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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I just found out something awesome! If you put something the KSC 2 launchpad (such as a flag)... It sabotages the launch as KSC 1! When I clicked "Go to (flag) on the pad", the scene went immediately to KSC 2...
  2. Oh.... OH NO!!! Kerbin, we have a problem! KSC, what do I do? WHAT DO I DO?
  3. At the moment, a box literally flies better than anything else. As nosecones only add weight, and in some cases even more drag. So yea, better aerodynamics would be nice...
  4. I'm gonna make a Russian style space station (in a 50 degree inclined orbit:D). Rendezvousing with it is nearly impossible...
  5. I often equip my rockets with escape towers. My more complicated designs tend to have a LOT of failures during testing... Pressing the abort button is just more fun/interesting than just instantly pressing "revert flight." It also shows that the pilots did not die. Here's an example of my LES in action (after my Soyuz rocket decided to blow up on the pad):
  6. Look on Kerbal Maps (look it up), or I could just tell you.
  7. If you toggle a light on in the VAB, you can pick it up and the light will still work. Kinda like a giant flashlight.
  8. Finally, after several years of sitting in that space station, Jebediah Kerman is returning home! The reason he was there is because of a horrific accident. When taking a SSTO spaceplane off from the Mun, he crashed into a mountain, but somehow "bounced" off into space. When he got to the station (with only his jetpack), the space agency decided to just keep him there... No, he was NOT left there because of laziness!
  9. The only way I know is to target a moon with an inclination of exactly 0, such as the Mun.
  10. Quote: "Never, EVER decouple the retro rocket before deorbiting" Name: Wilcas Kerman, after doing that Also, this thread is a little old...
  11. Landing on Moho is difficult? Try Tylo... It's getting there thats hard.
  12. I decided to land my New Years Celebration space shuttle... with a missing elevon (ripped off during launch). What can go wrong? Steady... Steady... *Thump* *BANG* *Screeching sounds* NOOOO! This shuttle wont ever fly again...
  13. Based on my own experience, that will probably be enough (only if you start from LKO). It takes about 2300 m/s to get to Jool (that's with a safety margin).
  14. I only went to Eeloo once, which was with a probe lander (before rover wheels were added). I did it like an hour after the update came out that added it (0.18.2), and got there on my first try.
  15. I just made yet another space shuttle! However, this one ACTUALLY WORKS! (I've gotten many, many others to space before, but they were all terrible) I think I just found the secret to having a successful space shuttle: DON'T give the orbiter an internal liquid fuel/oxidizer supply, an RCS OMS system is much better. I have found that the sheer weight (like 20 tons) of the fuel makes the shuttle really sluggish and nearly impossible/impractical to launch to orbit. All of the fuel will either take away from the max payload capacity, and/or just be used up on launch. This space shuttle only weights 20 tons (compared to 70 tons orbiters of the same size). It has an initial TwR of 2, and plenty of extra fuel to lift a large payload. And besides, didn't the real Space Shuttle use a RCS powered OMS?
  16. I experienced the Deep Space Kraken back in .16 solar orbit... The ASAS lost that fight, and Jeb wasn't there to fix it. And then there was the Space Cthulhu in 0.17.0... *shudder* RIP all of the atomic engines, spacecraft, and Kerbals who became victims of the Time Warp Cthulhu. Even today I exit 100000x Warp with great caution.
  17. This thing goes so fast that it can barely turn, that was FULL pitch up, yet it was crushing Bill with 5+ Gs.
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