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Everything posted by danfarnsy

  1. Guernica, it will be much easier if you can provide a link to your ksp.log file (google drive or dropbox are good examples of where you can upload it). Additionally, as most users of Necro's mods are not having the issue you describe, there may be some conflict with other mods. Providing information about the mods installed, the way you installed them (and where you downloaded them from), the way your GameData folder is arranged, etc. can all help narrow down the issue.
  2. Edit: Pretend I said nothing. I missed where your link was to CKAN.
  3. As an aside, I found a different issue (low priority, IMO) that you can put on the list. For B9 pods, if I go to view/IVA and then leave that view by pressing 'c', the interior cutaway view often (but not always) is no longer available. This doesn't appear to occur for stock pods. If I leave the scene and re-load it, the interior cutaway view becomes available again. I don't particularly care about it, but maybe somebody will. I figured I'd share.
  4. Update: Because I wasn't sure exactly what we were testing, I tried with 6.0.1 with bundled dependencies, which predictably didn't work. Then again with 6.0.1 with RPM, Firespitter, ModuleManager, and SmokeScreen all updated to most recent available. I also tested with the dev version (downloading B9-Aerospace-master.zip). I also compared to how the screens look in 1.0.5. The first two pages (out of five) aren't working properly in either 1.0.5 or in 1.1.0, even though they're different from each other and 1.1.0 looks worse: Maybe I can figure this out. I didn't solve it when we were doing 5.3.0, and I haven't really touched RPM configs since then, which still leaves me as the B9 resident expert, right?
  5. I hadn't installed your dev version 6.0 in 1.1 yet, but I'll get on it and see what I can do.
  6. I am thinking about system performance. Up through 1.0.5, I was using EVE 7-4 in a 64-bit Linux setup, with Astronomer's Visual Pack. With 1.1, Windows 64-bit, I've been using the new versions of EVE with different packs. In "vanilla" EVE with rbray's textures and configs, my GPU fan spins up audibly enough, but it seems stable enough for long gameplay. Using SVE (UR) with scatterer, everything starts up fine. It's smooth as silk for 15-20 minutes. But over the course of switching scenes or going EVA and boarding, the whole thing becomes increasingly sluggish. The other day, it progressed to the point where my graphics driver crashed, full stop, which sounds like GPU overheat. My GPU is a 4 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, which is no slouch, even if it no longer has that new car smell. There are very few games I can't max the visual settings on and have it stay smooth. RBray has mentioned in a few posts that forcing higher versions of DirectX is a no-go (not that I've tried it), but I'm curious if anybody has tips for tweaking configs or other tools, or for figuring out how much of the system load is due to scatterer, how much due to EVE, and how much is just revenge of the 8k textures.
  7. Some textures transfer over, but it doesn't work to use the entire Boulder Co folder from Astronomer's with the current version of EVE. The config files don't work "as is." I know somebody's working to update it, but I don't know any timeline for that (there's a link within the past few pages).
  8. Oh, the things we have strong feelings about. CKAN. No CKAN. Steam. No Steam. I know we don't talk about religion directly around here (I believe there's a forum rule about it), but I find it amusing how people get religious about KSP. In fact, I was talking with my buddy the other day about putting on white shirts and ties to knock on doors and tell people about the glory that is Kerbal Space Program. I like running heavily modded, and CKAN creates some issues while resolving others. The biggest advantage to CKAN is the compatibility checks, which makes mods like Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul, with wide lists of dependencies and recommendations, much easier to manage. On the other hand, CKAN doesn't cast its net as far, and it's polarizing: mod authors who aren't actively pushing CKAN often end up frustrated with CKAN indexing and installs. You'll find many authors who automatically refer users to CKAN help pages and won't provide support if their mod is installed via CKAN. It makes sense, but it can be difficult as a user to navigate. In the end, my Kopernicus installs (RSS, New Horizons) depend on CKAN, while my primary install is handled manually. I also spend as much time managing my mods as I do actually playing the game. At least I'm not a mod author. How many authors get to actually play anymore instead of fixing bugs and answering forum questions about why something is broken? There's satisfaction in problem solving, for sure, and most authors rightly are in it for selfish reasons, i.e. they make mods they want to use. But we users sometimes forget that the mods (as well as the core game and tools like CKAN) represent the work and ingenuity of the people behind them. Gratitude and kindness are always appropriate.
