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Everything posted by Dortmunder

  1. I'm not sure if there's a known fix for this, but hopefully someone can help. I'm getting what looks like a glitchy atmosphere sometimes. It's basically a big planet sized sphere that flickers a lot. I've noticed it a bunch around Minmus lately. Someone mentioned enabling E.V.E. integration in a previous post, tried that, didn't fix. Looked back, same as this post, 2nd picture. Doesn't look like he got a reply/fix.
  2. I tried using this, mostly just want the nice looking planets/terrain. Already using Astronomers Visual Pack. Looked like it was going to be fine, KSC looks nice, I went into the Tracking Center to have a look at the planets, looks superb. But as soon as I launched a vessel my FPS tanked hard, basically unplayable. Is there any parts of this mod I can remove/tone down to increase performance? As I said I just want the nice terrain and planet textures, but I'm guessing it's the textures when in a vehicle causing the huge FPS loss. Is this just a no-go mod for me?
  3. Can anyone give me a quick how-to on how to change the version number for this? I'm using 1.2.2 and this apparently is for 1.2.1 tops. Just getting the out of date message when loading, even though it works fine. Not a huge deal, would just like to get rid of the message
  4. It's not a RAM limit. I was having crashes as well. Fresh install, couldn't get the game to fully load with a lot of mods installed. Uninstalled and started adding mods 1 by 1. As soon as I got to Aviation lights(3rd mod) the game would no longer finish loading. Note: I'm running 1.2.2, and the mod is listed as working with 1.3 in CKAN, even when filtered by compatible. I went and downloaded the 1.2.x version and it loads up fine. So the one on CKAN isn't compatible with 1.2.2. If you're trying to use this, go grab an older version.
  5. Dunno what Ven's mod is, so probably don't have it. And I don't have that folder or that file. Is it not included with the download in this thread?
  6. As I said, I was watching him through steam broadcast. So no SS or logs. And as I said, it was the Demo, in Tutorials.
  7. At any rate, there was a couple specific bugs I noticed when he was playing. 1. In the first tutorial where you're supposed to build something, he would attach a fuel tank to the capsule, then removed it and it wouldn't attach to anything again. And if he moved the capsule around it would become off center in the screen, like too far away, in the floor etc. He couldn't seem to attach anything to the capsule again. 2. He said SAS wasn't working right. I told him how it should work. If he has it enabled he should be able to hold a directional key down, and then align the ship and let go and it would lock that heading. Except whenever he held the key it would move a bit but not more. He'd have to turn SAS off, move, then re-engage it again when he was close to what he wanted. Couldn't "fine tune" his heading on the navball with SAS enabled.
  8. I think you guys need to update the demo of the game. It seems fairly buggy. Was trying to get my friend into the game and had him download the demo. I was watching him play through Steam broadcast, and he ran into a number of bugs. The tutorials need a bit of a touch up too I think, but they get the job done mostly. I'm guessing my friend just got frustrated and didn't feel like playing anymore But after watching someone who's never touched the game try the demo and the tutorials, I can't really blame him.
  9. I used the link in this thread, so I assume it's the most recent. Maybe I did something wrong. You just extract the folders into the KSP directory as you would with any mod, yes? All the cameras that you put on manually work fine.
  10. Stupid question, but how do you activate the docking cam. It says it's part of docking ports, but I couldn't figure out how to turn it on I tried right clicking the port to see if you activate it from there, tried using the cycle next cam.
  11. Yeah, just installed a bunch of mods, and they all looked up to date. Had been playing stock a little here and there, figured it might be a memory thing since I have high res textures added now. I used to run 64 bit and never seemed to have that problem then. Hopefully they will get a perfected 64 bit version soon since this game seems to suffer from memory issues Thanks guys.
  12. KSP: Up-to-date(not sure version number) Windows 32bit Problem: Crashing often. Usually when switching back to Space Center or between buildings/ships etc. Mods installed: Aviation Lights Chatterer Distant Object Enhancement KAS Kerbal Engineer KIS Precise Node TAC Fuel Balancer Texture Replacer Reproduction steps: Just playing I turned off the Temp. Gauges as I heard they can cause some problems, and I had crashed once while approaching Kerbol and a bunch of them popped up. Log: Output Log Any idea what's causing it? I couldn't figure out from the logs what is happening myself.
  13. No worries. I can wait for a fix. Came to play some KSP because my ship in Elite: Dangerous is(humorously) bugged as well Not sure when they are going to get around to fixing that, but there's lots of people having that issue so it shouldn't be too long. Thanks for the help guys. You can delete this thread if needed
  14. Yeah, I'm using a bunch of mods. Seem to be working fine other than the upgraded KSC, I just wanted to start from scratch and work my way up. The big one that will probably cause 32bit to not work for me is Texture Replacer, I have some pretty high res ones installed.
  15. Damnit So if it's a bug, is there a way to fix it? Edit: Thanks, will try the above Oh, sigh, no fix for the 64 bit. Guess I'll wait to play for a while until it's fixed. Thanks.
  16. Hey all. I decided to start a new Career(haven't played in a while), downloaded all the mods I like, and fired up the game. Started a new Career, but my KSC is already fully upgraded? I thought you started with bare bones and had to upgrade all that stuff. I deleted that and tried messing with the difficulty settings, but couldn't find one that would fix this. Any ideas?
  17. Seems weird that you're too "lazy" to create some debris, but completely willing to fly around collecting a bunch of it, lol
  18. I've been wondering lately why Squad doesn't make a lot of mods stock. Besides the issue of having to update the additions themselves every patch, what is the deciding factor in what would become stock? There's a few in my opinion that should be stock, like KAS, Precise Node, Engineer, Chatterer, etc. One big one that hasn't been updated in a while is the Part Welding mod, which would be amazing if it was stock Allowing everyone to massively reduce part counts.
  19. KSP is a game I can't seem to watch for long. There's just a lot of nothing going on most of the time I used to stream it every once in a while, and I'm not a talkative person. A couple things I can't stand from any stream is too much stuff on the screen(large web cam, adverts, people with massive microphones in front of their faces as well... why?), experienced people that are clearly dumbing themselves down to look more "noob" at a game. Used to see this a lot in Dark Souls streams, people claiming first playthrough even though it's clearly not
  20. Yeah, I've seen some people complaining about slow updates here in the showcase section, which is ridiculous. If it isn't fast enough for you, fix it yourself. These people make mods for free then allow others to use their hard work. Generally people in the KSP community are pretty good though, can't say that for almost any other game community.
  21. Ah, I thought this mod was working. Came here to ask why my Drill/Converter won't make fuel, hoping I was doing something simple wrong Guess I'm putting my new Kethane bases on hold for now
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