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Everything posted by danfarnsy

  1. @Nertea, I know you're still well in development. I've been updating the SSPX Redux as you post commits, giving it a spin. Is there some point where you'd like to start getting feedback, bug reports, etc.? I know it's not yet, but I'd be happy to post Github issues when you think it's mature enough to start putting it through some paces. Happy modeling! Your stuff looks awesome already (or rather, as usual ).
  2. Ah, so not only do I wait for GSC to cross Ceti's plane, you set it up specifically so that I don't really cross it. I just brush it, ever so gently, a nice little tangent line. Very smooth.
  3. Roger that. I'll see if I can get Jeb and co. back by doing that, then edit the persistent save file to move all of Galileo's awards back to Jeb. And everybody always loves cool developments. Not rushing is good.
  4. @Galileo, I've got a slight, completely separate, issue. I left the name changer alone, using Jeb, Bill, Bob, Val, and twice now upon reloading a game it's changed the names of the "veterans" to the creators' names. That would be okay, I suppose, but it also means that Jebediah/Galileo loses all his FF awards for being the first to do everything awesome. The first time, it happened when I was using KSC switcher, when I switched to a different launch site. I got rid of KSC switcher, started a new game, and now it's happened again. Logs found here, here. In the ksp.log, the last reference to Jebediah Kerman occurs at 16:28:55.802. The first reference to Galileo Gaelan occurs at 16:17:09.025, just after the SOI change from Gael to Iota, and immediately after that reference, he has apparently taken Jeb's place (gets awarded Iota ribbons from FF, etc.). I didn't notice until I was on re-entry.
  5. Ceti should be similar to launching to Minmus. Wait for GSC to line up with orbital plane, then launch into the plane. Iota needed a special trick because the GSC never crosses its orbital plane. Edit: though, that's not the same as launch to intercept without circularizing. If you've got something more, I'm all ears.
  6. That's fantastic. I added 1600 m/s to my design for only 30k space bucks, retooled with the surface attachable smaller cryo engines (7 cores in asparagus), but after I followed your advice, I'm on a flyby course with 2900 m/s to spare, which means I could have used my previous design (5 cores, LF asparagus with Skippers) and still had 1300 m/s to spare, instead of being short by 300 m/s. But cutting out the 1100 m/s plane change isn't enough to account for the 1600 m/s savings here. My guess is that the rest is a combination of not circularizing before burning to intercept and increasing my sea level TWR to 1.5 (instead of 1.15 as with the Skippers) by going cryogenic, decreasing gravity losses. Which all means WOOHOO! @OhioBob is the man!
  7. Exactly the information I needed (and probably should have figured out myself). Thank you!
  8. Looking over it, I'm just having to recognize that I'm destroying my mass fraction by using Skippers when I haven't unlocked Mainsails. I also have cryogenic engines installed, and I think the 2.5 m variants are in the same tech node as Mainsail, which will make a big difference on the dry masses.
  9. I may need to try this. I've got a low-tech Iota flyby vehicle in my 10.625x scale game, and even with a total delta-V of 13,500 m/s (flight in atmosphere probably drops that ~400 m/s), the plane change after achieving orbit drops me below the ~3100 m/s I need for a simple flyby on a free-return trajectory (from 140 km Gael orbit). Of course, there's always the MOAR BOOSTERS approach, that eats into ROI very quickly, since my on-pad weight is already 383 tons. Since I'm also using USI-LS, I can't stay up there indefinitely waiting for an Iota intercept that allows me to transfer at the AN/DN without doing a plane change, nor do I know how best to plan my launches for it. 383 tons, and I'll be landing on Gael with 800 kg. Maybe the problem is my design. *grumble* By the way, does anybody have a good multiplier to use for different scales on the provided delta-V map? Just the square root of the scale? They probably all have military backgrounds, and the photographer just said, "Show me your war face!" Turns out war faces are stoic, apathetic, and "stop wasting my time."
  10. On the KJR thread, you noted that asking about updates has been banned. This was previously a rule, then was removed as a rule, and now it's in place again?

    Don't moderators expect this will lead to the same amplification/shaming/spam that existed while it was a rule? As soon as somebody asked for an update, they were bombarded with several replies, "THIS IS AGAINST TEH RULEZ!" Or such. Perhaps an additional rule is necessary, i.e. posts by non-moderators trying to fulfill the role of moderators through shaming and barking up the rules tree are also prohibited; just use the "report" button instead. Or is that already a rule?

    Anyway, asking here instead of directly replying in the thread because I didn't want to add to the noise drowning out mod relevant signal/discussion.

