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Everything posted by danfarnsy

  1. I should move that report over to MFT, since, after deleting the config file in KPBS, it subsequently had the same NRE with Procedural Parts.
  2. @Nils277, @taniwha released an updated version of Modular Fuel Tanks for KSP 1.2, and there appears to be a conflict now with KPBS such that KSP is stuck on the loading screen when it reaches KKAOSS_RCS_Tank. This only happens for me with MFT installed. Here's the relevant excerpt from the log: I think I found the issue: next in the load iteration is KKAOSS_Xenon_Tank but Real Fuels and MFT have differing tank type definitions. Where RF has ElectricPropulsion, the relevant type in MFT is "type = Xenon", and there is no ElectricPropulsion type defined. @PART[KKAOSS_Xenon_Tank]:FOR[PlanetarySurfaceStructures]:NEEDS[RealFuels|ModularFuelTanks] { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = 480 type = ElectricPropulsion } } The solution is to simply split this into two entries in your config file. It also looks like this isn't new, since RF changed definitions when KSP 1.0 was released. Odd that this wasn't found earlier... ---------------------------------------- I spoke too soon about the solution. It looks like it's still getting stuck.
  3. @JPLRepo Again, thank you for your fine work. The changes under the hood for this update are incredible. I'm glad to see somebody better qualified than I has kept it alive. I'll still be poking in, time permitting, but lately that means I'm procrastinating coursework or research.
  4. I understand self-plagiarism is a real thing. My mind was blown the day I found out about it. I think your head makes a marvelous pack.
  5. That was some dramatic writing to match your intent. It may have been better to call him a liar in private first before doing so in public. That aside, I'm looking forward to what comes Beyond Kerbal.
  6. Right? Maybe I just need to read slower so it doesn't sound like people are always talking so fast.
  7. Aquilux, on the SpaceDock link, click "Changelog", and there are download links for previous versions: http://spacedock.info/mod/88/SpaceY Heavy Lifters/download/1.13.1 Also, please, can you be less accusatory toward a guy who makes awesome content for free in his spare time? Sorry you might lose your craft (hope not), but, for serious, you're installing free mods in your game and the risk is and always has been your own. Nobody else gets to be blamed when you click the update button in CKAN.
  8. http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/47730955705/expansions-dlc-and-the-future-of-ksp So, yes, they said it. It was a lame thing to say. But of those who are still playing from back then, I bet some of us are like me. I bought my initial copy in late 2012 (version 0.17). And then I bought several more over the next couple of years for friends and family. I've donated to some modders who have made incredible content (though it's hard to spread donations very evenly, considering how many mods I use). A few of us get expansions for free, apparently. So what's the best bet for future content? Multiplayer! I want to play KSP with other people, in a workable, stable, intuitive way. I think it's doable. And even if my copy was an upgrade for free, I'd be lining up to get my friends in and sometimes buy their copies. I want to collaborate and coordinate on missions. Your whiner user base is not nearly as useful as your paying userbase, so make awesome things, and you'll likely have my money.
  9. Thanks for the help. It took me a while to figure out why this solution wasn't working: I also had KASE installed, which tries to do the same thing as SVT. It had been some months since I'd played, so I didn't realize my redundancy in picking up your extras for SVE. "I replaced sun.cfg in here just like he said!" I feel like I just spent a couple of hours looking for a missing semicolon. And I may just discover that, like superman, I prefer the light of a yellow sun.
  10. Roger. Otherwise, these make for something prettiful:
  11. From GalileosSunFlares.1.52.zip, it's Galileo's Sun Flares/GalileosSunflares/Choose Sunflare/Charlie/(all the files) put in scatterer/sunflare. I've tried both by writing over the top and leaving other existing files alone, or by deleting the contents of scatterer/sunflare and then copying your files in. I'll try to get you a screenshot right quick.
