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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. That was one beautiful landing and a job well done. Congratulations! Bezos, on the other hand, just begs for a Pulp Fiction quote as a response.
  2. It seems that automated docking was aborted when the system caught some signal interference from Cygnus. Oops.
  3. Supervillainy, obviously.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE#.D0.91.D1.8E.D0.B4.D0.B6.D0.B5.D1.82_.D0.A0.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.BA.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.BC.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.B0 Sorry it's in russian, but it's a table, you'll get it. The budget expenses are in thousands of rubles. Now, 2 trillions / 10 = 200 billions. I don't see any cut in local currency (yet). We'll see how it goes. It's a good thing our aerospace industry is forced to use (and improve) our own tech instead of spending monies abroad, eh?
  5. Now this is something I don't recall even vaguely, it was long time ago and I simply don't repeat that mistake anymore. So, yeah, I guess you're right.
  6. Are you sure? I distinctly remember my EVA kerbal suddenly shooting away from the ship after crossing the SOI boundary.
  7. I doubt that economical viability was ever questioned for spysats. Logistically, it was probably easy: get carrier group into designated area, wait, catch. But how much it will cost to ULA? Another thing is, how big is "pretty big"? I would expect maybe 100-200 kg capsule with microfilms in it. But the engine? It's supposed to replace RD-180, which weighs more than 5 tonnes. they may cut the mass somewhat, but they will have to add to it as well: shielding (jettisoned?), parachute containers, telemetry and control equipment, support struts for all of the above - so it may result in even higher mass. Catching it will be tricky, you're not supposed to suddenly add 5 tonnes to helicopter mid-flight. (Edit: Chinook itself weighs just over 10 tonnes!)
  8. Mid-air catch with a chinook? Did they hire Hideo Kojima? Seriously, how's that supposed to work, catching the parachuting engine in a middle of atlantic nowhere with a helicopter?
  9. "Crash"? They should've said it's a russian attack on something. More drama! It's simply burned up yesterday (just five hours after the OP), the last tracked position was 35S 1W.
  10. It's not necessary to have 5 blades to make rotor less noisy. Take Mi28N tail rotor, for example: Edit: also, I think Apache has the "silent mode" - doesn't it change the engine revs or something like that to be silent? Edit2: oh, crap. Didn't check the date. Sorry.
  11. Neither KAB nor (O)FAB are cassette bombs. When you see multiple small "explosions" on videos from russian defence ministry, it's nothing more than dust blowing from the ventilation shafts of destroyed underground facility. Actually, yes, fighters are escorting bombers since the incident and bombers themselves are armed with air-to-air missiles, as well as S-400 and "Moskva" cruiser (equipped with "Fort" system which is roughly equivalent to several S-300 systems) were deployed. Sorry, but you're the one fantasizing here.
  12. The cold welding of the moving parts would be much bigger problem if you have a conventional firearm in mind.
  13. [quote name='Elthy']Repost from the closed thread: "Is it also true in real life that a to shallow reentry is bad? I know you can have problems when you leave the atmosphere again due to not slowing down enough but i thought staying as high as possible as long as possible was important, e.g. for the spaceshuttle. "[/QUOTE] IRL, if you go too shallow, you lose speed too slow, burn up and die; if you go too steep, you lose speed too fast, pull too many g's and die. If you bounce off, you have to do another orbit without service module, your battery dies (killing life support, like temperature regulation - and killing you in the process), or your CO2 scrubbers/filters die (you die of asphyxiation).
  14. How exactly does silent ignore qualify as "hostility", I wonder?
  15. Did they call us a cult? Shall we maybe stop sacrificing virgins now? Edit: come to think about it, we do make sacrifices. Of kerbals. In the name of Science.
  16. I just add people starting PSA threads into ignore list. I know I don't want to read anything they say on any matter. Edit: same goes for "tell me what to build" and "tell me where to go" people, especially if followed by "I want to write a story about it".
  17. And anthropic principle claims yet another victim. It's not tailor-made for anything. It's just things which have evolved on it are extremely egocentric.
  19. Dang it, always mix them up. Okay then. Still, no idea what this "Russian Engine of the 200-series" is about.
  20. Which one would that be?Most of the RD-02XX are UDMH engines They were supposed to switch to RD-193 (RD-181). They've even bought two, but... Surprise! Engines are under sanctions and US is going to build their own engine (or at least has declared the intention to spend money on development). Seeing as Orbital goes against the flow of idiocy in US government, there is a good chance that they won't get any more engines. Or contracts.
  21. And I wouldn't like to think that Mr. Musk would start hiring military retirees like, you know, Boeing or Lockheed Martin (or, I suppose, as any other large military contractor) do.
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