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Everything posted by zakkpaz

  1. Are you considering adding a recovery only experiment to the camera so we can recreate Surveyor 3? we already have a materials bay and a goo container I’m not sure what you can do
  2. Is anyone having trouble with the Ballast not showing up in game? the files for it are there.
  3. I've starred playing carrier and i've noticed a problem with contracts when using JNSQ. On the Nimbus contract it has all the experiments listed as being done in low orbit but request a high orbit. it's impossible to reach the orbit required, 815 km , with with any of the Thor or Delta rockets that carried the satellites IRL. this is the only contract i've encountered so far that does this but from looking at the i suspect Lunar Orbiter and OGO might have the same issue. Does any know a guide to how to write contract .cfg's I think I can fix this.
  4. i don't have that issue, looking for a simple solution are you use the right part? there's a fake one on top of the the part the real one attaches to.
  5. There's a small bug with the model for the Mercury drogue chute. the chute works but its model is broken, the actual parachute part deploys way down on the bottom with the cable its supposed to be attached to going through it.
  6. you're going to have to realign the engine in the VAB/SPH download "RCS Build Aid Continued", set the NERVA as the first stage so the yellow arrow is coming out of it, then use the move tool to shift the engine up and down until the torque in the RCS Build Aid tab is as close to zero. then stick on a couplebig reaction wheels for good measure.
  7. Would you be willing to add extensions to the bottoms of the servius towers? So they dont look like they are floating if they're hanging over the side of the launchpad.
  8. Small request, can can you please change it so we can use both the bottom and rim decoupler nones on the Voyager Mars heatshield and backshell? it would make it way easier to use for other landers and rovers
  9. I got to ask because I know everyone hates making them, is the HLS geting a unique IVA?
  10. just a heads up the model for the Methalox RL-10 is broken with the new update, the RL-10 C3 mesh is always visible and clips with the others
  11. And... I'm now subbed to CobaltWolf's patreon. I would have give you more but the thought you making $69 dollars a month was funny
  12. The methalox engines are a great addition, would you guys be willing to do a methalox RL-20 or RS-30?
  13. The latest dev version of the LFV can no longer be put into cargo. I think it's because the game doesn't let you put parts with cargo space inside of a cargo space.
  14. yes it has waterfall. No there's no lite version but you can delete part folders without causing to many problems, just don't delete individual .cfg's
  15. Is there a reason for the J2A2 subtype being disabled? if you remove "/*" and "*/" from the the .cfg it works fine.
  16. yeah i noticed that, it seems to be working for me now. And it looks perfect on the back of the LEM Shelter, was that intentional?
  17. hey @CobaltWolf I’ve been working on a more comprehensive patch for CTT, to spread out the part that would be late game with the vanilla techtree and push post-Apollo stuff farther down the tech tree I started it just for my own personal use but it’s getting to the point where I’m wondering if y’all might want it? It's a little sloppy but it’s mostly done I just have to figure out where to put the peacekeeper & minuteman based parts.
  18. The Goo Lab Solar Panel is bugged for me, no matter what direction I point it sun exposure stays a 0.000
  19. is there any way to make a patch to change the required tech for an part upgrade? I want add some things to community tech tree
  20. Can we get a thin 4.25 decoupler? I'm trying to make a version of the LM truck where the service module is launched upside down and the entire SLA detaches from the S-IVb. I,ve been using the BD-AFB-425 4.25m Fairing Base, problem is i half to carry the instrumentation unit with be to avoid clipping. A resize of the S-IC stack decoupler would be perfect.
  21. Small LRV bug, the attachment node to stick the rover to the deployment arm is to high, and the rover clips out of the top of the LEM.
  22. I pretty much gave up i kept geting errors and i've only ever made patches by cut and paste. i couldn't get the separate subtypes to have different capabilities, i do have some of the other Radiators if you want them.
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