  12. @Galileo I'm currently using one of your yellow flares and it looks great, but I've had trouble using a white flare. I tried using a white one (charlie), and instead of being all white, it showed up as white flare on top of a yellow sun (as if the originalSunglare.png is still being used). I'm otherwise using scatterer and EVE from your SVE download links, then replacing the files in /GameData/scatterer/sunflare with the ones from your download. I also have Kopernicus (1.1.3-1). This is in KSP 1.1.3. Obviously, I'm misunderstanding something here. I tried to grab the newest scatterer for 1.1.3, but it doesn't seem to accept sunflares the same way as the version of scatterer you bundled with SVE. I also see plenty of people have screenshots with a white sun, so they clearly did something I didn't.
  13. @JPLRepo Many thanks for doing this. I'm glad I was able to keep it alive for a while, and I'm glad you're able to grab the baton and keep it going.
  14. Moderators, I have updated OP to point to JPL's new thread. Can we please lock this one? Thank you!
  15. Because I saw a squirrel. The wall of text looks less wall-like with a high resolution monitor. More like a picket fence. Regarding your question about permission to use assets for Kerbalism, the TAC-LS license is permissive, but I appreciate you asking. Just make sure you give credit for the original work. If you're using the newer textures from the May release, credit goes to @TMS. I'm also sorry for the delay in replying, and I understand your frustration. Absolutely! It just wanders to physics problems instead of TACLS problems.
  16. Honesty time: I took up TACLS because I didn't want to see it fall by the wayside, but now I'm in danger of letting it do just that. @James3838 is in a decent position with knowing the code, and he's an actual programmer (unlike me), but I suspect he's still not in a position to take on everything that "owning" a mod entails (it's time consuming). James, please correct me if I'm wrong on that count. So I'm looking for somebody who is in a position to do this mod justice. @JPLRepo, maybe? He's busy too! I just spoke with @NathanKell, and most RO folks are pretty swamped. If there isn't somebody better positioned to pick this up, I'll keep it, but the next update may be a while, and there are already a few outstanding issues with TACLS, not to mention a KSP update just around the corner. I'm relatively confident TACLS will break when 1.2 drops. That's not to say I can't get around to updating TACLS. But it has needed to be updated for over a month and I haven't done it. That's not cool. Either I need help or somebody to adopt TACLS or I need to suck it up and get it done. For those who are curious, here's what's going on with me: I'm working on a hard research problem along with my physics coursework, and I've reached the point where I've got some good momentum. I've been looking at the Casimir Effect in different relativistic reference frames, which is a pretty interesting experiment in terms of describing the properties and behavior of the electrodynamic vacuum, and it may provide insight into how the invariance of vacuum properties (like, maybe, local vacuum energy density) correspond to other invariant properties (like the speed of light). The Casimir effect is really cool: if you place two parallel conductive plates at close separation, they impose boundary conditions on the electromagnetic vacuum which results in *less* vacuum energy between the plates than outside them, and the difference in energy pushes the two plates together. Anybody particularly familiar with the Casimir effect understands that the picture is more complicated than that, and that there are also ways to approach it without invoking vacuum states of the electromagnetic vacuum, but that's the basic gist. It really starts to matter at sub-micrometer separations, which makes it important for nanoengineering. So what happens when you are moving with enough velocity with respect to a Casimir effect experimental setup such that the plates now are closer together because of relativistic length contraction? It's not completely straightforward or intuitive, though it's doable enough to find the equation of motion for the plates in the stationary frame and transform the motion. But do you consistently get the same result from transforming the vacuum fields? For instance, the vacuum modes which satisfy the boundary conditions for the Casimir effect transform with counter-propagating waves having opposite Doppler shifts, and they no longer look like standing waves, but they still sum to zero at the boundaries of the (now-moving) cavity. But they now have different frequencies, and the ladder operators for a simple harmonic oscillator don't seem to be describing the same modes anymore, which means the Hamiltonian is no longer that of a simple harmonic oscillator, and the Coulomb gauge usually used in quantizing the fields is violated, so I have to wrap my head around the Gupta-Bleuler condition which takes care of the non-physical timelike and longitudinal polarizations which show up. It's fun, but it's conceptually hard. It's a good thing when you wake up thinking about a hard problem, when your mind drifts to it when you're otherwise "daydreaming" or sitting there with a dumb look on your face, because that's when you make the most progress. That's where I've been lately. When I'm too burned out to think about this problem, I'm also too burned out to work on TACLS, and this problem has been getting all my attention. It's not that I don't have free time. It's that I don't have free focus.
