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Everything posted by ndiver

  1. I'm surprised to not have seen more screenshots of "pulp" or "golden age" style spacecrafts using this mod Meaning spacecrafts with open cockpit, with space adventurers going to fight krakens to rescue a space princess.
  2. Thanks, I reinstalled KSP after a long pause, and it was always something that bothered me in my previous saves: - either finding a way to dock the subparts - either connecting everything with KAS winches This mod is a good trade-off to solve associated part issues.
  3. Indeed Thanks for the glass prescription However, there is not inside the description for the Skylab, neither the explanation of how fits the lovely Leo-MLC lander can (that allows to make nano-landers)
  4. While reinstalling KSP, I installed BDB for the first time. Despite using FilterExtension, i'm a bit lost in the large amount of parts. Is there a guide concerning all these parts or how to reconstruct a famous vessel?
  5. By curiosity, how does this mod works? Would it be possible to use it to swap models of engines and include Porkjet's Legacy? -->
  6. I'm right now looking at this, and in the Jumbo64 tank .cfg file, I can't find where is the model switcher, because the two version of the Jumbo 64 have not only a difference of texture but also of model I feel lost when looking at the VARIANT{ sections of the files, because I've the impression that only part of the model changes and not the whole part. Could it be possible to include them as variant using the Firespitter module?
  7. Has someone tried to include the Porkjet's legacy as alternative to the stock parts using the new switching options?
  8. Thanks for the explanations concerning the future of Tantares. As i'm not an expert in mods, what are the current modding tools, what are the expected changes, what is the current issue?
  9. I can also help in this language @Bealethe following question has possibly been already asked (but if yes, I did not found it) : do you plan to keep or remove the parts from Tantares that now have a stock equivalent (the Soyuz rocket, the Vostok / Voskhod spacecraft) ?
  10. Using equations is cheating you cheater!
  11. Apparently, for non-Steam users, it is not yet possible to download Making History from the website
  12. Just wondered exactly the same by discovering this thread. It would be awesome to be able to include the Porkjet legacy with this way. A possible way is to look how the game handles the different models and integrate the Porkjet's ones the same way
  13. I don't remember where are (ingame) the formula allowing me to determine the delta-v : - of my stages - needed to go (for example) to the Mün Because that's precisely the point. If you say that you don't need mods like KER to determine the delta-v of a rocket (which is the discussion here), because "the game provides all the info needed to make the calculations", where are the required formulas ingame to determine your delta-v?
  14. But in this case, aren't these maths missing in the game?
  15. I wonder the same, for the same reasons. And you can see that there is a "small" problem on this point when all the preview videos concerning Making History have the same mod already installed: KER
  16. If i'm right, you don't really need for a mod to bring back the pod, you just need to slightly edit its .cfg file, because it is listed as category = none and it needs to be replaced as category = Pods
  17. Concerning the fairings, i'm surprised that the 1.3 fairing style was completely removed. I'm clearly not a fan of the new 3 fairing colors
  18. I got my files from CKAN. Is the bugged release on it? I reinstalled it using files from SpaceDock, let see if it solve the issue
  19. @blackheart612: I've installed the mod yesterday, but noticed that for some parts, I do not manage to get them the right orientation, they flip on the opposite direction, especially the tilt-rotor engine Have you heard of such bug before? It's nearly impossible to show it with screenshots, but i can try to record it.
  20. For those who use the mod Filter Extensions, here is the code to create a folder for SPER. Place the file named Mod_StationPartsExpansionRedux.cfg in the folder \GameData\000_FilterExtensions_Configs\Default CATEGORY:NEEDS[StationPartsExpansionRedux] { name = StationPartsExpansionRedux icon = StationPartsExpansion colour = #FFF0F0F0 all = true FILTER { CHECK { type = folder value = StationPartsExpansionRedux } } SUBCATEGORIES { list = 0,Pods list = 1,Fuel Tanks list = 2,Engines list = 3,Command and Control list = 4,Structural list = 5,Coupling list = 6,Payload list = 7,Aerodynamics list = 8,Ground list = 9,Thermal list = 10,Electrical list = 11,Communications list = 12,Science list = 13,Utility list = 14,Undefined } } @Nertea I tested the parts right totally impressed by the quality of the IVA For the Aquaculture module, are the fishes inside inspired from tilapia?
  21. Hi @Beale , After a long break, I just reinstalled KSP, and naturally downloaded Tantares. The new version is beautiful (i like the sweet pastel, looks like stock, but with this unique Tantares taste), but feel a bit lost in the Part folders compared to my old 1.1.2 install (that was my reference). Do you have some explanations on what is in which folder? I also think I understood that it is possible to switch textures for some parts (like the Soyuz cabin). How can I do it?
  22. Thanks for this album. I wonder if the new capsules will replace some existing ones or cohabit together Typically the lander one.
  23. Fu*king awesome I might restart playing KSP because of you. Still not sure if i should love or hate you for this release
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