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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I think this SSTO is almost ready for release... vvYes, the base was delivered by the SSTO...vv Here are some specs: Payload- 20 Tons to Minmus and back Cargobay size- 1.5 orange tanks long Jet service ceiling- 28 Km with all jets Engine- 4x RAPIER, 4x Turbo Jet, 4x Atomic Rocket Motor, 2x Basic Jet Military paradrop is possible
  2. Christmas? What? It's still the 23rd for me...
  3. Can someone help me? I have finally found the Tylo cave, but it's like 100 meters below the ground... I've tried switching the terrain settings, but those don't seem to do anything. Has anyone gotten it to show? The reason I'm asking is that this thread reports it as being above the ground, and I don't believe anything changed from .22 to .23 that would mess up the terrain.
  4. Hello Tylo!! Oh, it's looks hard to land on? You have nooooo idea...
  5. The Christmas Tree is inbound to Laythe Base! Look! The tree has arrived! And look at all the presents!
  6. What have I done... This ship is screwed... Umm, prepare for aerobreaking!
  7. Wow, that was quick! I guess I got the Dev build just a few minutes too early...
  8. Hello, I'm kinda new to using Mechjeb dev builds... Can someone please point me to a safe-to-use build that works with .23? (Preferably one the isn't riddled with game breaking bugs, if there is one)
  9. Coming in for landing! I have finally perfected this SSTO so that is has enough Delta-V to deposit a 20 Ton payload on Minmus!
  10. Due to some recent improvements, it can now transport 20 tons of payload to the surface of Minmus and return to KSC/the Island Airfield. And the payload is neatly concealed in the absolutely huge cargo bay (roomy enough to fit one and a half orange tanks WITH accessories such as lights, RSC, and landing gears on the side).
  11. I think my Kerbals need glasses, the pilots were 100% sure that the hanger was empty... But don't worry, I've already called the Hazmat team to clean up those nuclear engines. And I have contacted the owners of the airport an told them that the island will be closed for the next 40 years due to radiation.
  12. This! This is why we need a new aerodynamics system!!
  13. Yes! Yes! YES! I really don't care for resources at all... Better aerodynamics will makes flying both rockets AND planes far more realistic! And no more randomly flipping planes too! Too add to this, when I make a paper airplane in real life, now matter what the shape it simply either goes straight, up, or down. They do NOT do 5 back-flips, then 5 front-flips, and then roll/tumble on all axis. Actually, that would be pretty hilarious to watch...
  14. Delivered a 15 ton Base to the surface of Minmus, and came back...
  15. I always wanted to submit an entry here, however I have done so many SSTOs that none of them are a huge accomplishment. However, today I have finally managed to make an epic SSTO, so for my 1000th post, I give you the Velociter SSTO-HL! And here is it's wonderful journey to Minmus and back! FULL ALBUM (I couldn't get it to show on the forums): http://imgur.com/a/vPwn1
  16. You know what? I'm tired of those silly Space Shuttles! They NEVER work and generally way to complicated (complicated things always fail). SSTOs the much better! This thing got to orbit with half an orange tank worth of fuel left, which is a lot considering that it's equipped with atomic engines: All 3 kinds of Jets are included! And it's quite roomy! (Long enough to fit 1 and a half orange tanks) Also, she's super reliable! As long as you don't use physics warps... Oh, and I appear to have 999 posts...
  17. Umm, did you happen to see a certain boulder? This may seem like an odd question, but that certain rock is very special! And has been missing for several updates...
  18. Err, I can't seem to get it to spit out the "Orbit Started" lines (Not even for a single planet) So I guess looking for it is the only way to find out.
  19. May I have the update now? No. May I have the update now? No. May I have the update now? No. *4 hours later* May I have the update now? Yes! YEEEESSSSS! I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to put you on hold... *Update 1% done* This... This is worst than .17... But anyways, by looking at the files that are downloaded, it looks like the new engine has a thrust of 175 and an Isp of 360. Sounds good!
  20. Here you go: The gist: Saves will probably not break.
  21. I'm back!!! Now open the doors! Don't worry, the atomic engines are fine... Hey, why am I glowing? And why is the grass dead and/or on fire? And WHY do I smell leaking jet fuel, brake fluid, hydraulics, RSC, oil, and burning plastic? Wait, did I mess up the landing again?!
  22. I just watched a spent booster return to Kerbin, the result was... frightening... I hope no one was hurt... (My space program could be shut down)
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