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Everything posted by dharak1

  1. I remember seeing a thread with sone mission audio about how someone on one of the Apollo missions found a turd floating. It was pretty funny.
  2. That's why I need to use pure oxygen from welding tanks for the thing to burn fast enough.
  3. I understand the minuscule difference but roofing tar is also easy for me to get for free. I also Dont plan on putting this in a rocket anytime soon. Maybe in 1 or 2 years after i have developed it enough to make a good use of it. My first plan is just a pipe with roofing tar having GOX run to it and light it on fire. As you can see at the end of the video I posted The roofing tar far outpreforms the polyethylene.
  4. I love the look of acrylic rockets, but with my grandfather being a drywall contractor its easier for me to get roofing tar. I also heard that roofing tar is better.
  5. I want to start a discussion on hybrid rockets. Are they viable for every stage or just boosters? I understand how they have lower ISP but are pretty much throttle-able solid rockets. I plan to build a hybrid rocket similar to the one at the end of this video: my grandfather said he would find some roofing tar for me and help build a test table 7 feet long to put the rocket on rails to see how much thrust it would produce. Its going to be 1 inch in diameter and use GOX for the oxidizer.
  6. Great job! As long as no one else has no ports we should be fine. Who is next?
  7. It has to be stock, I almost made the mistake of leaving my engineer chip on the module and that could have ended bad.
  8. This is awesome. Should we set up a deadline for completion like January 1st 2014? I think 5 months should be enough time. Also where do we plan on doing the next thing? I vote for a Minmus ground base.
  9. Ok, I was told to put this here aswell so here it is the save. A little hint for anyone not working on this but that wants the save you can use my module to boost the station core to a 120x120 Mun orbit for some fun save: http://pastebin.com/xyyWwMzd Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2-_Q...ature=youtu.be
  10. Oooh these are fun! Day 1: Ares V carries the first lunar transfer stage to LEO. The rocket is unmanned. Day 15: An unamnned hab module is sent to lunar orbit atop a Saturn V with the capability to land with a crew of up to 20. Day 24: The supply module docks with transfer vehicle. Day 30: the reusable hab module is sent to orbit on an Ares V and docks with the lunar transfer vehicle. Day 50-64: the two shuttles depart to LEO carrying 7 crew each and docks with the lunar transfer vehicle. Day 66: The lunar transfer vehicle departs and docks with the permanent hab module 10 days later. Day 80: The permanent hab module lands with the crew the transfer stage remotely heads back to earth then undocks with the hab module and deorbits itself. Day 81: A Saturn V sends a tire shaped water tank to LEO designed to dock on top of the hab module Day 82: An Ares V boosts another lunar transfer stage to LEO the stage docks with the filled water tank then departs to lunar orbit. Day 89: the tank arrives in lunar orbit. An unexpected solar flare is heading to earth and plans are pushed forward for watertank docking from day 95 to day 90. This is preformed at 1:13 AM due to urgency. Sleep deprivation nearly causes an accident when docking. The crew retreat to the center of the tank mere minutes before the flare hits. Day 90: a conference is held at NASA to determine if the order of missions is viable. The near miss of the early morning causes changes in the next mission. The water tank will now be sent first and wait on the surface for the permanent hab module. Simply rinse and repeat. 14 crew on the surface a year.
  11. Oh... I'm sorry. I must have missed that post. I really wanted to keep part count low but I should have put ports on.
  12. I added to the fuel depot and I am currently confirming the possibility of boosting to Low Munar Orbit for the station core if anyone agrees. EDIT: Here is the video
  13. I completely agree with the new engine being perfect. I always used one stage landers because of how the LV-909 had way too much thrust for operations on Minmus and still a bit too much for the mun the stage was really thick too because of the thickness for the 90L fuel tank. The new tank and engine together are perfect!
  14. Haha! That's AWESOME! Its great they put that in.
  15. Aha, Pastebin. I had that on the tip of my tongue but couldn't remember the exact name. Thank you. EDIT: Here it is! http://pastebin.com/xyyWwMzd
  16. Ok, I am about to dock. Should I leave the huge orange tank docked? It has a total of 3 lvt30 engines as thrust and will dock on the back of the hab area. EDIT: Finished docking, where can I share the persistence that doesn't require an account or anything?
  17. How do I use that as a save? Do i make a new save and overwrite the persistence? EDIT: Got it to work. Prepare to see the quick and scary production time of someone with too much free time.
  18. Where can I get the save file? I can do it tonight if I could get it. If I can get it where will I upload it when I'm done.
  19. I could go, I have an off sleeping schedule so long quiet awake nights await.
  20. There are some cool flybys I posted a video about a Duna and then Ike flyby at 300km/s with cheats but my favorite flyby is one that when I flew by the mun it got me out to nearly Duna's orbit. Duna was at the wrong phase angle though by around 46.6 degrees and this was a pure chem rocket not intended for a interplanetary orbit. And just now when recording a Minmus flyby I managed to get a Mun encounter and slingshot to nearly Duna's orbit again but I gave up reloaded and sent him back to Kerbin where during timewarp his chute broke and he died.
  21. A good way to get money is doing what I do. The stuff people buy in stores for computers is tripled in price. If you can get a 800$ loan from anyone you know and throw a computer together that is decent and sell it for around 200 less than the store one with the same specs and kijiji it you can make around 600$ a computer. If you can't get a loan you can always get a paper route for a few months.
  22. Are you on crack? We have nearly 200 parts and MILLIONS of square kilometers of sandbox space. I would like to see you make a stable craft that didn't explode use at least one of each part. Also based on your join date you haven't been here long. You probably came in .19 with the wave of people complaining about the dev style they wanted.
  23. That's the smallest two man ascent I have ever seen. Is there a 6 way cube connector in the middle of the 45 tanks? I currently want to test some for Duna for future meddling there.
  24. Does that use any mods? If not that's awesome! Looks pretty cool.
  25. Pretty cool! Mine uses a one man pod because I didn't really know how I could make it resemble the Apollo ones with a two man so the orbiter has two people and the lander has one.
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