  9. Lo, @Plecy75, I'm not a moderator, but one of the howdy-doody forum rules requires us to read to see if the question, "has it been updated yet," has been asked and answered. If it has been asked, please don't ask again. Any variations on the theme, such as, "please update," "what's the update ETA," etc. are all the same thing. That said, an update is being worked on, and some people are testing to see if the current/old NH pack works with the updated Kopernicus. If you'd like to take some risk with a new save and help test it, I'm sure other users would appreciate any useful feedback.
  10. There's a lot of bigotry against the color pink in here. I, for one, feel left out. None of my stuff is pink. What gives?
  11. @blowfish, if there are any parts I can jump in and help with again, do you have a to-do list with items I can claim?
  12. Thank you, Ferram! This has been the biggest missing part of my 1.1 experience.
  13. And thanks for yours! Being a military spouse with kids is a lot of sacrifice. My wife can vouch for that, as I made her a "geographically single mom" for enough years.
  14. That makes sense. I used 24-hour timeframes for easier comparison to real life usage, but also because the USI-LS build aid in the VAB appears to report numbers based on 24 hour days. When I threw on the 1.25 m life support canister with a Mk1 pod, it told me the 500 kg of supplies included would last 7 days, 17 hours, which are obviously earth days, or about 31 kerbal days. It's unnecessary for quick Mun trip, but about right for a Minmus landing mission. At any rate, thanks for the helpful responses, everybody! Especially that reference document, @mcortez. After Army time, training, exercises, and deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, my intuition is skewed by not-quite-comparable experiences. I know you can get by for shorter periods of time with a lot less than this, but you get very stinky, throw away a lot of disposables, and it's easy to underestimate water consumption because you're frequently re-supplied on that count. Even for carrying a few liters on backpacking in the mountains (gets heavy fast), you end up having to do your own "ISRU" from streams and lakes (though your caloric and straight water needs are a lot higher carrying weight on your back over rough terrain versus riding in space capsules). I think I'll leave it as it is, for now. At the very least, it makes for interesting gameplay challenges.
  15. I know I can tweak all of this myself in the settings (and I am), but I had a question about the default settings and design intent. If this has been discussed before, maybe somebody can point me in the right direction. I'm finally digging into USI-LS because TAC-LS isn't updated yet. The default usage and supply weights in USI-LS seem unrealistically heavy. Essentially, to keep my Kerbal alive (or at least not complaining) for 24 hours, it takes 64.8 kg of supplies. That's some serious weight. It's like needing to eat, drink, and breathe your entire body mass every day. Is this an error? Is it motivated by some particular simulation argument I'm missing? Or did it come from more straightforward gameplay considerations in terms of play balance and challenge? I'm going to aim my tweaks a bit towards realistic consumption rates, but I'm not confident I understand all of the underlying mechanics in the recycling and growth sides enough to keep it balanced.
  16. @Nertea Heads up: your curseforge download link on the front page points to the page for version 2.3, which no longer exists. It just needs to update to http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/community-tech-tree-2-4 instead.
  17. Yeah, it appears that USI tools, Firespitter, InterstellarFuelSwitch, RealChute, Tweakscale, and other mods with "switch" functionality have all been broken in build 1209. I also referenced this in feedback for ColorCodedCanisters, here:
  18. @NecroBones Just a heads up, it looks like today's 1.1 build release (1209) has broken Firespitter, InterstellarFuelSwitch, and mods dependent on them. Other mods with similar "switch" functionality, including RoverDude's USI and Karbonite, RealChute, TweakScale (Emerald had a functional update), are similarly impacted. Here's the relevant log, though I don't know if it's anything you can fix. The result is that all the textures for stock canisters get confused and try to display at the same time. It's mostly an aesthetics mod, so I can play without it, but I'll be looking forward to a fix, however that comes about.
