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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Glad you liked the idea. Just for the record, no part clipping was used
  2. The new intakes make for wonderful landing floats. Maybe this can give you a little inspiration - it takes off and lands on water just as easily as it does on solid ground. Craft file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20576590/KSP/Seaing%20is%20Believing/Sea-ing%20is%20Believing%20Mk%20II.craft
  3. Ed Kerman takes the Racist for a spin. He doesn't seem to think this is a safe speed Ed Kerman does nothing by half measures Next challenge: Kerbals are short and are convinced that there is a fantastic view just out of reach. Stand one Kerbal on top of another to test the theory of whether taller people would get a better view.
  4. Intake torture complete. Jebediah gets his revenge BURN you horrible intake, you! Jebediah is pleased with himself after successfully flying to Eve on a single stage without refuelling. He'll worry about getting back home again later on... For now, though, he is just satisfied with the knowledge that no wimpy little air intake will ever dare to mess with him again Next challenge: Destroy the control tower with the aircraft you are flying, put the pilot must survive.
  5. The OP said easy challenge that anyone can do... I say use your imagination <DRAMATIC MUSIC> - IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO DO IT! </DRAMATIC MUSIC>
  6. It is ineeed possible with .25 Next challenge: Sacrifice Jebediah Kerman
  7. Notice that nobody complained. That means we enjoyed it immensely and didn't want to say anything, since the quality of the mission was so high anyway. Keep up the good work, it's entertaining and educational at the same time.
  8. Bumping means to push the page to the top of the list in the forum by making a new post. People often do that if they asked a question and haven't had any replies before new posts push their thread off the first page. In a thread like this, though, I don't see any point in bumping, since there is no new content and we all know Brotoro will release the next episode when it is finished - the last thing we want is for him to rush out an unfinished episode.
  9. Brotoro avoids mods as much as he can (particularly parts mods) because he prefers to use the tools he is given in the game. He did use hinges on one of his rovers a while back, though, but having mods makes it much harder to update to new versions of the game. This save file has managed to survive several big updates, and it would have been unlikely to have been able to do that if he had parts mods. -- Deddly Design
  10. In this series, Brotoro is only using certain ones of his favourite mods that help him by automating some of the parts he finds less interesting. He has said before that he prefers to use what the game gives him. -- Deddly Design
  11. I have to commend you, Brotoro, for patiently taking the time to answer the same questions that keep popping up over and over, without ever losing your patience or condesendingly telling them to search for the answer or read the thread before asking. I like your attitude. -- Me
  12. Sorry about that less-than-intelligent question! I was reading on my mobile phone at the time and on the small screen I misjudged the size. Hope you can find a way to fix the landing legs, and thanks again for another installment. /Ed
  13. Brotoro, do your bases survive if you manually retract the legs (one by one, if necessary)? That way, you should be able to save the game with everything on the ground before opening the save file in .23 and redeploying the legs. By the way, I love the idea of using the little rover to tow the plane around. Any particular reason you're using medium docking ports instead of jr ones for that? /Ed
  14. Like everyone else, I'm more interested in seeing your own solutions to your issues rather than to see my own things used in someone else's storyline, but if it gives you some inspiration for a future rescue plane, it might be worth having a quick play around with that one. Here's the basic craft: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20576590/KSP/Sea-ing%20is%20Believing%20HA.craft All you need to know for checking it out is that action group 1 toggles the engine and just point it at the hotizon and cut the throttle to land. To take off from water, throttle up and wait for the rear to rise, then pull up and away you go. I've never had the feet rip off. As an aside, at 1/3 throttle you can take all hands off the keyboard, with no SAS and it will bob up and down until it reaches a certain altitude, then magically level out. It will land automatically when the fuel runs out. /Ed - Deddly Design Edit: It goes without saying that you're welcome to use it if you really want to - I have an orbital version for transporting to Laythe.
  15. Sea planes are also possible - the one I sent to Laythe on this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24340-Build-the-fastest-boat/page8 works really well, taking off and landing on water with ease - no parachutes necessary, unless you use the abort sequence like I did on the first try... /Ed
  16. Thank you, yes, the colour was a bit of a clue, as was the 429 days since launch. Anyway, I hope the pictures I posted above also help dispell any disquietening doubts. /Ed
  17. OK, I suppose the vast sea in the background was a little vague. Here's the rest of the adventure: Takeoff Eye candy Refuelling "The rocket that got me there" That don't look like Kerbin I feel quite small Nice and toasty Definitely not Mun Ooh, pretty Oops, that's just a little too hot Abort! Help? Next contestant! There he is Landed safely Rescued the guy - only been here for a few years Most definitely not Kerbin, no. Ed
  18. I hereby claim the highest and only water speed on Laythe. This seaplane is obviously not built for speed on water, and it's only running at 1/3 throttle, but since it's the only entry so far, that puts me on top of the leaderboard! -- Deddly Design
  19. I'm flattered. I'm happy to let you try out the Waterbourne prototype. There are some guidelines: DO Enjoy sailing your new Waterbourne jet-powered high-speed hydrofoil DON'T Enjoy sailing your new Waterbourne jet-powered high-speed hydrofoil into solid objects DO get up to speed at 2/3 throttle before going full-speed DON'T put the throttle to full when you are at a standstill DO consider life insurance from our friends at F5 Insurance DON'T count on them paying up DO let the the manufacturer know your impressions of the craft DON'T be too harsh, or the manufacturer may sulk DO remember that this is a precision-engineered high-performance watercraft DON'T try to adjust the position of the bow hydrofoil. DO take that last one seriously DON'T expect to live to tell the tale if you don't DO keep your speed at 60 m/s or below when on land DON'T be afraid to jump off the end of the runway at that speed If you agree to the above terms and conditions, please order your very own Waterbourne by following the link below today! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20576590/Waterbourne.craft /Ed
  20. Whilst not acheiving the speeds of the SRB-powered watercraft, I would nevertheless like to submit a practical high-speed craft for everyday use: The Waterbourne: For the speed freaks, Mk II: /Ed
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that debatable? No recorded fatalities is not the same as no fatalities.
  22. Could you not forego the extra upper girders by angling the refuelling girders up slightly? You'd need a corresponding angle down on the docking port too, of course. That saves you three parts. -- Ed
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