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Everything posted by lyndonguitar

  1. Yeah I understand, what I was trying to say was I wanted a larger command module for larger missions( like mercury(1) gemini(2) apollo(3) orion(5)) because the mk1-2 fits the 3 man 2.5m capsule description. if this will be the same then there's no real reason to use this besides aesthetics(which are really damn good nonetheless). There hasn't been alot of command module mods lately and I sure would love to get some bigger capacity capsules! I guess it would have been better if he keep it this way because after all it is based on apollo. maybe on his next project
  2. I hope It's slightly bulkier than the mk1-2 and it can house up to 5 people also I hope it is stock friendly (and ports and all that) Also you could develop a service module for it. it would be awesome
  3. Can anyone help my how is my Space Probe enroute to Duna not working?? perhaps a bug? I have all the relay network and proper Long Range Satellite Dishes but It's not working Here is the pic of my relay network http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3372369252292260550/ED5325344D489CCF5D5E426C1B087F79120AB1E0/ Inner Circle is a space station and some LKO sats Middle circle is a network of 4 satellites on a 800km orbit = 2.5Mn Omni Antenna and 90Mn SatDish (For Kerbin SOI Missions) so far all Kerbin SOI Missions have worked. (Mun, Minmus) Long circle is a network of 3 satellites on semi-sync orbit = 5 Mn Omni Antenna and 60Gm SatDish (For Duna and Eve Missions) RMO is the probe I'm trying to send I tried to send a Probe to Duna, pictured below, with a 5 Mn Antenna and 60Gm SatDish. and I soon as I pass Mun Orbit it lost connection. Duna probe is pointed towards Kerbin, All relay sats are pointed towards the active vessel. all has electricity http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3372369252292263331/A1B19ED8A90FB37B9F20DE19C2CD19C120292C55/ EDIT: I checked the part files. found out that the angle of the short range dish was 25 deg. medium range to 0.04, long range to 0.006. is this on purpose?? Where do I point my probe? EDIT2: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3372369252293018515/BD55F86A89751D562DA41DE5940B48B36FC32339/ As seen above, When I point my probe to Kerbin, the angle only makes this little cone(the two lines in the middle), so It will only establish contact when a relaysat passes through, which is a small window. I solved it by pointing the probe on one of the three relaysats, so it will only lose connection when the relaysat passes behind Kerbin. But it makes the other two essentially useless for this mission, which could have been useful to have full connection all the way is this the right thing to do this?
  4. I want to do some Voyager Like missions, going planet after planet without using alot of delta-v thanks to gravity assists. can you properly plan out such missions in KSP without so much computations?
  5. whats the orange tank in the picture in the first page? i can't seem to find it
  6. Can you guys tell me the techniques you use when you put in satellite network in orbit? I plan to put three long range satellites around kerbin for interplanetary missions but after I put in the first one, I'm not sure how to exactly position the next two to be in equal distance with each other. I've done it a few times, but it's more of a hit and miss thing for me. also, I use Mechjeb ^thanks for the hotfix link above
  7. this happens to me too, All of it, the bluesky, duplication, not sure what causes it either
  8. I have an idea. you should collaborate with this mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/34664-Large-Structural-Station-Components-20-Compatible-Release-Thread so you can maybe use his models for your science stations. most of them fit already
  9. Any updates on this? Does this do science now or anything? or this is just still for aesthetic purposes? I have an idea. you should collaborate with this mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54774 so you can maybe let him use your models and add some functionality to your modules
  10. whats the difference between film and digital?
  11. I have a question, what's the square extending docking port that you've used to connect the parts on the ground?
  12. Nice, I hope I'll be able to use at least the rasterprop camera monitor soon!
  13. is there way to switch the camera backwards(e.g 3 to 2 then 1) so i don't have to cycle all over from (3 to 9, then 1 again)??
  14. Thanks for making these mate, there aren't any parts like this anymore, KSP had similar mods but those were long times ago and they were not updated anymore They look beautiful
  15. I found the culprit, one of the satellites in the four-sat relay network ran out of charge. thus breaking the network
  16. Can someone tell me why can't I control my unmanned probe despite having a connection?(the one in the middle) is this a bug? I have full electricity edit: nevermind, one of the relay probes run out of elec
  17. Thanks, So I guess it just boils down to having multiple unmanned transmitting missions versus few long manned returning missions am i right?
  18. I have a question, I know that you get more science from bringing back data vs transmitting, however I am doing a realistic approach on KSP by sending unmanned probes first then sending Manned missions. Can you do the science only once in a specific place regardless of data transfer you do??? and if so if I transmit then do I waste potential science or can I go back and re-do it again but this time physically return the data? For example I go to the mun, orbit it, do unmanned science and transmit... I get reduced science. and then later I return for a manned mission in the same place, and redo it again, but this time actually return the data. Do i get zero science then? so, Do you permanently waste Science by transmitting instead of returning?
  19. Ohh nice, I have a question Is it technically possible to have more than one random solar system in the game ?? If not, then Maybe one star will orbit Kerbol very very far away, it's planets will be it's "moons" INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL!!! EDIT: I Didn't even read the post above and we had similar idea!
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