  19. I'd like to add my support for this, particularly for 1.875m parts, either in SpaceY expanded or MRS. I use Tweakscale and Procedural Parts, but I can't figure out how to get Tweakscale to play well with Modular Fuel Tanks (internal volumes don't change with scaling when MFT is installed), and Procedural Parts has difficulty in the "pretty" department. This would definitely fill a niche for me. I have three large separate installs: RSS and RO, New Horizons, as well as the stock solar system. Burger Mod is probably the only one of yours I don't have installed somewhere.
  20. Kaa, that is mostly correct. If you have an older version of EVE (I'm using 1.0), it still works with KSP, and it does work with Astronomer's pack.
  21. FreeThinker, I've been a long-time user of this mod, and I really appreciate the work you put into it. I reached a point of frustration recently, though. It seems like KSP's thermal systems are going a very different direction from KSP-I, and I was wondering if I could help bridge the gap. As it is, KSP-I parts have two different temperatures, heat contents, etc, as if they're thermodynamically oblivious to each other. I've pulled down your code and started pouring through it. It's a lot to get familiar with, with a lot of complexity (my hat is off to you for managing this thing). I'm going to try to fold the waste heat mechanic into stock heating, so we don't have two wildly different reported temperatures for parts, or different mechanisms for radiating heat away. Of course, it's not simple, seeing as thermal power and core-temperature dependent ISP are critical to this mod. I'll see what I can do. I'm going to proceed regardless (for my own sake), but if you're interested in checking out my changes and merging them into your version when I've got something, that could be good for the mod. Here's my general plan: examine the reactors from systems like Near Future Electrical and USI, see how the core-heat and heat transfer are worked in there. Then I'm going to map out a way to leave the thermal power mechanic in place while taking *excess* thermal power which would have become waste heat and changing it into the thermal flux/heat used by the stock game. I'll keep you posted.
  22. I've been using the 64-bit Linux version for a while now. If anything, 64-bit takes longer, because there's no point in having so much memory if you aren't cramming it full of mods and high-res textures which makes loading the game take ages. The growth is greater-than-linear, too, as a number of mods have module manager patches which get applied to each other's parts. Currently I'm sitting at ~17k MM patches during load. It sure is pretty, though!
  23. It ends up stuck on full-throttle because you can't get your apoapsis out far enough in front. Then it tilts your rocket upwards from prograde and you lose even more dV to gravity and steering losses. You also spend too much time in denser atmosphere, racking up extra drag losses. The way I compensated without modifying my rocket design was to start the gravity turn later (at ~150 s) and make the initial turn a little smaller (at ~8 degrees).
  24. Overengineer, This is fantastic. I use FAR, and I've been testing this out with a number of variations in the settings. So far, the "best guess" for a simple 1.25m stack orbiter seems to be pretty good (~96 m/s, 10.7 degrees turn), and increasing the AP hold times from 40 seconds to 45-50 doesn't seem to hurt the bottom line. Changing AP hold times lower (~35 seconds), though, leaves my ascent a little too shallow. Overall delta-V to 80 km for most approaches is about 3350 m/s, which is better than I was getting otherwise, though I haven't specifically measured how much (usually in the ballpark of 3500-3700 m/s). If nothing else, you've reminded me of what a proper ascent profile looks like. Of course, time is a resource too, so I may end up going for steeper ascents just to save time. If I get better ascents with FAR, I'll be sure to share. Thanks for the mod!
  25. Coolest thing I've seen all night. That landing was serious precision, and I never saw Mechjeb duck-taped to the hull. As an old drill sergeant used to say, "GET YOU SOME OF THAT!" Mmm! Yeah! Wooo!
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