you left, but the piece it is connected to assumes it's normal position and the resulting joint is bent.
  2. These parts are all in the pre-.20 format. You can convert them by placing the PART{...} designations at the beginning and end of the .cfg files, or just install them to the "..\Kerbal Space Program\Parts" folder.
  3. I get that. I guess my point is I don't want to have to learn to program, especially an assembly type language, to use and enjoy this mod. If I wanted to program for entertainment I'd be making my own plugins.
  4. Please don't make the flight computer an auto pilot. If I want my flights to be on rails I'll install MechJeb. The Flight computer acts as more of a flight assistant and what I prefer. DCPU if required for satellite functionality is a bad idea. My .02.
  5. Isn't the antenna / transmitter separation already present with you needing a Command Pod (transmitter) and an antenna? If not how would this work in the context of KSP?
  6. @Viperwolf: Nice, I think I'll make a copy. What is the Delta-V on that?
  7. You don't have to assign hot keys. Just leave them blank and use the in-game on screen interface to rotate.
  8. I agree with you Devo. Much more memory overhead with the .21 build. My mod loadout is greatly reduced and I'm still getting frequent out of memory crashes.
  9. Something I'd like to see is a selection of hydraulic pistons. shorter, longer, maybe even a telescoping variety that would give you 3x the length extended vs retracted. Not sure how hard this would be but a piston with attachment points perpendicular to its length would be handy, with each on same side and offset . + + -------------- and + -------------- +
  10. Kerbal Alarm Clock (KAC) - This mod is a game changer, but in a good way. You can have multiple flights in progress and not worry too much about missing an important point in those flights like an SOI change, maneuver node, etc. Also check out TouhouTorpedo's mods. His Wheels, Mk3 and Mk4 parts are outstanding and add to the existing stock parts. Theres not really much left in KSPX anymore. Most of it's parts have become stock parts.
  11. Looks like you have the Connector in the winch backwards. The "tail" end needs to go inside the winch.
  12. I think the OP is confused about Open-Source and Copyright. Open-source does not mean Public Domain. Think of a book, which is essentially open source and copyright protected.
  13. I'm referring to you using Star Trek and Dr. Who creations and IP without permission, but then stating that people can't use and distribute the items you create to do this without your permission. It's ironically funny.
  14. IP in this context is Intellectual Property.
  15. Does anyone else find this amusing since the OP is blatantly using and distributing other peoples IP with out permission?
  16. Also be sure to turn off SAS. SAS will resist the magnets trying to orient the crafts.
  17. It is incredible how this mod changes your playstyle. Looking forward to the update. Had to post so that I could follow the progress easier. This is the one Mod that is preventing me from updating to .21. Yea it's that important.
  18. Maybe their last names reflect their profession? Kerman = a career in aerospace.
  19. Is this why sometimes when releasing the parking brake it takes a couple of seconds for the vehicle to respond to input?
  20. Thanks TT. I was going to just post some pics of the fenders and realized just how important your parts pack is to my KSP enjoyment. Those pics feature your Wheels, Pitch Vector, and MK3 parts. Every vehicle has several TT parts in its build. After having looked in the texture file I'm intrigued by what you planned on doing with the lights in there as the current Wheels pack doesn't seem to utilize them. Heres a pic of some of the MK4 parts in a test flight. The plan is to dock this to a space station and use it as a space hanger for small work vessels and such.
  21. I hate being a pain, but I believe there is a new bug with the 0.5.4 version. I get the Chatterrer dialogs opening everytime I launch a new vessel or change to a new vessel. Is Chatterer supposed to be doing this? Good news is 0.5.4 has fixed my initial problem and I now have Kerbal speak!!
  22. SUCCESS!! Heres a scene I put together featuring many TT parts. Getting the GRR SOB CL ready for its next mission: http://imgur.com/a/UVi8F Is it possible to have different texture files in one part folder in order to reduce the duplication of parts when creating new skins? What I did to create the white fenders is copy/rename the TTtruckwheel_ms and TTtruckwheel_s folders, replaced the model000.png file with my edit and edited the part.cfg to give them unique names.
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