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Everything posted by MR4Y

  1. Yeah, but what people miss on when condemning Mechjeb is how utterly complicated the real thing is. Not even Orbiter comes closer to in in complexity and it has 12 years of experience as a space simulator being developed. As for the piloting manually thing, I don't think this happens today. rocket's have become way too complex for the human brain to wrap their heads around it.
  2. Some people will even ignore your posts. Here's an example. I've been trying to install Modular Fuel Tanks for about two weeks now. It's probably the third time I posted in there asking either for a simpler folder structuring or clear installing instructions. All posts were ignored. Heck. You post a mod in the add on releases part and doesn't even listen to people that want to use it?
  3. Still trying to figure a way of breaking atmosphere at 2 Km/s without exploding. And by that I mean using a space plane and taking off from Kerbin.
  4. I officially gave up on trying to orbit with the Heinlein. The plane is almost impossible to coontrol.
  5. You have a sort of trade. Rockets become harder to control with FAR.
  6. I had issues where a plane designed with FAR installed will perform better on it than on the stock game.
  7. Probably that won't be valid, but using FAR's stock Hypersonic Demon:
  8. Might seem a bit weird, but can I use stock planes or have to make my own?
  9. Here's the video on the "strange bug" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zScmu9AMhsA
  10. Some people might like Kethane in there as well.
  11. I now have a plane that can come closer to 2 Km/s...but only on FAR. I'll post a video as soon as possible on the subject.
  12. This is not something you would see in screshots. What Deadly Reentry does is add heat during reentry, making your ship (yes, the entire ship) overheat and explode if enter the atmosphere too quickly, which is what happens in real life. On a second note, you guys know that the Apollo 10 reentered the atmosphere at 11.08 Km/s right? It's the speed record for a manned flying object.
  13. I had only one issue till now. I loaded a rover made with the Mark 6 threads and made a bigger vehcile around it that held it by a dock. I tested releasing the rover, with a kerbal driving it. It all worked great, except that the threads wouldn't turn no matter how long I pressed 'A' or 'D'.
  14. While testing something using both FAR and Deadly Reentry, my space plane had it's engines exploding after leaving 150 Km (I belive) flying at about 1.5 Km/s. Is this the expected behavior considering I was coming from inside Kerbin and not really reentering the atmosphere?
  15. I'm having a interesting and weird thing happening. I'm not sure it's a bug. I'll be posting a video as soon as possible.
  16. You can do multiple docking ports as described, but only one docking port will dock. Since you have to target at least one dacking port to even dock at all, the dock and the port is docking to becomes the parent and the other docks just stick together by magnetic force, but aren't really docked. I believe that's why we have the Clampotron Sr. It's easier to add a bigger docking port than change the way things are attached just so two or three docking ports in the same place all dock.
  17. Well, I was able to have shadows with the render set to 'simple'. It seems that it's the lowest it can go. 'faster' and 'fastest' don't show any shadows.
  18. Caan you make a version without the Kethane tanks?
  19. KSP's attaching structure keeps you from doing that. Even if you have multiple docking ports grouped in the same place, only one docking port will dock. The others will stay there held by magnetic force.
  20. Even if you could, I wouldn't allow the Pulse Detonation Engine. That plane has enough thrust to leave Kerbol's SOI. I made a few stock planes without airhogging, but none come even close to 2 Km/s
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