  11. With first aero tech unlocked, I realized all my Gael contracts are clustered together several thousand kilometers away, like, from all the possible launch sites. Valentina's little airplane has a speed of 260 m/s. I can collect science over some biomes along the way, but it's a real travel time of hours to get to the actual mission sites. Ermagersh! It's kind of awesome. I usually just skip Kerbin-based missions because, meh, who cares? But now that getting places quickly is a problem, it needs to be solved.
  12. Finally got back to making my new KSP install for 1.3.1, building a career around a 10.625x RESCALE of GPP with SMURFF, FAR, everything Nertea and RoverDude, and... wow. This is going to hurt. Jeb didn't die on his first suborbital trip, even though he spent a good 20 seconds with the G-meter maxed out. Thankfully he woke up in time to deploy the chutes. Maybe I should have unlocked airplane parts so I could get local-ish funding and science, because right now I've barely topped 7-8k delta-V on my launch vehicle (depending on ascent profile). Right now, the largest tanks I've got are FLT-400's, which means I hit the 30 part count limit, while being short of funds to upgrade VAB and short of science to upgrade rocket tech. Oddly, KSP crashed the first couple of times I ran it with this setup, maybe had something to do with whatever Sigma fixed in Dimensions yesterday, since it's working now. But if I can get to orbit, I'm already half way to everywhere, right? Right?! *starts biting nails*
  13. OP here. Can a moderator please lock this thread as it is no longer maintained?
  14. FWIW, I just checked my own mission-support octogirders (standard size rather than XL), and they were fully charged upon launch. I'm running too many mods, so it would be hard to check a "diff" in our lists.
  15. Your own rationality might be a bit more rational if it included the humility and grace to recognize that others here, particularly the mod authors you ask for support, are also rational people, deserving of mutual appreciation and respect, who have no rational reason to support your megamod KSP install. Perhaps they could be inspired by your vision for what an awesome setup that megamod install might be if you didn't immediately destroy any sense of empathy by demanding the authors, who have nothing to do with you, fix your problem, which has nothing to do with them. Rational interaction requires mutual appreciation and respect. Instead, you give a snarky "then I will OBEY," as if you hadn't yourself requested it. You're here in these forums, asking in many mod threads, for help. This suggests that you need help, doesn't it? Then why turn around and fight against the help you need? If anything, it is supremely irrational. I'd like to invite you to have more esteem and appreciation for your fellow users, so we in turn can have more for you.
  16. @Gordon Dry, for knowing better than the mod authors what to do, you sure spend a lot of time asking them to support and fix your stuff. How about you do everybody a favor, and when you ask for help to fix your messes, you be polite and follow the instructions? You just did this to JPLRepo, complaining about the fact that he'd like you to log a github issue, instead of saying, "Oh, sure, I can do that!" If they happen to give you faulty instructions, fine, but first follow those faulty instructions. You asked for them, after all!
  17. I saw it once. It was with Near Future parts on one particular craft in 1.0.5, and trying to tweak the save file to correct it just led it to skew the other way. I never isolated the cause or solution, and I haven't seen it since. Good luck!
  18. The sunflares mod has instructions to drop the textures in the scatterer folder, but using them with SVE you need to put them in /StockVisualEnhancements/SVE_Scatterer/Sunflares, as SVE uses MM to override scatterer, rather than placing anything in the scatterer folder. Also, check the Galileo's Sunflares thread for more information about scaling the sunflare in the config, as that was recently discussed.
  19. Changing the last number in those two lines, from 0.32 to something like 0.8 or 1, is about right.
  20. Yes, although it's a little more complicated than copy/paste. SVE_Settings.cfg has the lines %flareSettings = 0.5,1,0.32 %spikesSettings = 0.7,1,0.32 The "0.32" means the flares from this pack become huge. I'm glad you answered this in the scatterer thread, in the context of resizing with Sigma Dimensions, but it's worth mentioning here for other users' sakes: the smaller this number, the larger the flare. This pack does better with the settings it comes with, installed in the scatterer folder, but SVE overrides those settings. I just changed the SVE settings file, which worked. This pack may benefit from the same MM love you've recently given your other mods.
  21. Those are old textures. As for CRP, TACLS used to have its own resources defined, but those definitions were redundant and had potential for conflict when playing with other mods, which most users seem to do. If you make your own limited resource definition for TACLS, and you later decide to expand your library with other mods that use CRP, the overlapping resource definitions might cause issues.
  22. @SQUAD: I'm a longtime repeat customer. By "repeat," I mean I bought four copies as gifts for friends, beyond the first for myself. This expansion/DLC, "Making History," looks like it will be fun. The mission design and sharing tools, along with the packaged missions and parts, will fit great. Since this DLC is going to include new parts, while you're at it can you please give a pass over the existing rocket engines and finish the project started by Porkjet? While that wouldn't be part of the DLC, clearly, since those parts are in the base game, it is the sort of aesthetic touch the base game still needs, which in turn makes it easier for me to be a repeat customer for future expansions/content. Thanks for continuing to improve KSP!
  23. Snark's got the sum of it. The feedback is useful for Squad, I'm sure, since even the "Squad should do a thing" comments can be translated as, "as a customer, I'm interested in paying money for a thing." Or that you're not interested. But there's not much persuasion (or respect) in "I want these features for free." Everybody's got some mental checklist of things they wish were better, or that "should be" better. I find things go more smoothly when I let go of "should" and acknowledge what "is." For example, I hate the 2.5m rocket engine aesthetics. They're awful. I have rocket parts packs, and I cringe every time I discover that the Mainsail is the best performance for a payload, because orange and hazard stripes don't match anything else in my rocket wardrobe. I had high hopes for Porkjet's overhaul. In my mind, we should have received that overhaul, finished. We should have had a coherent design aesthetic in stock. Right? Bac9's stint at Squad was a step in that direction, too. The high turnover at Squad has been murder for a coherent aesthetic. That's just an example, and I've got a few more things on my wishlist for KSP, yet I'm happy with where the game ended up. I'm happy with where the modding community ended up. Wherever I think KSP should have gone is irrelevant to the reality of where KSP is and where Squad is. We're nearly two years past 1.0, and Squad is on the tail of a long sales curve. Forget my concept of whether that should have been 1.0, or how things should have been done differently. How can I, as a customer, as a user who still plays KSP in periodic bursts after over four years, persuade Squad to make KSP fit my wishlist even better? There's only one way: by telling Squad what I'm willing to pay to have.
  24. Sounds like fun. I bought the game prior to April 2013. Any way I can still pay for the expansion?
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