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Everything posted by MartGonzo

  1. I worry about your time, not mine my fate is already written
  2. The economy is already obsolete. fractional reserve credit based money creation is a system that can only end in economic collapse.
  3. Kerbin Rising over the Polar Crater Second landing came in with a little too much lateral speed funny thing was I could hold it here balanced on two legs
  4. Everyone knows Valve can't count to three.
  5. Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it's been ...erm a long time since my last confession. I regularly use time warp to stop my ships rotation
  6. You won't be disappointed, In my opinion Civ 4 is a better game than Civ 5. The avatar has no connection the Hitman games I'm afraid, for some reason I never got around to playing any of them. It's an inverted MI5 symbol and there's a long story behind it but forum rules prevent me from discussing it.
  7. my thoughts exactly, I know it's not really the same genre but No Man's Sky is the one I'm waiting for. I don't know why but this game reminded me of it for some reason.
  8. plenty of time to turn around and slow down for this rendezvous.
  9. I'm with Scott Manley on this, never use it the gain over just feeding all the external tanks into the centre is negligible and it makes for messy symmetry.
  10. still trying to complete a playthrough of Caveman2Cosmos, a truly epic sized Civ4 BTS mod
  11. I'd vote for Toolbar integration too, funnily enough that the reason I came into this thread just to find that you guys are already discussing it.
  12. Curse you and your damned essential mods!!!!! just kidding thanks for all the hard work sirkut and team in getting this working. playing without it just wasn't right
  13. You should be able to run that list without problems, the main memory hogs are packs that add a lot of parts or hi-res texture replacements. Visual enhancements might stress the integrated graphics, but you can turn off the volumetric clouds in the cfg file. Personally I took remotetech2 off, it's kind of fun but there does tend to be a lot of fussing about with it and too many instances of losing control of unmanned craft for unknown reasons.
  14. Two extra things Unreal Engine 4 is out and looks impressive but is subscription only. Have you seen the trailer for the Forest? Unity can look as good as anything else http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/210052-The-Forest-Trailer-2
  15. A guy I knew with a pilot's license said that that was FSX's biggest fault, it was much too easy to slow aircraft down on final and on the runway.
  16. There's an interesting documentary about Sweden's approach to nuclear waste but unfortunately the name has slipped my mind. anyway they are building the worlds biggest underground complex to store it, they are designing it to last 100,000 years.
  17. tbh neither are very good when it comes to realistic flight dynamics. If you want realism you have to go with proper simulators like these http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/ but be warned, the Russian military uses these to start their pilot training (specifically KA-50 Black Shark 2), not for the faint hearted when it comes to complexity.
  18. I'll start now if you have a download link available. I doubt I have any mods that would cause issues, possibly distant object enhancement or deadly reentry, but If I come across any issues it's simple to create a stock + texture replacer + EVE folder and test again
  19. sure, any restrictions on other mods? is it a new version you need testing, because I've been playing with V3 Beta for a few days and haven't come across anomalies.
  20. well I'm a bit reluctant because I don't know what you want testing, or why nobody else is volunteering. I'll give a tentative ok, as long as it doesn't involve nipple clamps or electrodes near my genitals.
  21. Thanks Sirkut, not quite sure how I managed to get that mixed up.
  22. that only controls how much the skybox shows up when the sky isn't dimmed (from 0 to 100%), it doesn't reduce the dimming effect at all
  23. haven't a clue what to do with that latest version. I tried downloading it and extracting the infernal robotics master folder to gamedata - nothing so i tried the infernal robotics folder inside that, still nothing. finally tried the final infernal robotics inside that folder with the .cs files inside, still nothing maybe I'm missing something obvious but having installed dozens of mods in the past i've never run into these problems before
  24. would massless parts reduce the load on the cpu? surely all the parts with fixed mass are just combined into a single number?
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