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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. At this point, you lost me entirely. *walks away mumbling and waving hands, supposedly in the grc.nasa.gov general direction
  2. But Earth and Kerbin have different scale heights with the same surface pressure. To get the same air density as at 25km altitude at Kerbin, SR-71 would have to fly as high as... 42km at Earth, I guess? Speed and density? Sounds like dynamic pressure to me. I guess I'll have to look into the code.Sorry for stupid questions. I think I understand less and less as I try to relearn how to fly with DRE.
  3. The point being, to give you relevant bug report, player (in this case, me) needs to understand the rules. For me the rule of thumb was always "look at the Q". It's the dynamic pressure which matters, right? In beta it seems that it doesn't matter. If anything, I see temperature going up while Q decreases (with constant thrust). I don't use AJE. DRE and FAR are the only mods which change game aero rules. Log showed that first things to explode were B9 intakes (1500 degrees limit), then bicoupler (1250 degrees). I especially like the part where engines run at ~250 degrees while bicoupler gets up to 1000. Same goes for reentry: I see that shield already started ablating, and yet there is no "DON'T DEPLOY CHUTES IF YOU WANT TO LIVE" warning. Then in the lower atmosphere shield isn't ablating, everything seems to be cool, and yet it's unsafe to deploy chutes until I'm slower than 300m/s. So, there you go. It's the same nothing you've got in my previous post, only with screenshot of exploded craft in it. It's counterintuitive, I don't know what to report and what is intended behavior. Also, I know, it's a lot to ask, but for debug/tests it would be nice to have visual clues, like FAR AeroViz: part tinting when it closes to its temperature limit.
  4. Well, I switched back to 6.2.1. I don't know enough fizziks to effectively playtest the new version, tuning its settings, the only thing I know is that my almost stock spaceplanes are way too flammable in it (default settings which I expected to be the same as 6.2.1 defaults). Especially SPP bicoupler - explodes all the time. Hope it will become playable again.
  5. Climberfx, well, no idea what's going on. Another thing I would try to find out: why is there two SPU modules on a single part?
  6. Climberfx, can you reproduce it without MechJeb?
  7. 1. You don't land manned spacecraft with airbags. Especially with DRE (G-limit may kill them). 2. For stock capsules I recommend floaties from Klockheed Martian Special (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84224-DISCONTINUED-Klockheed-Martian-Special-Parts-V2-1-1-23-Aug-Dev-Thread). To my knowledge, they work, even if development is discontinued. There are really small ball floaties and heatshields with integrated inflatable floats.
  8. That's because they don't have RT's SPU module. MM config like @PART[*]:HAS[MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:FOR[RemoteTech] { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] {} } should do the trick. Not sure if spelled right - away from KSP PC, feel free to correct me.
  9. J.Random


    This guy sounds A LOT like one of Mad Fellows from Futurama.
  10. Looks kinda like selection marker from EVAFollower, although I don't see it in the mod list.
  11. Does it depend on chute settings if it will be ripped off? I mean, all right, normal chutes are too dangerous for M1+, but drogues should be OK, right?
  12. I think that's exactly what OP asked for.
  13. After converting hi-res skybox and planet textures for Texture Replacer, game's memory footprint was reduced at least by 300 MB. Thank you, sarbian.
  14. It's a mockup made to test ergonomics. In the video they're checking where to set up screens and handles, ladders and all the thing they may need in real flight, and as the journalist says, they're working on egress procedure during emergency splashdown event. Quite an old video, btw.
  15. Attaching wheels to cubic struts is perfectly OK, never failed me. What you should never do is to use massless parts (including COS) as root part of your craft.
  16. One omni is generally enough, yes. Two, if you count 500km dipole for ascent. But (1) there's an option to enable multiplier in options - then several omni antennas will amplify each other, and (2) even with default settings, multiple "strategically" placed omni antennas look cool on satellite. PS Manuals are here for everyone interested: http://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/
  17. 1. Not really. You may target a planet, then you'll be in contact with all satellites around that planet in your dish cone if they point their dishes back at you or your planet (if you're in their dish cone, of course). 2. No automatic antenna selection. 3. Antennas consume EC when activated, irregardless of having a target assigned.
  18. I'm not sure yet (testing), but it seems that USI_ClearIVA conflicts with JSITransparentPod/JSINonTransparentPod. I get all sorts of glitches when vessels are in the same scene. Like, getting kerbal portraits from the wrong vessels, being able to see another vessel's IVA in kerbal portraits view, or even IVA floating around in external view.
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