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Everything posted by wasmic

  1. *reads title* The Spice must flow! Is that on purpose or a typo?
  2. So the staff can use swear-words, but we can't? Let's see what happens if I do this: ..... EDIT: Those five dots are the f-word followed by a full stop. I don't see any reason to ban swears from this forum, since the vast majority of the members are mature enough to use them responsibly. This isn't the minecraft forums.
  3. Just a quick PSA: do NOT attempt to add KASModuleGrab to the repulsors. They do not like it. Symptoms may include inability to function, camera moving far away from spacecraft and phantom forces working on your spacecraft.
  4. You sure about that? I'm pretty sure that the frost point is somewhere in the asteroid belt, but whether that's closer to the sun than Ceres of further away, I can't remember.
  5. Will this addon make my rockets release kemtrails? Should I get my vinegar?
  6. I wondered about that too. It was pretty nice.
  7. There's no warp drive in the stock version. In the KSP-I version, you also need to have KSP-I installed.
  8. Stock scale Kerbin with FAR gets that too, just not as much. With FAR on 2.5x Kerbin, I almost always follow the profile that you described.
  9. Given Borklund's history of disappearing, then reappearing later, I would say that it probably isn't dead. I'd be surprised if much had happened in the meantime, though, as prolonged absence from these forums tend to be because of real life issues (or losing interest in the game). Anyway, I want to give you my encouragement, Borklund! Your stuff looks really great (that must be the fourth time I've said that).
  10. The cargo dragon wouldn't need an IVA, landing legs or landing engines, but it would need a detachable nosecone and animated solar panels, o it would probably be easier to make than the crew dragon. Anyway, I'm eager for more updates
  11. Some of these parts are quite big compared to what they would be in real life. For example, the diameter of the real TKS was 4.15m, which in KSP should equate to 2.656 - however, the TKS parts in this pack are 3.75 meters in diameter. This isn't really a problem, since the proportions are mostly correct. However, I'm trying to make a 0.6666 scale config to make it have the "proper" size, but this causes the parts that are mounted above the VA to be quite small. Is there a way to scale the bottom of the VA to 1.875 meters but leave the top at 1.25 meters?
  12. Mmmm, looks really pretty. Now, I know this is a bit long-term, but do you plan on making a cargo Dragon when you're done with the crew Dragon?
  13. The engine (without the fairings) looks like an LR-87. We can use it to do a Titan replica!
  14. Which of the mods and what part is that from?
  15. You seem to have a lot of mods installed. You might be crashing due to the RAM limit. Of course, it might also be something else. Can you put the log on pastebin?
  16. Heard a rumor? You're the one who's making it, dammit!
  17. If you're only going to Duna or something, not a lot of Delta-V is needed (~1700 m/s for the orbiter if doing Apollo style), so the extra weight of the nukes might actually be more of a hindrance than the increased Isp is a gain. For anything further than Duna or Eve, though, you'll want to use nukes in all circumstances.
  18. Hey Beale, regarding the N-1 you seem to be going with the black textures, right? Is there any chance that you might also include the white/tan version as an alternative texture? I really liked that variation.
  19. I remember there once being some launch pads here. Are those still available for download?
  20. It's not the smoke effects that are too slow, it's the flame effects. Is there any way to speed them up in the cfg file, or does it have to be done in the animation?
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