  17. Situation update: I've been up to my eyeballs in homework and research (Casimir effect and electrodynamic vacuum in relativity, wee!), but I'm aware of TACLS issues with RO, log spam, and DeepFreeze. Thank you all who have brought those to my attention. I'll address them as I'm able.
  18. There is a GameData folder inside the download. You need to move the contents of that to your own GameData folder. You cannot simply drop the download in the GameData folder and have it run correctly.
  19. When I read this note before, for some reason I had only glanced over it and filed it under "issue has already been reported." I just recompiled with the new KSP targets, and I didn't note any issues after that. I also haven't been playing KSP much, so I didn't test this exhaustively, just enough to verify the Null Reference Exceptions were fixed and that the resource counter properly counted down. I didn't really check behavior/consumption under warping. Anybody seeing any issues with the current release?
  20. Yes, if you're trying to trim every last bit of weight down, you could do small hex cans without including food, or such. Keep in mind your pod has enough resources for three days, so you only need to bring extra oxygen and water for missions beyond that, basically allowing a Minmus landing and return. TACLS doesn't provide any mechanism for your kerbal to start acting delirious when he or she is starving, nor for them to get extra grumpy, so you could do it this way without penalty. Maybe it's worth having some sort of reputation penalty in career mode for starving your kerbalnauts, even if you don't kill them. It probably won't be a feature.
  21. Sounds like you've got some funky mod interactions going on. Care to share your log? Kachiga! Thank you so much. Very nice icon, simple design that jives with the textures from TMS. I like the way the bolt alternatively suggests a road to the horizon or a resource gauge. Or maybe you had neither of those in mind when you made it, but that's what it evoked for me, which is good. I'll PM you an email address.
  22. If you're interested in discussing the issue (I wasn't, but this is bringing drama to the thread), the other fault was the clumsy way in which you brought the issue up. It sounded accusatory, the same way I say to my kids, "Is there a reason your toys are spread out all over your bedroom floor?" This is what @Stone Blue was referring to, regarding tone. I happened to read it the same way. Then again, it's writing, and it could have sounded totally different in your head when you wrote it. So, even if you intended it differently than we read it, can you at least see how we read it the way we did? You also correctly identified the issue which led to an easy fix. Thank you for that, again. You were trying to be helpful. Stone Blue was trying to be helpful. Hey, I'm trying to be helpful too! If we stumble a bit in the process and make mistakes or don't communicate clearly, well, we're a community of nerds with underdeveloped social skills. We all benefit from being patient with each other. I'm glad when people are patient with me. Also, for clarification: I take full responsibility for TACLS's CKAN listing, even though I'm not very proficient with it and have to get help occasionally (read: all the time). That means this is the right place to bring up CKAN distribution issues. As a user, that's confusing of course, because every mod author has his or her own position on CKAN. I find CKAN to be a bunch of voodoo myself, but it's voodoo I'd rather track.
  23. Artifact of fixing some other issue. Typos are the werst.
  24. Thanks for the heads up. Fixed. It will probably be a little while before this reflects on the CKAN end. And, of course, there could be some other mistake somewhere. Edit: CKAN just ran the install for me, so I think we're good to go.
  25. I'd kiss you if I could. A logo is welcome, too!
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