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Everything posted by GreeningGalaxy

  1. Pronounce the plural of 'anime' "an-eems." Or pronounce the word 'amine' "am-in-ay"
  2. Because you are not Gangnam enough. Why did the ants eat my solar panels?
  3. !!!!! is all I can say! Not only is it stellar music, but you actually played it on the violin / didn't just do it sampled?? I am absolutely in awe. I think I'm actually tearing up right now as I listen to the Dres one.
  4. Same. I can't think of a way to corrupt that wish because almost any degree of upheaval would be an improvement as long as it involved those bulls[ ]t magazines getting their act together / ceasing to exist. I wish the next poster would come up with a good wish.
  5. False. What do a saxophone and a lawsuit have in common? >>Both stir up significant animosity, and everyone's generally happier when the case is closed. Three drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff. >>Ba dum dum tssss Why did the chicken cross the road? >>To escape the basoon recital. The user below me has better jokes than these.
  6. Your little laptop inexplicably has an extra zero added to all its stats across the board, becoming an overpowered supercomputer. Unfortunately, its case becomes substantially weaker, and you never want to use it for fear of breaking keys. I wish I looked good in makeup.
  7. My laser pulse finds its way right down your thermal exhaust port. ...but it does nothing when it hits the reactor, because the reactor is already dealing with hundreds of gigawatts of angry plasma energy. I generate an Alcubierre bubble around you instead and send you warping straight into the surface of a neutron star. The hole punched in the star closes quickly, but with you still inside, and just in case you survived the radiation blast, I doubt the Death Star has a neutron degeneracy pressure higher than any other matter.
  8. Nope, this user has had her fill of "mirror the format" posts. Totally last week. The user below me is waiting for the mail to come to see if they finally got that package!
  9. Powering up my reality bending/chaos magic powers, I concentrate and redirect a large area of sunlight onto the area, cutting through the storm clouds and drying out the mud in seconds with sunshine twenty times more powerful than usual. Your boots are still stuck in the mud when it dries, so I leave you there to chip your way free while I modify the terrain to include a normal, dry, non-muddy hill once again. In fact, this time it's a granite mountain. My mountain.
  10. I think you are a cheat for how you post Your lines are not of iambs grouped in five. (aka cheating for not writing in iambic pentameter)
  11. Notably also on mobile, and typing out all the BB code because the buttons are too small to hit accurately on my phone. /brag
  12. Homestuck finally updates, but because you wished it early, it's still not finished. We have to wait another four months for the finale. I wish for another winter as long as last year's.
  13. -1 for laziness. Here, let me find one for you so this thread doesn't become a lackluster bumble of "[picture of a thing that can kill your thing because I'm too lazy]" And since I'm here, this thread needs more Calvin and Hobbes.
  14. Wall cars! It's an ordeal to get the jet engine activation and flip-up rocket firing timed well enough to actually get on the wall, but once you've gone through the 90-degree pitch without losing a wheel, it's a blast. This car is actually surprisingly good at going around the outside corners, but doing so too fast can bust wheels, which are really hard to fix if you're not on a level surface. It can also accidentally become a VTOL: I've managed to land it safely a couple of times after that happening, but getting back to the wall so far evades me. Doing fine maneuvers with jet engines is tricky with the spin up/down time.
  15. Objectively speaking, MLP is for young girls. That's the original intended audience. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with someone of any age or gender watching a show geared towards kids, but I'm wary these days of people who say that My Little Pony is NOT just for little girls, because in many cases, that's heard from grown men defending their attempts to exclude small children from being fans of the show (like this thing, for example- "Adult collectible, this is not a toy"), or worse, use elements of it for things that would not be appropriate for small children. Yes, it's fine for people to like the show, but trying to take it away from the demographic it was originally intended for is just rude. I'm not accusing anyone on the forum or elsewhere in particular of that, but just calling attention to why the fans of the show who are posting here might have less legitimate reason to be mad about hearing "MLP is for little girls" than some of the other irksome sentences we're coming up with here. [end wet blanket]
  16. Oh my. Kevin MacLeod music really is the best. I'm totally going to make that into a playlist!!
  17. This poster literally is a Troll. And she fires a multi-gigawatt pulse laser rifle at the next poster.
  18. Moffat is a great writer! Oh god no he's not I can't believe I even typed that ironically Whovians will gouge your eyes out and burn you at the stake if you say that though so don't
  19. I walk up the hill and push you off. My hill.
  20. I would totally still go to Europa if Europa Report was guaranteed to happen The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked. And then there will be cake. ooooeee cakecakecakecakecake
  21. I think we all know what the Sun does to mud...
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