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Posts posted by stupid_chris

  1. 2 hours ago, Panel said:


    I'm making a part pack with a few 1.875 meter parts, including fuel tanks. However, I can't find anything on how much fuel to add for the volume. Is there a specific set of rules for this, or should I just go with what I feel is balanced? Same with mass. I'm sure there must be some rules for this.

    you usually set it so that the capacity/mass ratio is always constant. So just set whatever capacity you feel makes sense, then adjust the mass accordingly.

  2. 19 hours ago, Crzyrndm said:

    1) PartModuleList.Contains

    I recently ran into an issue with Filter Extensions whereby a part module calling Destroy() on itself during it's awake sequence resulted in exceptions when part.Modules was queried with a string or int parameter.

    // breaks

    Which is all well and good, except querying by string/int is rather necessary for non-stock modules

    I've never had any problem at all with these methods, whatsoever. What exactly is breaking?

  3. @Morse That is an awfully complex way to do it. You only ever need to load the buttons once, and you shouldn't need to ever destroy it.... You should be adding your buttons through the onGUIApplicationLauncherReady event, and add methods to this event in the main menu scene, a bit like what is done here. If you're removing adding it each time you enter each scene, you're disregarding the scene restriction parameter. Not only that, but the only time that event launches is in the main menu now.

    Here I'm checking if the launcher is ready and if the button has been added, but this check is not necessary and only there as a "safety" in case something in KSP goes horribly wrong.

  4. Just now, Warezcrawler said:

    I do get your confusion. The fact is that I'm looking at updating autorove mod, but if I cannot get it to work there is no point. 

    Upon testing I ran into the issue, that the rover ended up underground, hence my question regarding surface height. I would like to remove this issye which I didn't notice in ksp 1.05.

    Except for anyone not knowing what the autorove mode is, that's quite nebulous. Also I'll repeat myself, but if you're trying to spawn a vehicle on the surface, the safe way to do it is like HyperEdit does it.

  5. 2 hours ago, oab2 said:

    I tried out 1.1.2 last night and ended up kinda frustrated.  I tried out a science game. When I am in orbit around a planet I can't click on either AP/PE to get them to continually display the altitude.  Is that a bug or am I missing something? This is a major function of KSP and it seams to be missing for me.

    It's right click now. Prevents accidental focus change.

    2 hours ago, oab2 said:

    I also had an issue with EVA.  When I let go of the ship my orientation would not change.  In prior versions I could change the camera angle and hit space and it would adjust my orientation of my kerbal.  I then tried holding Lmouse and changing the orientation of my kerbal. This worked but as soon as I tried to move him following that he returned to his prior orientation. Had a hard time getting back to the ship.

    The camera controls slightly changed, change into free camera mode, that should do it.

    2 hours ago, oab2 said:

    Also I think the new map icons are horrid. The AP/PE markers are hard to see compared to 1.0.5, and the icons look like comic book icons to me.

    Well that's just unfortunate.

    2 hours ago, oab2 said:

    This really feels like the devs don't play the very games they make.

    Hahaha silly you.

  6. 4 hours ago, Benti said:

    Hi Guys and @stupid_chris I was just wondering if it is possible to add a collision model for the chutes?

    I just came back from an orbital flight and ditched my heatshield to reduce the vessels mass. I then noticed, that the heatshield flew through my drogue chutes without collision.

    Now I know that this is normal in stock, but I was wondering if it would be possible to code such a collision model with realchutes.


    regards :)

    That brings much more complexity than you can possibly imagine it does. Colliders on chutes would not play well internally, especially when deploying, then would make them act as bricks when coliding with other objects. It's just not really possible without a huge amount of code and a lot of dirty tricks, and I'm not ready to do that right now (or in any forseeable future)

    4 hours ago, Maelin said:

    Actually it is kind of silly that you can't change even the most basic settings like pre-deploy and deploy altitudes in the VAB before you've upgraded, and you have to wait until you're on the launchpad to adjust that stuff...

    1 hour ago, MaxRebo said:

    @Maelin @Starwaster Action Groups Extended is finally out for 1.1. I haven't tested it yet (my current career is already way past that stage), but under 1.0.5, AGX could force open the stock action group editor in VAB/SPH without cheatily giving you actual access to any action groups if didn't yet earn them by upgrading. It worked like a charm to access the RealChute GUI in a lvl 1 VAB/SPH. I believe stupid_chris expressed willingness to one day copy that functionality.

    It indeed is really silly, but you're gonna have to deal with it. If you're that unhappy with it, I'll gladly prevent it from happening in flight too until they're unlocked. And MaxRebo is right here on the whole line.

  7. 5 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    Lastly, if it's a charity stream, can you complain what we stream in relation to KSP?

    I think you're misinterpreting regex here. He's not complaining. Knowing him, he doesn't give a damn what you do. I think he's pointing out that if you're trying to attract viewers and donations, you're really not helping yourselves :/

  8. No, those are not clusters. You might notice the numbers have different colours. What this is doing is that it is separating your stack of three engines so that each has it's own fuel gauge. The numbers are just listing engine 1, engine 2, etc. The last engine of the group has a green number indicating it's the end of this stack. Else you'd only have one fuel gauge for all three engines, which makes no sense (think of liquid fuel engines having different amount of available fuel each)

  9. Small update!

    May 1st 2016
    -Recompiled to KSP 1.1.2 to prevent CompatibilityChecker exceptions
    -Implemented a bunch of C# 6.0 goodies
    -Added a .version file
    -Converted texture to .dds

    Should prevent any nullrefs in 1.1.2! Cheers

  10. 6 minutes ago, Bombaatu said:

    I have an issue where craft re-entering the atmosphere can have extreme drag, almost to the point of being able to de-orbit and land without the use of parachutes. In the last instance, speed had fallen to just 16m/s at around 2km without deploying any parachutes. The aerodynamic overlay showed an extreme amount of drag coming from the undeployed parachutes. I was also unable to rearrange them in staging - they acted like they had deployed from the second I hit the atmosphere. As a test, I removed RealChute & reloaded my save. In that instance, the chutes behaved normally although the re-entry was extremely rapid; I suspect the rapidity was due to the drag coefficient changes mentioned in the 1.1.2 change log.

    I'm pretty sure the big red disclaimer in my OP is clear enough.

    EDIT: I'm gonna start ignoring posts like this now, telling people to go read the disclaimer is as annoying as asking for correct support demands and logs

  11. 21 hours ago, Maelin said:

    Yep, I had the idea of removing all the mods, and tried it in entirely stock. Turns out that craft is just too aerodynamic and too heavy for a straight-down trajectory from the top of the atmosphere to be viable. A capsule by itself decelerates from 70km with plenty of time for chutes to deploy, but not the thing with the science module and the tank and engine.

    Redesign time!

    Sounds like drogues would do the job.

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