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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I've been working on my military lately... 10/10 landing!
  2. This is what went through my mind when I read that (I have no idea why)... "Dun, Dunnn, DUNNNNNNNNN!!!" Has he ever tested anything before??? Anyways, great chapter!
  3. That ship didn't last very long... KSC does has an infinite budget to replace it, right? Right???
  4. This happens without mods, and it very common. Anyone remember the "Crashed into orbiting Statue" thread? Basically, it seems to happen whenever you're in the flight scene for too long, then things such as the launchpad, water pipe, and other things (like the desert temple statue) smash your ship to bits. For example, I has a cargo SSTO fly to Minmus, on the way back (several hundred Km above Kerbin) it crashed into the Launch Pad, and again right before reentry. Another time I had an SSTO go to Minmus, back to Kerbin, and then back to Minmus again. It broke apart as it approached KSC... The pilot nearly died (He managed to use the remaining engines to land vertically).
  5. It was actually moved here once before, but then was moved back, and now it's here again... But originally, it was in General Discussion.
  6. I think they just shouldn't be shown in map view like debris, it would really reduce tracking station clutter.
  7. Testing yet another space shuttle: I've made many of these shuttles, but none of them were actually useful, and I have an SSTO that can deliver 20 tons to Minmus, but it takes a half an hour just to get to space. So, my goal is to create a shuttle that is able to do my everyday work, meaning that it would need a huge cargo-bay and a maximum payload capacity of at least 36 tons (an orange tank). So far, this shuttle has a hard time (but can) lifting 0 tons of payload. On launch, the wings attempted (and nearly succeeded) to veer the shuttle of course and flip it. On landing it was to heavy to flare (pitch up), and smeared itself all over the runway.
  8. Congratulations on 200,000 views! Also, I have a feeling that they wont be going to Eeloo...
  9. Probably not, you used to be able to land on Jool, but it was "fixed" a few updates ago. Now it's just an instant death, like the sun.
  10. I believe is does transmit faster, but it takes more power.
  11. Even with the huge mass, the Isp of 800 is still better in most cases.
  12. Yes, 4 times, two of which were manned landers that successfully returned to orbit (actually, the Kerbals had to use their jetpacks, the landers failed to make it...).
  13. Not that I know of, all the fuel tanks and engines should be the same.
  14. Last I checked, KSP wings don't produce any lift AT ALL when level, so level flight is unlikely.
  15. though ??? (I think I accidentally copied it...)
  16. My first docking took just a few moments to figure out (it was in .18, just after it came out). I had watched an old dev stream explaining how to use the new systems and everything, so that made it really easy. My first (recorded) rendezvous was with the Magic Boulder in .17 (though I kinda crashed into it at 2 m/s...).
  17. Flags are separate ships, so they should not be terminated unless you specifically select them.
  18. It appears to have been reported as a bug multiple times already...
  19. A few minutes, Mechjeb and Chatterer (NO, I do NOT use Mechjebs autopilot, only for the other functions:D).
  20. Actually, I believe that you can do a temperature scan from space, but you have to be very close.
  21. Could you give us a picture of the craft? Also, the Science Jr. and Mystery Goo are single use unless you clean it with a Science Lab.
  22. Yea, it may be slightly underground depending on your terrain settings (NOTE: the highest setting is not always the best).
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