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Everything posted by lyndonguitar

  1. There is a widely popular and accept theory about what he said, Although It doesn't say any logical or artistic brain sides, it definitely talks about the two brain hemispheres that maybe the possible reason of handedness.
  2. Welcome! I dunno if anyone has noticed but that Saturn V Rocket model you have there is awesome! I hope someone makes custom parts on KSP based on your own Designs!
  3. Damn that your station is so badass looking!!! May I ask, Does it lag on your PC? and whats your pc specs?
  4. Actually I just realized that, so forget what i just said, disabling the mod is okay lmao
  5. Yes It is a sandbox, but KSP has two modes, Sandbox mode and "Career Mode", this Mission Controller plugin, for all intents and purposes simulates Career Mode, because the real deal is not here yet, this is the closest thing we got so far, and It's pretty neat If you want to play a sandbox game without costs, don't use this plugin. The "temporarily disable the mod" feature seems a bit too far. Even computer-model simulations costs some money, to make. It's never free
  6. My first mun landing, The landing gears were very short, so the engine is longer than the legs, So when I touched down the lander, it was standing on the engines, not the legs. No problems, but it looked very ugly and awkward. After that I learned to test on kerbin first if everything looks right
  7. I think not, more like the Sabre engine will be our first completed SSTO Engine
  8. Just a question, If we make space stations with your parts now and you somehow change the textures into something more stock-ish like that pic in the first post, Would it be compatible or do we have to scrap our stations?
  9. Well real-life testing also costs a ton of money, so It would be better if it stays that way. The best solution is to just use the same already tested and proven launch vehicles you've already made. EDIT: oops sorry double post
  10. Just a few suggestions: GOALS. Not only you get missions, but you can have larger goals that always run in background, it's like achievements but with in-game rewards, for example. Mun Space Race: Be the first to Land on the mun and return back safely, to complete this goal, you must do this before "insert date here". Time remaining: "insert T minus here". After you complete this, Another goal appears after some time. (e.g Duna Space Probe Race) Kethane Selling, You can mine kethane, land the kethane back on Kerbin, sell kethane for lots of $, that would make mining kethane more exciting and useful! (I know that you currently don't know how to do these things or they are hard to do but i'll put them in anyway) Contracted Supply Run, A premade "computer-owned" space station will suddenly appear in orbit and will need a supply run, you just have to dock with it and you will be given a reward. When you undock and go away, the spacestation will be removed from the game. Vessel Rescue/Repairs: Like the idea from above, a random vessel from another space program is in dire need of repairs, All you have to do is rendenzvous with it. go on EVA, go beside the ship, Right click on the vessel and choose "repair ship", mission complete. Also rescue missions, I don't know if the game can check for certain kerbonauts(Stranded Kerbonaut 1, Stranded Kerbonaut 2) inside containers as a condition for mission completion but I hope it does. EDIT: I'm trying to do some missions myself
  11. Do you need to zoom in so you can see inside it?
  12. Just wanted to say, these parts are really awesome. i really wanted to have more space station parts because I'm stuck with the crewcabin, other custom parts doesn't seem to fit the style of the game except this one and Fusty's
  13. Oh man I really can't wait for these and Large Structural Components to use in my future space stations!
  14. The module edits works, but the sabre engines doesn't seem to work when I do this its either the modulemanager plugin or the ExsurgentEngineering plugin that works EDIT: I just removed module manager, took me couple of minutes to edit the parts manually, Only a few parts use modulemanager anyway so I did it. No offense intended, just my own opinion, but removing modulemanager and adding the codes on my own actually made things easier. Saved me alot of time from restarting the whole game, because I can just reload all assets (modulemanager don't work when you reload) to test things, I also realized it will even take me longer to check the names, and then add them all in a modulemanager cfg, than editing the parts themselves one by one. especially if you have custom parts. This is only useful for plugin creators if they want to distribute their work and be compatible with each other without hassle, PROVIDED that the only use stock parts. but many of us players use not only plugins + stock parts, but also use custom parts as well. and this doesn't work well If you have lots of custom parts installed. (e.g. Installing Ioncross Plugin + Remotetech works well if you only use stock parts, But soon as you install more packs like B9, Novapunch, Lack Luster, using modulemanager actually becomes more tedious than editing each part manually). Wildcarding will solve this. Maybe in the future when you implement wildcards, if there will be, It will be useful on the user-end
  15. Looks great, Imo its already better than K.W. Rocketry because of those modular engine configurations. Please release it asap!
  16. Any idea of the ETA of version 1.0 with the airlock hatch plugin you mentioned? I am really excited for that feature
  17. 1. Mechjeb 2. Subassembly loader 3. Kerbal Alarm Clock
  18. How do I make hyperedit have an asteroid on a collision course with Kerbin? That way I could simulate an Asteroid Crisis, with my mission have to push the asteroid out of collision trajectory before it lands on kerbin
  19. Hi, I had a similar idea here, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31843-Career-Mode-using-Existing-Mechanics-of-Other-Plugins I hope you take a look at it! Unfortunately it didn't gather any attention I was hoping it would so someone could develop a similar thing. But looks like your mod and your idea here is very much what I have envisioned, So I am very happy to see this Career Mode is my most wanted feature in KSP right now and this would give me something to do for awhile, Good Luck!
  20. I've read the with this new KAS version you can "place" parts on the side of the ships while at EVA, I don't know how to do it, can anyone help me?
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