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Capt Snuggler

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Everything posted by Capt Snuggler

  1. I left 3 Kerbals strapped in their seats for 7 years transferring to Jool. The smell when that capsule door opened could strip paint off a battle ship.
  2. On 2/25/2018 at 12:53 PM, klgraham1013 said:

    One of the first things every creator should learn is to "kill your darlings."  No matter how much you love something you've created, no matter how much you think it's a great idea, if it's not working, throw it away.  Preferably in a garbage fire.

    It's been clear for a very long time that these original concepts, which can be seen to have a certain merit hypothetically, just don't actually work in this type of game.  That Squad holds on to certain ideas so tightly (the above, career mode) when core parts of them clearly aren't working, is just baffling to me.


    I'm a musician.  This is one of the first rules of writing I learned.

    I don't need to post anything on this forum any more, when I can just upvote your posts.

    this is spot on!

  3. I wish they would add programmable flight script automation to the 2.5m probe core. *not an auto pilot as the player must assemble the command list. for example, a basic launch script would look like: set throttle: 100% set SAS mode: rotation hold set rotation hold: pitch: 90° yaw: 90° roll: 0° Stage! wait for: alt = 7000m set rotation hold: pitch: 45° yaw: 90° roll: 0° wait for: stage fuel = 0.0L Stage! wait for: alt = 20000m set SAS mode: prograde hold wait for: apoapsis = 100000m set throttle: 0% wait for: altitude = 71000m Stage! wait for: altitude = 100000m set throttle: 100% wait for: periapsis = 99000m set throttle: 0% print msg: (free text) You are now in orbit. have a nice day! end It would make the high end probe cores worth striving for.
  4. They could totally do this with the new texture switch feature coming.
  5. I used masking tape and a sharpy but also came up with my own standard keys for common AGs: primary engine toggle secondary engine toggle engine mode toggle chutes coms toggle panels toggle cargo bay toggle cargo release docking release retract/close all
  6. yes them too and WOW that comparison is so jarring!!! need to post that every where repeatedly and stir up an old fashioned community frenzy. that's the only way to get things changed around here.
  7. the longer they leave this the more resistance there will be from corners of the community. they need to be replaced now before too many more people ( @Majorjim!) get emotionally attached to the ugly parts.
  8. Don't forget adequate tools/budget calculators/mission planners to help the player figure it all out. without the supporting tools it will just get shouted down by all the dummies. or worse diluted down to a boring mass depleting "fuel" resource.
  9. I mean that average players (my self included) cannot be expected to learn a programming language in order to stop their probes from bricking when outside comms range. You could crate the script and initiate it when in coms range. just make the first event a "wait for: X" or similar. so you could initiate the script just as you enter the SOI of Duna, then it waits until the X condition (ie. altitude) is met before continuing with the script. so for example, just as you enter the SOI of Duna you run the script. set SAS mode: retrograde hold set throttle 50% wait for: periapsis = 100000m set throttle 0% wait for: altitude = 100000m set throttle 100% wait for: apoapsis = 110000m set throttle 0% end
  10. ALSO The functions and script length should be defined by the probe core. the better the probe core, the more "memory" and the more advanced functions. such as: set throttle: maintain acceleration = 2.0 G set rotation hold: match target orientation (for docking) or a bunch of specific rover driving or plane piloting functions. The player still needs to define all the values.
  11. instead of "programming", which I agree is far too complicated for the average player, what about a simple event script? pick "events" from a drop down list and put them in the correct order. set the functions, targets and required values (time delays, altitudes etc, resource values). load to launch pad and click "run script". eg: set throttle: 100% set SAS mode: rotation hold set rotation hold: pitch: 90° yaw: 90° roll: 0° Stage wait for: alt = 7000m set rotation hold: pitch: 45° yaw: 90° roll: 0° wait for: stage fuel = 0.0L Stage wait for: alt = 20000m set SAS mode: prograde hold wait for: apoapsis = 100000m set throttle: 0% wait for: altitude = 71000m Stage wait for: altitude = 100000m set throttle: 100% wait for: periapsis = 99000m set throttle: 0% print msg: (free text) You are now in orbit. have a nice day! end This is a crude launch to orbit script. obviously it depends on the craft and could be improved and made infinitely more precise. (*also im not sure about the pitch, yaw and roll values. I think 0,0,0 points you at the eastern horizon.) The scripts would be as important as the craft files and shared by the community. by having predefined options you avoid having to learn syntax. instead you just keep adding events to the script. by selecting options from a drop down and inputting values where needed.
