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Everything posted by danfarnsy

  1. @ProgorMatic I didn't realize you were working on a patch. It seems like you're putting more thought into it than I did, so I'll defer to your patch. (edit, see reply further down the thread) However, I think you should still add something for Tholos (copy and modify my entry, if you like), since it's sensible that it adds some habitation multiplier like any cupola module. A ship with a dome is easier to live in than one without, right? I haven't reviewed your patch (edit, now have reviewed, see further in the thread), but one thing I tried to keep in mind is that the 5m parts may have significantly more volume than their 3.75m counterparts, often 4x as much, but rarely are they more than about 50% more mass. So, my guideline was to keep in mind relative performance per mass and crew capacity, and give a slight edge to the 5m part. But then I just made up a number that sounded okay that fit those boundaries. If you're already keeping performance per mass in mind, that's great, and I have nothing more to add. As for the PAS-G 'G4RD3N', @Arrowmaster it is three times heavier than the similar part, USILS_Greenhouse_MiniCupola, from USILS and about double the output. So it is less overpowered than what USI-LS includes to boot. Like I said, the numbers for most things were already inconsistent, so I was mostly looking at existing similar things and going from there. Abandon consistency, all ye who enter here. Edit: Crap, no, I did miss a decimal place! I just updated my pull request, if you want to keep playing with it. That cupola is now more sensible.
  2. I know you were addressing this to @JadeOfMaar for what he was doing for TACLS, but I realized my intent wasn't clear either. I've made a pull request now.
  3. In the CTT patch for WOLF, there's a typo where @PART[WOLF_Transporter]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = advlogistics } should be advLogistics, as it's case sensitive. I've been losing my mind trying to figure out why the transporter computer won't show up in my game, finally found it.
  4. I haven't seen where somebody else has submitted an updated config for ULI LS, so here is mine. These numbers are roughly pulled out of my backside, approximately scaled to the increased mass and crew capacity of five meter parts, plus the 1.25m cupola greenhouse. If somebody else has already taken care of this, please disregard. Google Drive Link to cfg This is a separate file, and the individual parts would need to be copied and pasted into the right sections in SSPXR-USILS.cfg . This does not include any changes to any other USI or MKS specific patches.
  5. Treebeard says, "we never go anywhere unless it is worth taking a long time to go there."
  6. I liked this. Sorry you found it a nightmare. You can do small rotations to keep the parts from clipping. I suppose if Nertea followed your suggestion, I could do the same rotations to get it to follow the shape again. I do miss the conformal deploying radiators being sized to reject enough heat for the reactors they fit.
  7. 30° is too much in most cases, but it can happen. A ground source broadcasting below 30 MHz can have multiple reflections off ground and ionosphere, going around the horizon for thousands of kilometers. For sources outside the atmosphere, at a shallow angle much of the signal will bounce off the ionosphere, for the same reasons things bounce internally, before ever getting a chance to do this. There are exceptions. Above this frequency range, there's little ionospheric interaction, you pretty much need line of sight. Below 1 MHz, you can get a few effects from diffraction around terrain itself, without atmosphere. For just passing through atmosphere, which has an index of refraction slightly different than vacuum, you would expect very slight bending. Planets without significant magnetic fields that can't retain the same kind of ionosphere will also have much less effect. So, now that I'm chewing on this, picking 0.9 sounds both good and very unrealistic to me.
  8. If it could be determined from the atmosphere on a per frequency and angle basis, with some internal reflection due to ionospheres, you'd probably get a wide range of values. You'd also have dead spots from signal being refracted or reflected away at certain incident angles. Lacking that, picking 0.9 sounds good to me!
  9. I've seen weird things like that with decal mods.
  10. 5m habitables from SSPXR, 5m hydrogen tank for afterburning on Asimov, then a 5m squat fissionables fuel tank (which is only 31% more fuel than 2.5m long tank) with 5m to 3.75m adapter for engine makes way more sense than adapting 5m to 2.5m then back to 3.75m, especially if they're using the same texture space anyway. We're also not talking about anything that's outside the realm of other FFT TWR or dV, and large dV enables all kinds of mission profiles either outside of normal transfer windows or high energy transfers to OPM planets. Y'all aren't imaginative enough. Edit: I'm not careful enough. An Asimov drive core pushing an 85 ton payload will only use ~48 fissionables for an entire 5m hydrogen tank, providing ~49k dV. A squat 5m fissionables tank would have ~800 fissionables left over after that, which would provide ~39k dV after that. Using reaction products mode isn't sensible for heavy payloads. I should go buy a hat so I can eat it.
  11. Any chance for fissionable fragments part variants like their 2.5 m counterparts?
  12. For some people, everything is a euphemism for something dirty. Which can be really funny, but you didn't say anything wrong at all.
