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Everything posted by dharak1

  1. Would it be possible to make a drive function? If you could that would be awesome. Something like drive forward at x speed for y minutes.
  2. I don't even have a MMB I hate when games have that as something. I can't play whack a kerbal either because there isn't a option for the button in the controls I can see.
  3. I heard about some speculation about if Rhea has rings/moons I'm not sure what happened but it would be cool if it did.
  4. Have the failures ever resulted in death? I remember hearing about something with vacuum being met in an the crew having died as a result. If there were no deaths and they can expect a problem I see barely any problem. Of course they should still fix it but as long as there are no issues like the heat panels on the shuttle.
  5. I would say US because the space race was kind of about distance, if Russia got boots on mars after them they would have won.
  6. Hmmm... Maybe the person who named it liked Greek gods better than Roman ones? I think Uranus was one of the planets with naming problems too so that might be part of it. I think they took names and had a vote kind of like the Canadian flag.
  7. If there was a way to extract CO2 then this may be viable for long term spacecraft like space stations.
  8. I expect to squeeze in another 110-120 years so I think I'll see space travel. My one dream is to go to the Moon. All I want. I might even go if I knew I wasn't coming back. Although not now with 100 years of life ahead of me.
  9. Can't animals like tardigrades survive in vacuum?
  10. I see this as more incentive to send more probes like this. If the solar+ probe is going to hit 200km/s could you not use a sundive and the oberth effect to get up to 220km/s or even 250km/s? EDIT: Wait a minute! Wikipedia says light travels 300km/s I thought that it was 3000? If that's true then solar probe + will get to 4/6 the speed of light! that's 2/3 or 66%! Is wikipedia wrong? EDIT 2: I am stupid. It says 300,000 ok that makes sense. I must have had 300,000 but let wikipedia make my mind drop a couple digits.
  11. I was panicking but it didn't hurt.
  12. Guys, I want to say. I have been suffocated. And it wasn't with any gas but with straight air restriction. Not a few hours of air, a few minutes. It was painless. Water is different. I have nearly drowned too. Both are scary the water stung and hurt and I felt heavy, the air was painless and I could barely tell. It was terrifying. I was also locked in a wooden box for a few minutes when I was 7. No one knew I was there and I could have died. The point is I would rather walk off in the distance and die away from other people with no pill thank die within a few feet knowing when it will happen.
  13. I would love to play on the server, I haven't played this for a while!
  14. When I think Eve ground base I think a huge bustling port of life with cars everywhere and huge buildings towering into the sky with hydrogen balloons for support. A big eve station or ground base sounds cool.
  15. What should our targets be? I feel with all this down time we could have someone else go and decide what we want to do. I vote for next a Minmus ground base. Then what? Mun ground base and station? Then I think the best next step is an Eve station. Not that I have any final say here I think we should get this in order.
  16. Every other number we make IS those 99 is nine nine and 1538 is 1 5 3 8 some people have recognized 0-99 as numbers (wrong but still functional) that's why you hear five eight seven sometimes and you hear five eighty-seven others. you read it number by number. you never say five-hundred-eighty-seven that's too big and awkward to say. You never hear five hundred thousand eight hundred ninety eight. Binary is the same but with 2 numbers to make hundreds.
  17. No shelter, Rage Against The Machine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-GYbcpW9hE
  18. I have two bases on different saves RIGHT next to that peninsula. I've seen tons of people land there. How popular is it?
  19. Awesome! I like the way its going but i don't think that virgin galactic will be the first to make a globally affordable system.
  20. The plane had to have two motors for balance but this one is for load. Because its constructed from reinforced pop cans i may fill one and slip it in to show the power of rockets. I don't think people in the class realize the power these things have. We went through a several page booklet today about how Apollo and other programs like Mercury made some of our tech today possible. A TON of people fell asleep I am the only one with any understanding of rockets. In today's class a girl talked about that Felix guy and when she explained it said "but he didn't go high enough to where you are floating in zero gravity" I could let the gravity and G slide but it was the fact that she didn't know that orbit was freefall. I know and understand she's a girl and most girls aren't interested in that stuff, most people in my school don't understand mass and weight or the way orbits and transfers work. I though it was common knowledge When I brought it up with my grandfather a few months ago he understood that all and he ended schooling and most information absorbing in 1971 before the end of Apollo. I'm not trying to be rude but it amazes me how little people care. Either way i am using low millimeter rocket bodies on the sides now so I can swap between A B C and D rockets. I hope to order them tomorrow so they get shipped ASAP. Also for ignition i hook up igniters in parallel so there should be 0 delay nearly. I have tons of amps and volts to work with too. Parts for Wyvern 3 came in today so I will have a prop plane to fly around the rockets too.
  21. Should be in the suggestions, I understand you are new too. Welcome! IIRC I think devs said no workshop for now.
  22. A base on Kerbins moons is for sure the next step i voted Minmus because I have TONS of stuff designed for Minmus. If you care to see on my YT channel I have a Minmus train set up that i could strip for part count. Its like episode 15 or something.
  23. Ok, a few things I overlooked that my grandfather saw. 1. this thing is going HIGH in the middle of a city too. It can't be launched with that much power when it can land in nearly any of 700000 peoples backyards. this means I'm going with 2 C6-7 engines and an A 1/2 like before. It will still trump the competition, making it myself gets me another 20 points out of 250 counting bonus marks. It will go higher than the other 30 people launching A rockets and the 10 launching B rockets and the 3 launching low power C rockets. 2. Launch system. I have to remake the Wyvern launch system completely, it's an insult to call it a system we find the nearest broken asphalt or rock we can and lean it up. I hope to eventually make 1 system for all rockets that can tilt for planes and go vertical for rockets. For now 2 different systems for the rockets but the alligator clips on a 12 meter wire work pretty good still. Just put one to the back of the cigarette lighter and one to the side and watch er go. I will use dowels for rails and fasten them on wood boards for the launch. For the plane same thing but with a tilted launch at around 30 degrees. That's all Have for now but since I am using smaller rockets I can get them here and do tests NOW!
  24. I was actually checking out G rockets because I can get one online for the test for level 1. I will check out higher level rockets too.
  25. He doesn't mean acceleration, If you take spider silk and put a 4 gram weight on the end and spin it it snaps because you spun it at more than its g limit. It may have weighed 2 or 3 times more and the thread couldn't handle it. It's the same thing with the centrifuge. If you spin it at 1 g or even .5 it need to hold up on Earth or Mars or whatever g you are spinning at.
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