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Everything posted by m4ti140

  1. Area rule is strong in this one.... I was wondering how to reduce wave drag without rescaling parts/using procedural parts
  2. What's the takeoff distance of W-98 at MTOW? What's its takeoff distance at MTOW with FAR installed? I've tried to building a 5 segment passenger plane like this with additional LF section in front of front passenger section and I pretty much hit the limit of what 4 J-33 could do even with proper flap set-up. I used b9 procedural wings though. EDIT: Also you might want to disable pitch in all control surfaces attached to main wing, they give very little pitching moment and reduce lift, acting as spoilers when you rotate during takeoff.
  3. A suggestion: Move KSC to Laythe and call it "Exodus Outpost" or something. The idea would be that it's the last stand of Kerbalkind in the Kerbol system.
  4. You hear that? That was my jaw shattering as it hit the floor.
  5. I just looked up the specs of NSWR, holy hell, this thing is straight out of Star Trek Good luck on this one, it's gonna be useful.
  6. 1. Are you still taking submissions? Will you be doing another iteration of this? 2. Can you include community bugfixes for features related to this challenge? 2. Can you please, PLEEEEEEEEAASE add adjustable landing gear. It's really a pain in the ass to design fighters without it, it would be fine for everything else but fighters, especially single-engine, are a nightmare to setup undercarriage for, unless you design whole airframe specifically around incorporating stock landing gear - which may impair performance.
  7. One little remark: The TIE fighter "wings" are not only solar panels: They have solar panels on the outer surface and radiators on the inner surface. You should add radiator module to these.
  8. You should talk to Coolhand, IIRC he has stated somewhere that he made it for general use in simulators not just for Orbiter. He'll probably let you port it to KSP.
  9. Just one thing: The AN/APG-63 radar (cone) should have a TWS mode as well (and it should only support active missiles such as AIM-120).
  10. No. IRL you don't need to be locked, you don't even need to be detected. Anti radiation missiles are designed to track with as little incoming radiation as possible, to minimize the risk. You don't even need to be inside the radar's effective range. It's way easier to track an active and stationary radiation source then reflected and dispersed waves. The only real limiting factor is missile's range - that's why HARM missiles (especially the Russian ones) are built with more delta v then e.g. mavericks. As long as the missile has the line of sight on the radiation source and is hit by the waves from time to time to correct its course it will track. It's kind of similar to how Slammers work in TWS mode in DCS, they don't need constant feedback on target location during semi-active phase.
  11. I think I found a bug... staging occasionally breaks when switching this on off/going in/out of iva
  12. ...... wow... This is the one thing I miss since the original demo... water shaders... you're adding them back.. you're turning KSP nextgen.... thanks...
  13. OK, I've got a couple of questions 1. How to disable a chosen detail texture (horizontal terrain in my case) without making all the textures go black? 2. For some reason water is completely transparent, even at low angle, making the bottom of the ocean clearly visible on the horizon.. In stock the water was opaque and got even more opaque if you looked at it at an angle, any way to fix this by fiddling with values? Maybe atmosphere below 0m could be coloured to correct that? 3. Is it possible to reassign gui key to something different then alt-e? Alt-e controls roll trim, so manipulating eve in flight messes up controls (and using roll trim is impossible without opening gui). 4. Does anyone have some cool configs for EVE overhaul?
  14. Do you really think Squad is going to come up with something better then you? Harvester stated on numerous occasions that they didn't know -anything- about aerospace engineering when they started working on KSP. That means they still don't and probably never will understand fluid mechanics to the degree that allows them to implement them into the game in a way you did. Best thing they can do is find a speciallist in aerodynamics or hire YOU. If you stop the development while KSP is still in beta I'm going to stick to whatever version you finnish at and even if KSP hits gold I'm still going to play beta. I study Aerospace Engineering and I cannot imagine playing KSP without FAR. It may just be a game I sometimes play in my free time, but knowing how it should work I just cannot stand the way it works in stock. Even if they get to the point of NEAR, there still gonna be a lot to improve upon. FAR is not just a "fix" or "improvement" for stock aerodynamics anymore, it's a complex aerodynamics simulation tool that a lot of Kerbonauts can't play without. Even Scott Manley uses it. Imagine what would Interstellar Quest look like without your contribution in form of FAR? Where would all those awesome spaceplanes people created with FAR go? Everyone would still go away from it knowing more about aerodynamics, but it wouldn't be the same anymore. No matter what Squad does, if they improve aerodynamics at all, it won't be as detailed as your work. I doubt it's gonna be much more advanced then it's now, they may find a better approximation for calculation of drag, but that's it. That would be just another stock thing to disable, to make space for real deal. Sorry for the wall of text Back to topic, I actually came here to report that I got a CTD when I touched the deflection slider in SPH, has anyone else encountered this problem? EDIT: Nevermind, probably not related to FAR, I got a CTD in SPH later on without apparent reason and then I couldn't reproduce it anymore. Wierd.
