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Everything posted by AndreyATGB

  1. I don't know but I think DRE just uses density and velocity to get heat, FAR has at some point added gasses to atmosphere. I'd rather wait for Nathan to answer rather than spread false promises.
  2. Is there any particular reason wings and control surfaces don't get shielded inside fairings? It's making launching tiny unmanned planes hell. For example:
  3. It's not bad, but it doesn't quite fit the style of stock parts. Should be OK considering some of the textures with PP are really weird as well.
  4. Mach 5 for what, 30 seconds? The sabre consumes H2 like a beast, hence why skylon is so damn big.
  5. What you do is wait for it to be in the SOI and launch in the same, or close inclination. If the inclination difference is big, more than a say 5-10 degrees, then burn prograde at one of the nodes and bring the apoapsis around the orbit of the asteroid. You then add a second node and fix the inclination with it, now you can change the time of the first one so that you have a relatively close approach (same side of the planet basically) and tune it from there. It should be easy because at such an elliptical orbit, tiny changes in the apoapsis will severely affect your closest approach. It really isn't that difficult.
  6. 300m/s seems slow because most people probably started building rockets first and the typical speed for that is 2200m/s. For me all I need to do is multiply by 3.6 and jaws will be dropped, like when I first realized my "slow" rover was only going 40m/s which is rather fast IRL. Also because nobody is willing to wait hours for a plane to fly somewhere as opposed to orbital velocity at which it only takes a couple of minutes.
  7. You need to put all the .tga files in the Default folder of TextureReplacer.
  8. You can just copy paste the .cfg and put true for fuel crossfeed. Remember to change its name though, don't want 2 parts with the same name.
  9. Probably on Mac, when you paste on Mac it replaces the folder (your case, GameData). You need to merge the contents, so verify integrity with steam and just paste the FAR folder/module manager dll instead of replacing all of GameData.
  10. I can do that easily with Procedural Parts. You can set the tanks at any length or diameter up to 3 sig figs (1.234m).
  11. IIRC this version of KSPI can't produce MW for local use from solar power and AM tanks use MW not ElectricCharge. So basically you need a power source from this mod.
  12. How is it not the size of Saturn? Its radius is 60268km, it probably looks much smaller because there are no rings. No Neptune because there aren't enough planets in KSP for it. The current focus is on making the existing ones real with corresponding color, height and normal maps then move on to adding more, custom planets.
  13. He just renamed the KSP install not RealSolarSystem itself.
  14. You say it works fine if you launch it from the folder directly, I presume that means just clicking on the .exe. I have multiple copies of KSP and launch them with Steam, no problems (I add the executables manually). I'd say just make a shortcut without any flags, I haven't heard of this issue before.
  15. Looking at how the solar system loaded, the config file likely misses a bracket somewhere before Kerbin PQS. It loaded Mercury and Eve fine but stops right before Kerbin PQS. We'll still need the log though.
  16. Probably because thermal turbojets can run forever as long as you have power.
  17. You won't touch terminal velocity with FAR. You can always use FAR Data for that if you insist.
  18. Could you please post output_log.txt from KSP_Data in your main KSP install. Compress it in a zip first so it's just a few kB.
  19. It was entertaining to watch, I would've completely lost it and started laughing if that happened to me. Two pieces just explode then the whole thing breaks apart.
  20. Be careful not to end up with 2 ModuleManagers. I'd suggest you go download the latest from its own thread.
  21. Why would you want that? The pods can very well generate enough lift to fly along. The problem is SAS not really the lack of lift, so disable SAS is what I'm trying to say I suppose.
  22. @Sauron As other have said, CoM is supposed to be in front of CoL and at the same time your center of mass should be both in the middle of the plane (length wise) and right on the fuel tanks middle. This way, once you run it dry the CoM and CoL remain relatively constant. It becomes a huge problem when you start dealing with large planes that burn a lot of fuel.
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