  13. Thanks. I think I'm about where I want it, between the sunlight boost and my setting with the bloom from your neutral. Here's a few: Same scene with zorg-neutral, definitely pops: My current setting: Vs zorg-neutral preset, a little too much white: Here's my current, bloom is pretty much duplicate of yours. TUFX_PROFILE { name = Farnsy-Neutral hdr = False antialiasing = None EFFECT { name = Bloom Intensity = 2.4 Threshold = 1.3 SoftKnee = 0.73 } EFFECT { name = ColorGrading GradingMode = HighDefinitionRange Tonemapper = Neutral Temperature = 6 Saturation = 10 PostExposure = 0.7 Contrast = 6 Gain = 1,1,1,0.3 } } I'm glad these tools exist. It's nice to have visuals not be so flat.
  14. I didn't realize until I went to start writing some updated patches for USI LS and MKS for the 5m parts how very light these parts are compared to their 3.75m counterparts. Since the capability/capacity of the parts is not a whole lot more, and getting reasonable TWR out of FFT engines would be tough, I suppose they make sense. But the mass/volume is still, uh, very impressive when you consider, for example, the cylindrical greenhouse takes up over 4x the space with only 50% more mass.
  15. Found a bug: sspx-adjusting-base-5-1 and sspx-adjusting-base-1875-1 think they're pointed upside down, listing their leveling angle as 180 degrees instead of 0 degrees. Also, the individual legs on the base, e.g. A-F, when controlled individually, don't correspond to the labels on the model. I don't know if the auto-level feature was trying to tip over my base because the legs are out of order or if it was because it was trying to get to a leveling angle of zero from 176 degrees on a 4 degree slope. Edit to add: Individual controls for legs on 5m base, Leg A setting controls Leg A, B controls Leg D, C controls F, D controls E, E controls B, and F controls C.
  16. I have to select it anew after every restart too. We should take the discussion to the Kopernicus thread, where there's already been ongoing discussion of the same bug and current workarounds: Bottom line, though: It's a known bug, scatterer may help you get around it, and there's a fix coming sometime soon(TM).
  17. This is a bug with Kopernicus and shadows with certain part textures, which R-T-B says he'll address in the next release. There is a workaround currently: install scatterer, and either set to "very high" pre-set settings (at KSC), or you can go to custom settings -> shadows -> enable terrain shadows -> set distance to about 70,000 m and shadow resolution to 4096. "Very high" will set terrain shadow distance to 50,000 m and resolution to 8192 (has to be a power of 2), but my potato computer had performance difficulty there.
  18. @ZorgI really enjoy your setup. Thanks for sharing your presets. I'm trying to see if I can get a less cinematic and more naturally bright aesthetic, like you sometimes see in NASA spacewalk photos, example here: https://imgur.com/MZBEXNV Some of @benjee10's screenshots get pretty close, but I don't know for sure what he's doing with his settings. Looks like bloom, but subdued, and maybe a neutral tonemapper instead of ACES? I'm experimenting to see if using your Kopernicus sunlight boost will help on stock + OPM system, or if because that was written for JNSQ it's going to be ridiculously scaled. Here's a color grading I think might get me there, EFFECT { name = ColorGrading GradingMode = HighDefinitionRange Tonemapper = Neutral Temperature = 6 Saturation = 10 PostExposure = 0.7 Contrast = 6 Gain = 1,1,1,0.3 } but I'd love if you have any insight about what to add, remove, vary, etc. Thanks!
  19. Thank you. I have seen that, and I have it installed currently. Zorg's neutral is probably the best TUFX starting point for what I'm looking for, and I'm playing with other settings to get it closer. I was just very impressed with the screenshots Benjee has on the front page here, and they seem different from Zorg's. I also found a color grading setting on a Reddit post (apologies for forgetting the user) like this that I've been fiddling with: EFFECT { name = ColorGrading GradingMode = HighDefinitionRange Tonemapper = Neutral Temperature = 7 PostExposure = 0.200000003 Contrast = 20 } But I don't mean to be hijacking the purpose of the thread, which is the planetside mod, instead of the pretty pictures on its front!
  20. Boy, do I! I haven't given much love to the 5m parts yet, but
  21. @benjee10, for your screen shots, are you using TUFX or ReShade or...? I've been looking to goose my visuals and don't know very well what I'm doing, but your pictures and JayTheAmazing's are the closest to what I'd like to get: bright, stark sunlight with crisp visuals (and not too much bloom). You know, like this: Do you have any tips on what you use? Or do you know of a forum thread where somebody's got a good answer already?
  22. Good question. I had ruled out Scatterer as the source of the problem, and I tested just now to confirm that the issue persists without scatterer installed alongside Kopernicus. It does. So then I tested your suggestion with scatterer on "very high" quality preset. It mostly removes the shadow issue. More specifically, it moves the camera distance at which the issue kicks in to be much further out, where it is far less noticeable. It's a viable workaround so I can use Kopernicus again! I'll still have to customize some scatterer settings, like reducing ocean fourier grid size. Thank you for the suggestion.
  23. Welcome to the forums! Just a few posts up, I documented the same issue. It doesn't appear to happen to all textures. I'm not aware of any fix yet.
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