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Everything posted by MartGonzo

  1. Congrats on your first orbit, it's a special moment. Did you take your kerbal out for a space walk too?
  2. I agree with moving the RCS to control and Ion engines to propulsion One other suggestion I'd like to add (this one might be slightly controversial) would be moving fuel lines to utility.
  3. SpaceEngine has almost everything required to make it a space game and the developer is currently in the process of turning it into a game engine.
  4. KSP began as code that was used by NASA to fake the moon landing
  5. If we're talking about KSP2 it would be great if they were to use SpaceEngine, it's so beautiful!! but it's procedural and the KSP devs don't seem to like the whole procedural thing and of course it doesn't have physics implemented yet.
  6. It slightly worries me that Unity hasn't managed to get a decent multithreaded/64 bit engine working, there are many other engines being created now, all 64 bit If Unity doesn't get this sorted it will be dead within a year.
  7. oooh I shouldn't have looked at this thread, I want one so much!! but funds are tight at the moment and it's hard to justify expense on non-essentials
  8. This mod puts telescopes into the game http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tarsier-space-technology-2/
  9. Mods go into the KSP\gamedata folder, unfortunately not all mods are packaged the same. If you open the archive and see a gamedata folder then just extract to your kerbal space program folder, if the archive contains another folder name, like the name of the mod, then usually you would extract that to your KSP\gamedata folder. Usually you can figure out where a mod needs to go by examining the directory structure or if there is a readme file in the archive that will usually say where the mod needs to go. I'm pretty experienced at this modding lark so if you need help with a particular mod feel free to PM me
  10. I could never really understand why some don't like modding, it seems to me that modding is usually necessary to fix all the problems with a game, and can only add to a game experience, some games I've started modding before even playing them. Skyrim is a good example of a game with so many terrible design decisions and awful graphics (lousy textures, hideous lighting, etc.) that I could never even consider playing it unmodded. Whilst I consider KSP to be a game that is almost perfect, there are still some mods I'd consider essential: Texture compressor Universe replacer & texture packs Visual Enhancements: Clouds & City Lights & HD cloud pack Deadly Re-entry Flight Engineer Alarm Clock Infernal Robotics Joint Reinforcement KW Rocketry Ferram Aerospace Research B9 Aerospace Then to add more things to do in the game, mods like: Kerbal Attachment System RemoteTech 2 SCANsat Kethane KSP Interstellar Tarsier Space Technology put all that on and not only will it look stunning but it will be a much more in depth and interesting game.
  11. You can get back even if your fuel is very low by using the Oberth effect, explaining how is tricky though, especially as my understanding of the subject is very limited. I'd recommend watching this: mess around with maneuver nodes to show you what path you would follow after encountering various Joolian moons, when you find an encounter that throws you out into roughly the right orbit, set up another node near the Joolian moon encounter and you should be able to get down to a Kerbin orbit with very little fuel. hope that helps.
  12. Is this still open now it's no longer valentine's day? well anyway here's my poor contribution, a little 3dsmax render I put together
  13. I try to make them but as I'm useless at building aircraft I haven't had much success so far
  14. A few of the mods I use in my opinion should be part of the game, specifically - Precisenode, Chatterer, Protractor, Flight Engineer and Deadly Re-entry (with an option to turn DR off for those that don't want it)
  15. Alt-tab back to windows, open explorer and browse to your KSP\saves folder, go into your *savename*\SPH folder and copy the ship save file browse to your *savename*\VAB folder and paste it in there, you can then load it in the VAB
  16. I'm over 40 now, when I was very young we had a maths teacher called Mrs. Foden who used to like to drag kids around by their hair or ears, hit them with wooden rulers or throw wooden board rubbers at them. Nowadays she'd be sacked in an instant, back then teachers could be out and out sociopaths without anyone lifting an eyebrow.
  17. Rapid cooling of hot metal components will kill your computer in very short time, save yourself a lot of money by buying a decent cooler, or it's going to be a case of replacing pretty much all of it. EDIT, you did remind me of a good tip though. If your hard drive dies putting it in the freezer for a few minutes (in a plastic bag) can get it working long enough to get your data off.
  18. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but before committing yourselves to higher education I'd highly reccomend looking into the size of student debts versus the employment rate of graduates. More and more people are calling out college education as a scam. Besides, If you knew what I know about what's coming you would concentrate your efforts in getting off the grid and as far away from the coming new world order as possible.
  19. For the longest time I couldn't play Shogun 2 Total war because of some strange conflict that nobody else seemed to have, at least I learned not to bother asking steam support for technical help. strangely it works fine now, never did figure out what the problem was
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