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Everything posted by 1096bimu

  1. Starting with 0.7 tone orbiter, this is just using KSPX and KW parts, not modified in anyway.
  2. I dislike all the stock only challenges, which is like all the top rated and favorite ones.
  3. Let's just look at it this way: the hybrid ion engine weighs just 1 tone while the large nuclear engine weighs 5 tones. Getting the 40/s electricity will only take you less than 1 tone of solar panels, let's just say 1 tone. That's a 150% reduction in weight. The hybrid ion engine has an ISP of 900 while the nuclear engine has 220 in atmosphere, that's a 300% increase in ISP. now you propose to boost its thrust by 140% and claim that it is STILL balanced? are you kidding me? Sure it still has less thrust, but it does have 80% of the thrust of the nuclear engine ok? AND, you can just install 2 of them, for 160% the thrust, but only 80% of the weight, what a tradeoff!
  4. I don't like mods that disguise themselves into balanced realistic stuff, when they are really unbalanced, and magical in operation. And I hate mods that are nothing more than CFG edits. If it really is balanced, why don't you just use a nuclear engine instead?
  5. except it has nuclear engine ISP in atmosphere, which is at least 2x better than any other engine that works on Eve. And you only increased its thrust by 140%. Totally balanced. P.S. it is magical because there is no such a thing is a hybrid ion chemical engine in real world.
  6. and I have all sorts of other magical engines that would totally do this entire thing single stage.
  7. My Eve return lander with FAR installed was over 200 tones. If you were to land it twice it would be about 400 tones of payload. Transfer to Moho will require a crap load of DV. I'd say such a ship would weigh in excess of 1000 tones at least.
  8. well, use flight engineer, or just use MechJeb for information. I don't suppose that you'll be unable to prevent yourself from using the autopilot options? For those of us, who aren't interested in practicing a skill easily done by a few lines of code, even we can choose to not use autopilot.
  9. and knowing that, you can take it into account and just design with less DV? It's not like you told us how to calculate atmospheric transitions, you just gave us a number and said, there, you'll use 1000 in the atmosphere. Besides, I don't see anything that needs mastering, it's just plug into the equation and punch the calculator.
  10. errr why can't I just use Mechjeb?
  11. I'm just so sick and tired of the word "constructive criticism", cuz people simply use it against criticisms they don't like. Could anybody define it for me to get started? what is a constructive criticism and what is not? Because what I sad was true, there are no inferred radars. A definition is a set of statements that describe all of the characteristics that are required for something to be the thing you are defining, and does not have any of the characteristics that will make it not the thing you are defining.
  12. and what if there is a lake on the ground reflecting light from the sun? What if there is cloud or rain or smoke that's blocking inferred radiation? And did you even check what the rear mounted radar does? obviously you haven't because you don't know. And if you don't know, why would people be interested in listening to you talk about it? I'm not a big fan of that Scott guy but just using him as an example, he usually knows what he's talking about quite well and obviously has done plenty of research before doing his videos. You should learn from him. Having the voice of a typical white male is not enough to make a good video. Cuz I mean why would I watch videos of other people playing the game that I own? The person must have something I don't have. Whether it's research into random stuff, dedication in attempting a difficult mission, or interesting ideas to test in the game. I don't see any of those in your video.
  13. There is no such a thing as an inferred radar because it doesn't work, and you really should complete that sentence because then you will see why. A radar works by BOUNCING signals which you have emitted yourself. What you are thinking is probably an inferred camera which is entirely different from a radar. Nobody would try to build an inferred radar for the same reason you don't try to spot planes by pointing spotlights towards the sky. it doesn't travel very far, and there are huge amounts of background noise coming from the environment in those wavelengths.
  14. As you can see I am only running mine at 4Ghz, I am more obsessed with low power than high performance, I actually have mine undervolted at -0.115v and has dynamic clock rate with a minimal of 1.2Ghz to reduce power. I'm not sure how far I can overclock it but I don't want to try. In any case, I don't think anyone would really want to play games at clock speeds so extreme that turning off HT makes a difference. I've only heard of that strategy for LN2 overclocking.
  15. This thing works with FAR mod, combined Jet/Ramjet/Ion engine gives it 4500 delta V after reaching orbit. Obviously that's gonna escape Kerbin, so I don't know what altitude that is.
  16. I know it exists in some part I used to have and it works, I just can't find it. It's something like reflectAxis. I really hate how there is no spell correction and everything has to be spelled so exactly I can't write any CFG without copy and pasting from other parts.
  17. yes, if he pretends that they are good. When I criticize something, it's not because i don't like it. I hate quite a few mods posted here ,I think they are bad quality, or don't make sense, but I don't bash those posts. I criticize when something is objectively bad yet the OP pretends that it is way better than it really is. For example: it isn't realistic, and it isn't even practical to use as if you'll ever be able to fix it.
  18. Be assured that it uses EXACTLY what you provided. i didn't even post the night time scene, because it's so back people might suspect that I used the paintbucket in Paint. And nobody cares if it looks good in FSX, I know there are successful implementations for other games. We're talking about KSP. Of course it works, if you mean giving the game too much contrast so that you can't see what you're doing, and stop blaming KSP, this thing is a D3D hook, it has nothing to do with KSP or CPUs.
  19. I feel so unfair with FAR installed and can't spam intakes.
  20. What's what happens with most of these ENB configs. people spend like 5 minutes adjusting for a single scene and doesn't test their settings for convenience or aesthetics. And then you find that not only you can't see anything when the scene becomes brighter or darker, it wears on your eyes and looks like crap after 10 minutes.
  21. and they don't do anything I might add, except slowing down your game.
  22. Well that's why it's called a simulation, nobody said it was gonna be entirely accurate. My guess is that having less cache might favor no HT, since there's probably less threads to keep track off? But again, that's just a guess.
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