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Everything posted by dharak1

  1. The voyager flyby was way slower I think it was only 30km/s or something like that. But this is WAY cooler.
  2. Jool is pretty much impossible to get through below 100km it went in at 25km and stopped instantly.
  3. As the above post says, small animals burn calories faster. Spacesuits are also VERY motion restricting if you watch videos of astronauts on the moon when they fall over they can barely move and pretty much bounce around motionless. I would imagine that being very taxing so I would say that's easily another 750 calories.
  4. Yeah I had this pod come down on Kerbin at 5000m/s and it nearly hit the ground. I messed around with the Jool one and I got it to 1000km/s still no impact greater than terminal.
  5. I could join, I only have 1 sub ATM because my other channel got deleted by a scum friend when he was at my house. I have an alright computer that lags at around 500 parts. Did a space open up from skyhook? If so here's my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/1dharak
  6. Some historians and other people say if they hit it head on they had a better chance of survival. I can't remember where I heard it though.
  7. Ladies and gentlemen our flight is on route for Jool estimated arrival 2 days
  8. I'm already heading for Jool so I'll do it first. I will make a video what I get there.
  9. Well, I'm not sure whats thicker Eve's atmosphere at 5km or Jool's at 10? If anyone knows get back to me asap because more fun things should be done first.
  10. Wings are VERY hard to control and they make this thing tumble at launch so I'm going wingless for Jool!
  11. Hmmmmmm doing this with wings sounds interesting. Is lift in ksp based on speed? If it is this think will fly straight up. How does this look? I'm thinking of doing Duna then Jool... AT 10000 METERS!
  12. Since the atmosphere doesn't scale very linearly I could see it slowing me down at MOST 10km/s I'm sure someone using the charts on the wiki and a brain not on summer holidays could give an exact estimate for an aerobrake at the lowest possible (safe) south pole point.
  13. I would, Even if it lasted forever. There's something like curiosity that would make watching the universe go by and end magical. I'm sure we could even transfer into ACTUAL bodies by using some combo of cloning cryogenics and electric pulses to make you good as new.
  14. I've heard about the Orion mod before and I've looked into the actual Orion and it's CRAZY! I don't really use mods that add parts but I'm not a crazy purist or anything, I might get it some time when I get bored and want to collide with the mun at the speed of light.
  15. It's simple, MOAR BOOSTERS!!! And instead of a flyby a direct impact!
  16. I used infinite fuel to get to that speed. I was actually surprisingly close to the encounter already but I just made me skim the atmosphere. It's nothing that special but I figured I would share it.
  17. Its a miracle to behold, the Ike encounter wasn't planned and was total chance. I couldn't even tell because it was BEHIND Duna. I just watched the video and I realize I sound like an idiot because I got so exited and I'm tired out of my mind.
  18. If anyone wants to see a 300km/s flyby of Duna and miraculously Ike at the same time I can post it. The only thing that could have made it better is if I collided with the MB. I'm rendering and uploading the video as we speak. I'll just leave this here (sorry for quick finger tapping and gum, I did this fast and didn't really think) WOW! Thanks for the views guys, it means a lot to me! This single video has around 1000% of my views on it!
  19. I like Nova's idea of using caves its somewhat similar to covering bases in lunar regolith to protect them. I could see them sending a rover to prepare a cave or something like that.
  20. My first mun landing was with my Exodus munar lander. When it finally got to mun orbit its legs popped off and after a couple reloads they were back on. I went for landing and I didn't notice that the ground was around 2km above sea level so I crashed and I got it on my second try. In a few days the Mun was littered with landers like numbers 1 and 2, Genesis, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. I had a goal for the first week to land 1 lander for every day so the first day was 1 lander the second another 2 and then 3 the next ect.
  21. Northernlion's Apollo to infinity and beyond series. He never got into an actual orbit but he got REALLY high up for they number of attempts he made. His first few were pure SRB. I do way better than him but i always wished he would make more.
  22. How wide is this canyon exactly? If its under 2.5 km someone should try to make a bridge across.
  23. It could be oxidized copper, I also have this greenish rock that looks just like Vall's surface.
  24. This is a bug, but from what I know this is almost how it works in real life minus the poof. Astronauts on the moon often stumbled and they got lucky for the most part. Moon rocks are jagged because there is no liquid to smooth them so if someone on the moon tripped and fell on a jagged rock their spacesuit could rip and they would die.
  25. I see nothing wrong with this. If i had terminal illness I would sign up when I could.
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