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Everything posted by MartGonzo

  1. I can't remember the name but the DS9 episode when they go back and meet the original cast on the space station infested with tribbles I remember watching that original series episode when I was a kid and loved it, so the DS9 one gave me lovely nostalgic glow
  2. perhaps a be a driver issue? motherboard chipset or graphics card have you updated them recently?
  3. Hi Qberticus, sorry to report that there is a serious game breaking bug or conflict with this mod on x64 I have been getting a lock up and crash after a few weeks of time acceleration at x100000, I checked the ksp.log and noticed that it was spamming messages about Haystack saving settings. Starting a new game and going into time acceleration still caused a lock up. Removed Haystack and both my save and new games no longer lock up at x100000 time acceleration. I don't know if others can replicate with a different mod list, so here's what I running: Toolbar Active texture management (x64 basic) EVE + astonomers edge of oblivion pack Chatterer Custom Biomes Deadly Reentry DebRefund Scansat v7.0RC4 Kerbal Engineer Redux v1.0.6 KW Rocketry Infernal Robotics Tweakscale Precisenode Spaceplane plus surface lights Texture replacer Kerbal Alarm Clock Module manager v2.2.3
  4. yep, seems like a good idea to me, I don't see any down side to adding science and contracts to sandbox. not having anything to do once I get to my destination is the main reason I never play sandbox
  5. Thanks for the reply Pecan, yes the contract was to activate the parachute through staging, I think it might have just been a one off bug as it worked ok when I tried again later, it could be a mod issue as I'm running quite a heavily modded game and have had a few odd things happen in this latest save.
  6. I came across a handy little tip on one of the threads here, I can't remember who posted so apologies to that person place a maneuver node at the point where your trajectory meets the moons surface and drag the retro handle until the speed reaches zero, that will give you a burn time for doing suicide burns. Thankfully it's a little on the forgiving side so you should never crash into the surface. I hope my explanation is clear, it's sort of difficult to explain.
  7. Enforced medication is illegal under the Nuremburg code. and vaccination is not the wonder drug that pharmaceutical companies like to make out, they have a history of covering up lack of efficacy and toxic side effects. Big Pharma didn't lobby the US administration to make themselves exempt from responsibility for adverse effects for no reason. http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/doctors-against-vaccines-the-other-side-of-the-story-is-not-being-told/ http://vran.org/about-vaccines/general-issues/doctors-speak/the-case-against-immunizatons/ http://www.vaccineriskawareness.com/Midwives-And-Health-Professionals-Against-Vaccination Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying vaccines are part of some evil plot, but there is a very large financial stake in the vaccine industry and more awareness of the risks and efficacy is needed by all, especially before giving large numbers of vaccines to very young children. especially as many vaccines contain way beyond the recommended dose of substances like Thimerosol (mercury)
  8. I don't understand what's going on with these contracts, I just built a ship to test one of the parachutes in flight. I activated the parachute through the stages when all conditions were met, all the requirements had green ticks but the contract didn't show as complete. then the green ticks disappeared again without meeting the contract. is it a bug or am I missing something?
  9. hopefully precisenode or something similar will get implemented at some point. it allows the conics mode and patch limit to be changed on the fly.
  10. Yes, I've seen forum posts saying that humans should impose a kind of self quarantine, I believe it's a connected to the view that humans are essentially a disease. it's a viewpoint I have big problems with, anyone who espouses that view has no understanding of corporate psychopathy. There are two types of people, humans and psychopaths and psychopaths have a tendency to get to the top of powerful organisations because of their ability to manipulate and their desire to dominate. off topic interesting fact: Christopher Columbus real name was Cristóbal Colón
  11. This is really impressive I'll be keeping an eye on this one maybe eventually you could integrate with planet factory so it can pick from a larger database of planets?
  12. where the fun in a stable system? I want wiggly lines hehehe tbh I wasn't really trying, I was just having fun with the randomize button.
  13. Wow, I haven't seen that before! I'm not sure if this is any help but one problem I had in the VAB was caused by Kerbal Engineer Redux V., switching over to V.1.0.5. fixed it. I hope you manage to find the problem Monstah (great name btw! )
  14. You could try putting -force-opengl in the target field of a shortcut to the KSP executable. worked wonders for me.
  15. I'm hoping that at some point the way the game treats recruits will be expanded, maybe the white spacesuits could be rookies, then when they've completed a contract they get promoted to the orange spacesuits, or something like that.
  16. That's what I love about this game, the failures are nearly as much fun as the successes.
  17. I'm more than a little impressed at the fast progress you've made. this game has such a steep learning curve that to get into orbit and recovering from a zero fuel situation on your first couple of days of playing is awesome. I only managed to get my head around this game by watching Scott Manley's youtube tutorials. Congrats Glamorous Glennis, you're a natural
  18. I've been having the same problem, I was rebuilding KSP because of another problem and it was fine with the graphical mods and ATM (x64 basic) until I started adding in all the others again, then I'd start getting crashes on starting a new game, changing which mods were installed didn't seem to make any difference, so in the end I came to the conclusion it was a resource problem. anyhoo, I found a fix. first I removed all the overrides I was using in my graphics driver control panel, forced antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and vertical sync and then added -force-opengl to the KSP_x64 shortcut and now i'm back in with all my old mods and everything running ok. hope that helps riceiq999
  19. Congrats Porkjet, I had a feeling this would be the one they were talking about, it fits so well, just filling in the gaps without adding lots of unnecessary parts. I couldn't be more chuffed about their choice
  20. Ok I think I found the problem. I was having the same issue in the VAB, for me it was Kerbal Engineer redux v0.6.2.9, switching over to the 1.0.5 version fixed it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18230-0-24-2-Kerbal-Engineer-Redux-v0-6-2-9-and-v1-0-5 With EVE and astronomers pack I'm not exactly sure what was going on, but deleting the EVE and BoulderCo folders and reinstalling EVE then Astronomers pack fixed it. I did still have an issue with the high detail city lights not showing up but installing active texture management (basic) sorted that. Make sure you install in the order of: 1. E.V.E. 2 Astonomers Pack (steps 2 and 3) 3 Active Texture Management (Basic) hope that helps Ruxiee
  21. Sorry I should have said it's the x64 overhaul version, many of the posts here seem to imply that anyone running the x64 KSP should use that version after deleting all mods and just installing the standard version of EVE it's working ok again, so now I just need to figure out which mod is causing the conflict in the VAB If I find out I'll post here and the relevant mod thread.
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