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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I'd say the safest way is to just do multiple aerobrakes. Aim much higher and orbit around a few times to gradually bring the AP lower and lower.
  2. And we have liftoff! 120 Tons to Orbit... ...and did I mention the core stage lands back at KSC? ...oh, and the upper stage also lands back at KSC.
  3. It's usually a graphics bug, your money is probably still there.
  4. I like Minmus, the Mun is just.. blah. Too much gravity to have "fun." To much gravity to make mining bases, and too much gravity to... Well, you get the point.
  5. This, my rockets only flip when I accidentally turn too far from prograde, it shouldn't take long to get used to the new launch profile.
  6. In the meantime I'm just going to use the next best engine: The Poodle.
  7. Is this the Hype Tram? Or maybe something like:
  8. FPS with 200 parts was 60 (limited there so actually higher) in .90, only 45 in 1.0, and I can confirm both KSP and GPU settings are the same.
  9. Someone made the 3.5 meter decoupler massless again. SAME bug that .23.5 had, decoupling it summons the kraken.
  10. My reusable rocket still works in 1.0! Now with Fairings and Airbrakes! Gotta love that smoke effect! Launch profile has not changed: Straight up to 10km and turn right 8 degrees. 2nd stage! Yay confetti! A solar array and an Ore scanner probe is the payload of the day! Airbrakes... AIRBRAKES! Steady.. Steady... Mechjeb is almost no help anymore because rotating the rocket changes it's course due to lifting body effect, therefore wildly changing the landing spot. I cant come in on course enough to use the autoland, so it's pretty much just a panic. I should also upgrade my platform. It has seen enough landings in .90 and has already sustained pretty bad damage, from broken RTGs to missing pontoons (airintakes).
  11. I bought it for 18... But the price now is understandable.
  12. This is what I was getting at, you're all upset because things changed, but it's for the better.
  13. I have found that a single nuke will not overheat the fuel tank it's attached too until after at least 5 minutes of burning. I have plenty of experience with nuke powered craft, and after a 5 minute burn it is often best to orbit around whatever planet your trying to escape and do a second burn anyways. Though we DO need a proper radiator. This new thermal system is amazing, but we obviously need a (real, not 50 wings) way to counter it.
  14. This update has added so many features. I have noticed that many people have been a bit critical on several features. Fairing confetti? Be glad we have fairings at all, and I believe Squad has already mentioned they will be improved. No Aero Graph or delta-V? Was said in the AMA that they will both be added in the future, and if I remember correctly Delta-V readouts were not even originally planned to exist! Also on rockets flipping out of control, maybe try and turn them more smoothly, and remember that huge fairings on the top can be bad! These features may seem to have broken things (such as SSTOs), but the truth is that we need to learn to adjust to the new mechanics. Of course it may seem difficult, but only because we have had the broken "aerodynamics" for so long. Rocket science is not just about having enough fuel and thrust, you need an aerodynamically stable rocket. This is just a friendly reminder to not be upset with the devs and enjoy this wonderful update.
  15. You do not need to start a new game. You can edit the persistence file and add her to the list of crew. } KERBAL { name = Valentina Kerman gender = Female type = Crew brave = 0.55 dumb = 0.4 badS = True tour = False state = Available ToD = 0 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } Fit this into the roster near the end of the file, make sure to match the format (and backup the file first!). It's a lot easier than it may seem, no worries.
  16. WHAT? And there is still over 4000 online, we are still over the last record.
  17. So you can change FOV by within alt+Zoom.... Now how do I change it back to default???
  18. Hey, Val, you should slow down a little.... Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? VAL?! *WHUMPHHHH*
  19. I get endless errors whenever int he flight scene, is there anything I should do to fix it?
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