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Everything posted by lyndonguitar

  1. I agree, Other than that its perfect
  2. I agree, Other than that its perfect
  3. Awesome, maybe you can incorporate this into Ioncross Life Support so it can actually have a function. and Also the HOME parts
  4. Awesome, the designs are very lifelike and low profile. I like it !
  5. I see, I forgot that It was the whole space ship pack that you were talking about, Because I was only using the ring habitation part, the actual nautilius one, and it worked just fine.
  6. Is it possible to use RCS thrusters only on mechjebs maneuver autopilot? So I could forget LFO Engines in Low Kerbin Orbit and go on full RCS manuevers
  7. lyndonguitar


    Atapang atao apunta sa buwan
  8. I actually like the issue(or feature) stated above. It reminded me of the Mars Direct plan Go to 2:54
  9. What if its a space station? We still need a life support part. Maybe a Station Module that does all these things. and supports a certain number of crew onboard it is connected.
  10. Awesome! thanks for responding. I appreciate all the hardwork. patiently waiting for an update
  11. How about custom parts? Do they just copy the identities of the standard size ports? so they would work provided they have the same size standard?
  12. I hope you update this so it can automatically adds lines of codes to groups of parts(e.g. all command modules, stock + mods) in just one @Part
  13. It works perfectly on .20 just update the cfg.
  14. Is it possible to change the FOV in KSP? I think the current FOV in KSP is a bit wide, Is there an option to change it? I would like it to be a bit smaller. So I won't see the whole planet immediately after Low Kerbin orbit. It would also give you a feel of massiveness of the planet, Kinda like how we see Earth from LEO Zooming in or panning doesn't do it
  15. Is it possible to use RCS thrusters only on mechjebs maneuver autopilot?
  16. They can even remove the categories I wouldn't care, version sorting is really more important than anything else
  17. Yup, the only reason im not using the balka panels is because of that bug
  18. just read the thread about compatible mods and fixes around here somewhere
  19. It would be part intensive, I prefer the pre-made onse
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