  12. I'll Keep this short a sweet. the proposed dragon fly probe will be a quadcopter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonfly_(spacecraft) can we have stock electric propellers now... PLEASE.
  13. @qzgy @The Aziz while I appreciate you are both trying to help, this sub forum is to discuss suggestions and development of the stock game. While there is a mod available to plug every hole and solve every problem, unfortunately mods are of little use to console players who are more or less stuck with the base game and all its flaws.
  14. I've wanted this for years. Like a docking port but stronger attachment and square so you can have precise rotation to help with orbital construction. lining up engines, fuel tanks etc. An Engineer kerbal should be needed EVA and detach them manually.
  15. exactly, then use the images you gather to plan future surface missions - assuming that mission planning tools were also added (sadly, this is also unlikely at this stage).
  16. I've been thinking about this more and more lately. Interstellar travel is really the logical endgame for KSP. I know its thoroughly in the realms of sci-fi. That said, I don't know exactly how it could work within the constraints of the game (huge crafts etc). It just makes sense to me as a narrative. You work your way up the tech tree, research more and more advanced tech, eventually build a huge ship, escape Kerbol SOI with conventional engines, activate the "K-drive" or what ever and then *ZZZZAP* then credits roll . Then maybe after credits are finished your ship *pops* in to a highly elliptical orbit around the new star. You then get to wake up your crew and play with all the toys you packed. yay! It probably wont happen, but I still like imagining.
  17. I suggested this a long while back like @John FX. (only some pics still work) would have been a great addition in my opinion. various terrain scanners, telescopes, cameras, ect would have added allot the feeling of discovery and progress. sadly I think the ship has sailed (launched).
  18. I used to be completely against all procedural parts, But now I really think procedural wings would help with aircraft building. Piecing together all the little wing segments is tedious. Clipping together loads of wing segments to get the desired shape just looks messy at best. Stock wing thickness is often out of proportion with larger designs. I invite everyone to check out Bac9's mod. it really opened my eyes to how much better my KSP life could be. *For the record, I'm not convinced procedural tank sizes would make a positive addition to the game, however tweakable tank skins with heat tile and ultralight gold foil options, with their respective pros and cons, would be a nice addition.
  19. The thrust measuring rig and later the harrier used a reaction control system powered by the jet engine. Think KSP should have one too but with new parts. more parts! MORE PARTS!
  20. Programming isn't really the right word. more script writing. kOS is a bit too complex for stock while MechJeb is does too much, removing the player entirely. I'm suggesting simple context based "if commands" the player can use to automate events in the flight plan like staging automatically when the engine cuts out or changing pitch at specified altitude. when stacking these commands you could easily automate the entire launch process. other processes could also be automated with careful planning, but there is still allot of room for error on the players part, much like the craft building process. *In the late game the process of repeatedly launching rocket after rocket with similar payloads becomes very tedious. This should help alleviate that while still making the player responsible for success or failure.
  21. sorry, I have no idea what your talking about. I am arguing for more restrictions/challenge. in the form of life support requirements for crewed missions. please read the thread before derailing it. If games are defined by what you have to do in them, surely having to plan for life support requirements in your mission adds to the game. traveling to Duna (and beyond) should be a completely different prospect from traveling to Mun. At the moment in KSP the only difference is the Δv. There is nothing more to it. and thats fine for probes but sending a living crew should require something extra. EXACTLY! more challenge = more sense of achievement = more fun = more game #more game, not less!
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