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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. Didn't do much. Though my guess would be that using the warp accidentally changes the delta time physics somehow. You say it runs "faster" but the game probably just shut off the slowdown, but became more choppy.
  2. In a recent squadcast max said that it will likely work fine. Also I would like to remind everyone that saves from 0.18 still work, so save games don't break as easy as you may expect (unless it is modded of course). The upgrade from Unity 3 to 4 didn't break saves either.
  3. Voting now! Ugh... On "Best PC Game" there is both KSP and Cites: Skylines... Sorry C:S
  4. I tried to store a fighter jet inside my cargo pane... Suffered an explosive decompression.
  5. Just my 2 cents, I don't know everything, but I'm fairly certain that some i7s would perform the same as an i5 with KSP... An i7 with 8 threads (4 cores?) can still only use 1 thread for physics, as with an i5. GHz (and other factors) would make more difference. Also, how FAST is your 1000 part ship running? Remember due to the delta-time slider setting, you can easily be at 30 FPS, but maybe running 4 or 5 times slower than real time. Because of this, I would recommend that OP should make sure his/her delta-time slider (found in the settings) is all the way to the right (because I just have a i5 2.8 GHz and still get 30 FPS with 700 parts, slow motion of course)..
  6. Those are all very good, constructive suggestions there. I have not thought about #2 much before reading this, but good point, these people are still rather mysterious to all of us forum goers.
  7. It resets and makes a new log for every game restart. No, pretty sure that was fixed.
  8. I flew my cargo plane around some mountains. Link to Gif
  9. The Boeing 777 GE90 engine is about *3.4* meters wide according to the GE website... Also if you make a very large plane in KSP you run into some problems when you realize how tiny and pathetic the basic jets are:
  10. I love the new cockpit! Though I would really appreciate it if this was a NEW part rather than just replacing the current one. The current one is a fighter jet cockpit, the new one is quite different, having both wont hurt anything. Also, about the new jet engine, I think it is cool, but I think many people could have benefited more from a 2.5 meter engine...
  11. Just two days ago I upgraded from 6 to 12. Isn't an option on the poll so I selected 16.
  12. I think it is a switch that could just be toggled on....
  13. What we really need is a raspberry pi port.
  14. I don't think he is talking about 64 bit. The devs probably just wrote a 64 line long list of how the 1.1 update is good.
  15. I had to put a bit of thought into this, and to be honest, my most fails are literally the Kraken. My 600 part plane has a cargo ramp that as of now, likes to rip itself apart magically. My space station heated up to 17492864242 degrees and exploded (went supernova). Another large craft of mine exploded when I tried to timewarp. Also I recently tried to reach orbit only to find the craft could not move, it ripped in half and then gravity stopped pulling it... Poor space shuttle was dragged off into deep space by the Kraken.
  16. I stress tested my new aircraft... album coming later.
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