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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Deddly


    Does that mean I have to sing?
  2. Deddly


    NEW RULE: Only monsters
  3. Coated trend wrist pins? I, er, might have noticed the name of the image
  4. CNC milled ketchup bottle. Totally looks like one
  5. Deddly


    I am temporarily renaming the calvinball to "Justice". I throw the ball into the air and smack it with a tennis racket so that it flies over the net and whacks @Scarecrow71 in the back of the head. Justice... has been served.
  6. Deddly


    New rule: The next post isn't allowed to contain a picture.
  7. Moar struts? Seriously though, how much weight do the chopsticks have to be capable of holding, assuming the inertia of that returning booster? I'm thinking it's probably the strength of the fins that is the limiting factor
  8. Umm... a thought... why not launch it directly from the "chopsticks", high off the ground, with no launch pad at all? The best part is no part and all that...
  9. It absolutely was pretty. It was an astoundingly beautiful fireball and anyone who says otherwise hasn't been playing enough KSP lately.
  10. You guys seen the crack in the crystal sphere? Got through it? I don't have enough thrust yet
  11. Considering they want to ultimately send thousands of people to Mars on this system, that maneuver seems like a nauseating mistake to me.
  12. It's a mistake. It wasn't done deliberately Это ошибка. Это было сделано не намеренно (Google Translate)
  13. Sorry if some of the replies appeared snarky. I don' think that was the intention. You summed up the situation with "too many likes" pretty well here, though. I haven't been on enough forums to know how bad things get otherwise, but the limit seems pretty reasonable so me, personally. But that's subjective and I get that more active members can quickly reach the limit and get frustrated with it.
  14. Deddly


    Wait what? We already did that rule?
  15. Well, you know, there's a reason they haven't added it to the game yet
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