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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. What Terwin said, work on Unity 5 should be underway right now, and of course devnotes should be back, but when the devs actually have something to talk about. Maybe next week?
  2. I had plenty of fuel and knew how to control the rocket. I thought 30 m/s was a safe landing velocity....
  3. Squad has said multiple times that save breaking was allowed before since it was not 1.0 yet, but now it is 1.0....
  4. I don't see any point in having to fly ore up to a station... Having it all in one spot makes it much more automatic.
  5. It's due to the way water is rendered (poorly), all AMD GPUs (such as the one you have) are effected by this, regardless of how powerful the GPU is. Thus when you look at the water (which is also below the ground) a massive lag spike will occur.
  6. So I loaded up the new demo since I haven't seen anyone give any reports on what features are there/not there. Here's what I found: In the VAB, there are 26 parts, ranging from SRBs to science parts. The career tech tree is smaller to fit the 26 parts. There is only Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmis, interestingly the ore database is there, and a quick look at the game files shows that ore mechanics are completely functional, but no parts to mine it. The science archives still expects you to reach all planets (which don't exist)? All 3 tiers of all buildings in, but the SPH and runway are not available. The admin building has strategies, the Astro complex can hire kerbals, the mission control works, and even the flag pole works. All with complete interiors and exteriors. The 1.0.0 aero is used since it was not updated to 1.0.2. Science mechanics are also in, along with rep and money.
  7. I delivered the first shipment of liquid fuel to LKO. Nearly crashed into this cliff, I noticed the error just in time. Kerbin! Did two aerobrakes with a PE of 30 km, that was the lowest I could get without overheating.
  8. It would be really nice if there was a delete button in the alt+F5 GUI, you should not have to go into the game's files to remove a quickload.
  9. Testing my new lander/spacecraft: Abort test Docking
  10. The rocking when the chutes open looks worrying, but still an OK first flight!
  11. He... is back? What. I am so happy.
  12. Only issue with this: How do they pay me if they're dead?
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