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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. Laythe, Vall, and Tylo Align, taken by Laythe Sat 1
  2. Hmm, I still don't get why these SABREs are so awesome... Why can't some turbojets and an atomic engine do better? I was able to get to orbit with over 3700 m/s of delta-v remaining. I mean, I still think SABREs are cool, but will they really revolutionize the SSTO?
  3. Yep... The plane had way more than enough fuel to get home. It was my fault for not paying attention to the terrain... JEEEEEEBBB!! Several bits survived, but not the cockpit. Long story short, Jeb lived to tell the story! This game really need some sort of a warning system, something like: "Whoop! Whoop! Terrain! Pull UP Pull UP!"
  4. I have seen Jool, Duna, and Eve through just the stock, cockpit window... You just have to line everything up correctly. EDIT: Found some pics, though this was done in good old .17, so I assume that nothing has changed since then... Duna (I think)(I also think I forgot to do it in IVA...): It's the dot above the Mun and Minmus... Jool: Eve:
  5. Here's a hint: Please turn your attention to the right of the picture.
  6. Soooooo, can anyone guess what happened? Seriously, guess! EDIT: *sigh* and look at the page number too... this just has not been my best day...
  7. And what is that reliable source?
  8. I believe all of those have been confirmed, expect a new planet.
  9. Assuming that you want to land, even without a good pic of the ship, I'd say no... And judging by the nav ball you appear to be hurdling straight down to Jeb's doom... Maybe try burning off to the side and try to fly by instead, but you may be going a bit too fast.
  10. The first test mission to orbit went rather well! And yes, I did indeed cover the entire bottom of the spacecraft (including the wings) with a heat shield.
  11. I don't understand what you mean... You said it yourself that the pods have build it reaction wheels. EDIT: Ninja'd...
  12. After countless hour of work, I have finally found a solution to my problem: MOAR BOOSTERS!!!!!
  13. Well, another attempt at one... It looks like I'l have to replace those nice SRBs for for some giant ugly boosters due to lack of delta-V. And the orbiter flies worse than a brick! (Seriously, in real life, when I drop a brick, it speeds up! But then this shuttle dives, it SLOWS DOWN!!!!!!)
  14. Hmm, I was just wondering if reducing the weight by like 1 ton would actually make a SSTO perform better than one with an atomic engine...
  15. Can someone tell me why these engines would be so useful? If they're less efficient than other rockets (like the LV-N), then wouldn't be better to just use turbojets and rockets more efficient than the SABRE? Even with the extra weight of having more engines?
  16. I don't think it's possible... I think the game treats locked parts as nonexistent, so any crafts with them will be deleted...
  17. Let's go! (Pretend there's Kerbals in the seats) Ready... Aim... FIRE!
  18. Hmm, that's odd, I know for a fact that the Kraken was on flat terrain! Maybe it did move?!
  19. Nothing to see here, just getting rid of some useless junk...
  20. This is what I can do in the VAB or SPH with a stock install: Load a craft, corrupt the file, fill the logs with Null pointer exceptions, create ghost parts, freeze the camera, and finally crash the game! It only takes me 4 seconds, and I do it several times a day. So YES, .22 is far buggier than other updates... Also with .22: Undocking multiple docking ports at once may result in Kraken preventing attitude change. Struts break with Subassemblies. SAS turns off COMPLETELY when making a course correction. Water lag...
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