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Everything posted by dharak1

  1. How do you do them? I just started doing them using the new fuel tank that carries 45 liters and the new linear orange engine. I have a video of testing it on Minmus rendering right now and ill post it ASAP. But I would like to know how you did and or do them now because This is my first one and I haven't seen many.
  2. I have a set of rovers that comes in on a craft it contains 6 modules that can dock any way around. It has two "engines" and four "trailers" The engines have 180 liters of fuel and two orange radial engines facing up that give it downforce for traction at two notches on the throttle it can get to around 25m/s then shut off the thrusters and the low friction lets it glide forever.
  3. If we send people to other planets on these then it would be logical to save on cost and training to have the size match for the gravity of the destination. If the destination is safe low G then the wheel works. I would think the problem with the Coriolis effect is when you flush the toilet it makes a hurricane . On a more serious note it might have something to do with bodily fluids like blood getting messed with.
  4. Great job! My first orbits were... Odd and inclined with lots of returns with no chutes. This is better.
  5. I would pick fame if it was back then. Now is another story. I would rather LIVE on the moon than have more people know me today. Even if I was the first person on the moon in 5 decades I would want to stay for a long long time.
  6. I usually go around 180+ parts and almost always around 1200 tons at launch because I use 25 orange tanks to get to orbit.
  7. It looks like part bug part real. It looks like a transfer to high mun orbit so with the lower relative speed it goes around more of its orbit with the mun, the crazy path may be a result of that and then the rest is a bug.
  8. It was gold mining I Wish the trommel could catch diamonds . Glad to hear That i have a week because i still have 4 more .20 videos to put up.
  9. Well, its not infringing on rights AT ALL. Do you think curing polio infringed on peoples rights? If it did well, how so? I think if possible every disorder and disease should be eliminated in every way and no matter what.
  10. Ok I am Back sorry for the unannounced absence but I went to BC to mine. When can I expect to have to put up my module?
  11. I'm rendering a video now, it has some failures and some successes, the first time SAS worked so far. Edit: Here's the video:
  12. I heard there are issues with Neptune's orbit too and that prompted the search for something beyond it but they only found Pluto but it's too small.
  13. Souldn't this be in Live at mission control? Either way great job!
  14. If you keep with this the whole way I can support you. I can't code or anything but you have my total support. If you can get this working It will be the best mod ever made for KSP ever.
  15. My grandmother is Metis and she is lactose intolerant but I'm only 1/16 native american and the rest is north western European and I don't have lactose intolerance. I was never aware that lactose intolerance was so common. My grandmother is the only person I know with it.
  16. A base on Gilly would be cool, something that could span a Km or something with rovers to drive around in.
  17. Is it ok to leave debris on an inclined orbit so it has a lower collision chance? Edit: Ermmm guys this thread is getting buried are we going to do this or let it die in planning?
  18. So I have a Youtube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/user/1dharak and I do gameplay commentary all KSP ATM but I'm trying to think of something new to record. Be warned I'm only 13 so yeah. I have a base on the Mun and Minmus and in the episode I'm about to record I will get my next 3 crew to Minmus. Some of the episodes drag on for a LONG time my longest is a Tylo orbiter gone bad. The numbering was messed up for a while because I could only post in 15 minute segments. So come check me out on Youtube. You can call me DH for short.
  19. That is incorrect the game is scaled down by 10.6. Making Kerbin 600km and Jool is 10 times the size of kerbin making it 6000km. Just didn't want people to get confused.
  20. Well if some people with less powerful computers set debris to zero it will get cleared anyway right?
  21. If debris is a problem could we not ask for an end flight on debris by people? And if someone forgets we can always end their debris. We should still make an attempt to keep debris to a minimum.
  22. I'll probably record an episode at like 3 AM then I'm leaving for Mcmurray Alberta tomorrow. Then I'll upload episode 9 and record 12.
  23. 350 pieces of debris in orbit and counting
  24. I wonder if it's possible to get all the way through Jool at 20km, if it is you would have to go INSANELY fast. I did a near direct impact at 1000km/s and it stopped at 55km then went to freefall.
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