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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Quantum Struts. Only one part now I believe. Makes building space stations much easier as the modules would connect much more firmly.
  2. I'm loving the new system. I have a working SSTO spaceplane, and a shuttle (vertical launch, "gliding" landing), all stock, no mods at all yet. And I've never been able to do that before, modded or stock. So thank you squad for making KSP new (to me) again.
  3. So I'm reading all this wah and woe about how the new updates and hotfixes destroyed the game. I disagree. I have never been able to get to orbit without mechJeb. Spaceplanes were out of the question. Well, on a purely stock game, I was able to get to a fairly circular orbit within 3 launches (sandbox), and the first two were just a lack of TWR. And then land the pod in the ocean just outside the KSP, close enough to my target. Then I get ambitious. I'm working on a Space Shuttle analog right now. I just have to balance the thrust to get it to fly right and I should have a usable orbiter. The recovery part is is easy as pie. Thing glides like a brick with wings, just like it should. So I don't know what people are complaining about. You just need to learn to adapt to the different systems.
  4. The OP makes me want to post one of those "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" meme's..... Then I realized I could actually do that with KSP, so.......
  5. Very nice, I love making heavy heavy lifters (900t+ payloads) and it's a pain trying to build a simple payload at that weight.
  6. Not sure what you downloaded, but mine was almost 600mb... Different methods of getting the game updated...... And maybe no, he doesn't have 150mb left. Or maybe he's just got a crappy ISP that automatically throttles any large data transfer (Can you say Time warner? ATT?). Think before you speak.
  7. One of my most relied on mods, I've been using a legacy version for ages, now that I'm finally updating to 1.0, I'll have to get this.
  8. Thanks for the update Whack. I'm still looking forward to seeing this in action.
  9. Someone with better photoshop skills than I needs to make a WhackTrain poster..... Like the hypetrain, just it's ab..... You know what.... that sounds just wrong.........
  10. I know there was a user who did a real time Silent Hunter III mission. Type VII Uboat, WWII. 40 day mission give or take. I remember reading he was stuck at home for some reason for an extended period of time, so he let the machine run attended, but he did turn up the speakers so he could hear the alarms going off from across the house. So yeah, I commend this effort.
  11. First off, it's nice to see Squad asking here, instead of other forums. This is the official forum. I understand the marketing angle of reddit and whatnot, but shouldn't most conversations happen here? Fix the bugs, there will always be bugs, but get the game as smooth as possible, and then add content. But bugs apply to content as well. Take a look at the mods, see what people are using to change the way the game plays in fundamental ways. Example, the science mod better than starting manned is a cry from the players that they think the science tree is designed wrong. But any way it goes, thanks Squad for a great game!
  12. Building Aesthetically pleasing 900t lifters.
  13. I can't wait till it gets to version 1.5 or 2.x and there will be a bunch of old cronies hobbling around the forum on their, yelling at all the noobs to get off their launch pads!
  14. This is why KSP is so awesome. Makes us appreciate the real thing even that much more. This whole thread makes me go yay! Or it could be the acetone fumes..... not sure though....
  15. Now that sir, is an obscure pull. I love those books, and I didn't even get the reference till you posted it. Well played!
  16. I have seen this thread evolve from OMG! AWESOME MERRY HER! (There was one *squee!* in there somewhere), into Oh no, look what you have to reciprocate. You CANNOT let her see this thread.... ever. She already knows her awesomeness, and to let her get even more inflated by seeing the communities reaction will surely spell your doom.
  17. Not always a noob does this, had IF on for some reason, then switched over to a new launcher, trying to test staging. Took me a a while to figure out why it wasn't staging! lol
  18. EPIC!!!!! If you won't marry her, I will. Seriously! She apologizes for a late (0930!!!) wake up.
  19. I have my Keflex series, run from 30-120 tons, and my Kobiashi Series, that run from 100 - 900 ton lifters. Framerate is inversely proportional to the mass being lifted.
  20. I had to sit and think about this thread title for a bit, it's quite like the old catch 22 question: When did you stop beating your wife?
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