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Everything posted by ndiver

  1. Nice I guess every want to know what are the mods used for each of them?
  2. I don't know if the suggestion has already been made, but a small node on the top of the Lab, Bay and Service Module would be really useful if not already present in 1.1.3 (i'm still in 1.1.2). Right now, i have issues to fix it to a skycrane, as consequence of the absence of upper node.
  3. If I install Duna Rejuvenated, what will be the consequences over the biomes, over the anomalies on Duna?
  4. I uploaded on Spacedock the small but extremely useful mod created by Talisar TAL Radially Attached Experimental Data Storage Container; after the death of the original download link and closure of its thread. I did not modified the mod, and is thus exactly as released by its creator. The license of the mod is Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 Spacedock download link: http://spacedock.info/mod/910/TAL Radially Attached Experimental Data Storage Container The mod is working perfectly in 1.1.2, and I assume that it should works fine in 1.1.3 (not tested yet). The (closed) original thread: Here was its description: I'm not a modder, and do not have experience in maintaining mod. I assume that the community will help for this point in the future.
  5. Whaou ... I never expected that. As you, i've been extremely disappointed by Duna once I went there for the first time, after the 0.21. How is looking the canyon in this version? How are the anomalies affected by the new heightmap? Maybe could Squad provide the missing information, meaning PQSMods and values, as well as the old Duna heightmap?
  6. If i'm right, it is simply that these parts do not have any modelized IVA.
  7. Dear members, being currently in the grind of the crew experience in career mode, one of the best way to get experience is to make a short trip out of Kerbin SOI and come back to Kerbin according to this thread: What is the most efficient way to do such trip? I was considering to burn in the same direction than the orbit of Kerbin to go slightly faster than Kerbin and then burn in retrograde direction once out of Kerbin SOI to let the planet catch up the ship. Is it the right way to do such trip?
  8. The rovers from the beginning and from currently are different, but that's always a source of inspiration to look the early pages. New parts does not change the fact that players are using mods since several years.
  9. A test of huge rover / moving base : Scientific experiments on the other side:
  10. It is two years old, but the rover that i use since that is still working perfectly. It does not make sense to create a new thread.
  11. Bug or feature? --> each time i press escape, the window appears
  12. Did someone tried to do a free-flying variant of the Malemute, similar to the free-flying SEV? If i understand right in the description of the rover, @RoverDude you considered it in the design of the Malemute?
  13. Incredibly lovely, i felt in love at the first sight for it
  14. I disagree, you are not forced to fill the crew seats. I like for roleplay to have some crew members in the different modules of my station. A deep-space habitat (mostly one lab, one node, one habitat module, one cupola) is perfect for 4 crew members.
  15. My opinion would be to use first the stock science experiments, and probably the DMagic Orbital Science. The idea to create a new mod necessary for this contract pack is I think too complex, excepted if you have experience in creating a mod. The DMagic mod provides already a large set of experiments that could be use to track bioindicators, and that can be used for roleplay. Some examples: - the magnetometer can be used to identify the magnetic field used by Kerbin animals during their migrations - the orbital telescope and multispectral imaging plateform can be used to track infrared sources and follow large groups of animal from orbit - the laser surface scanner can detect carbonated rocks, signs of biological activity - the core drill can samples rocks and tell us if there are microroganisms and microscopic life form in these samples - the atmospheric sensors can tell us about the environmental conditions - the seismic sensor can be used to follow by a second way big groups of animals I'm sure we can find tons of other ideas linked to biology.
  16. I'm interested to join. I also don't know anything in coding. However, the creator of Contract Pack: the K-Files wrote that Contract Pack is quite easy to manage, and the documentation is extremely clear.
  17. As being myself a naturalist (i described two years ago my first species, and have still several yet unpublished), a way i could see this idea would be to bring your scientist Kerbal at a specific place and use some of the scientific instruments ingame (possible including the DMagic Orbital Science mod) to conduct experiments in this place to measure the environmental conditions of these places that might harbor life, at macroscopic or microscopic level. There are tons of places on Kerbin and other planets where nobody goes, that could be a good occasion to motivate players to go there. For examples, there are two beautiful rivers along Kerbin's continents, there are some large lakes (even inner seas). On Duna, you have some kraters. Do they host or hosted microbial life? And Laythe with its breathable atmosphere and this large ocean? What about the atmospheres of Eve and Jool? Some missions might require the use of several instruments, to bring together the clues and determine if these places host or not life, or if there are there potential conditions for life to emerge. Edit: I also realize that the way I propose it looks like Contract Pack: Field Science
  18. That's also what impressed me All my congrats for this release. The point that surprised me in the IVA is that they all seem to be polarized, with a ceiling and a floor, more like in a submarine than in an environment without gravity where each surface could be used indistinctly of its orientation. But I noticed after writing this message that you explain the how and the why in the presentation of the mod, and your explanation makes totally sense.
  19. Does it really make sense to include a part with such limited use in the pack ? As far as i understood, the Habtech mod was never intended to be a perfect reconstruction of the ISS. For that, you have the ISS mod. The Z1 and S0 are some elements of the ISS that are what they are as consequence of the construction of the ISS, but I think that the part that is currently available is doing perfectly its job.
  20. Can someone explain what are doing the new variable parameters for the wheels?
  21. I just discovered this mod two days ago when screening mods for the 1.1 and it's lovely and incredibly well done And these IVA Interesting optimization of the textures by the way, and absolutely perfect for my project of Deep Space Habitat. Are the docking ports compatible with the stock ones?
  22. The interesting point is that this bug occurs only if the camera is outside of the water. When the camera is in the water, the part is visible. Vanilla game freshly installed for me.
  23. New day, new bug in KSP 1.1. The part in the water disappear when i put my mouse on it and that the overlay is visible (meaning that pressing F2 makes the overlay disappear but the part coming back) And do not worry for the pink textures ... that's just another bug ...
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