  15. Is surface gravity still 1g in this version, or did you change it to match planet's size for real life (aka sane) densities? Assuming Kerbin's density is simmilar to Earth's, the surface gravity should be 0.61g (and Kerbals should behave naturally at this gravity since it's natural to them).
  16. No, you can't... This is not how the concept of infinity works. If you subtract a finite number from infinity you get infinity. And you cannot subtract infinity (infinity * finite number is infinity) from infinity, because you get an indeterminate form - which is certainly not 0. That's right, one can prove mathematically that infinity - infinity is not 0 and that it's impossible to determine what it is. Sorry but.... you broke the mathematics with your OP.
  17. I found a bug... I think it's a bug... The launch smoke appears on jet engines, on runway, at staging, covering large chunk of the runway in smoke. This is not exactly what it's meant to look like, is it?
  18. Hi, Try running KSP in OpenGL mode, it drastically reduces RAM usage, even more then agressive ATM. You should be able to run this without having to use ATM at all
  19. It has a functioning IRL equivalent, it had for years now but the inventor was considered crazy and no one even looked at his (WORKING) engine. That was until NASA built it themselves and it worked. The thing is, ATM it is much less powerful then ion engines and even if will be boosted by using superconductors, it would still be less powerful. So, you might consider making it less powerful then stock ion thrusters (or give it simmilar thrust to the ion engines before buff) for balance reasons.
  20. Did anyone test V5 in OpenGl mode? (-force-opengl)? It saves 40% of memory without ATM, but I heard people had crashes when using this with BA.
  21. For the first time I menaged to run the game with B9 + KW without a single memory accss violation error. There is a slight FPS drop but it's understandable (my specs are: CPU i3-530 GPU GT240, Win7SP1 x86 so pretty low end) also the game crashed once when accepting settings and crashes every single time I alt-tab. In both cases it looked the same: game switched to window mode, except the only thing visible is the loading screen (I use ModManager if that changes sth) and stops responding (has to be killed by task manager). Music doesn't stop so I supposed it's a graphics-related crash. Besides that, shadows are sometimes jerky and music sometimes randomly stops but these are minor.
  22. Sure, here is my config for Eve: CLOUD_LAYER { DEFAULTS { body = Eve altitude = 4000 volume = True color { r = 0.05 g = 0 b = 0.1 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.9218211 y = 0 } speed { x = -2E-05 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.9218211 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0001 y = -0.0001 } } } SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 12601.94 volume = True color { r = 1 g = 0.8640776 b = 1 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.9218211 y = 0 } speed { x = -2E-05 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.9218211 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0001 y = -0.0001 } } scaled_shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 0.4 rimDistance = 1 } shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 2E-06 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 8 rimDistance = 0.0001 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { DEFAULTS { body = Eve altitude = 6000 volume = True color { r = 0.13 g = 0 b = 0.2 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.8436421 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = 1E-05 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.8436421 y = 0 } speed { x = -1E-05 y = 1E-05 } } } SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 4504.854 volume = True color { r = 0.3427185 g = 0.3106796 b = 0.4067961 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.8436421 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = 1E-05 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.8436421 y = 0 } speed { x = -1E-05 y = 1E-05 } } scaled_shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 0.4 rimDistance = 1 } shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 2E-06 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 8 rimDistance = 0.0001 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { DEFAULTS { body = Eve altitude = 8000 volume = True color { r = 0.2 g = 0 b = 0.3 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -1E-05 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -1E-05 y = 0 } } } SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 7145.631 volume = True color { r = 0.4735922 g = 0.3553398 b = 0.5524272 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -1E-05 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -1E-05 y = 0 } } scaled_shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 0.4 rimDistance = 1 } shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 2E-06 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 8 rimDistance = 0.0001 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { DEFAULTS { body = Eve altitude = 10000 volume = True color { r = 0.2 g = 0 b = 0.4 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.1718219 y = 0 } speed { x = -2E-05 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.1718219 y = 0 } speed { x = -2E-05 y = 0 } } } SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 9572.815 volume = True color { r = 0.6398059 g = 0.4815534 b = 0.6815534 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.1718219 y = 0 } speed { x = -2E-05 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.1718219 y = 0 } speed { x = -2E-05 y = 0 } } scaled_shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 0.4 rimDistance = 1 } shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 2E-06 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 80.5 rimDistance = 0.0001 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { DEFAULTS { body = Eve altitude = 15000 volume = True color { r = 0.33 g = 0 b = 0.5 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.08436437 y = 0.5 } speed { x = -4E-06 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.08436437 y = 0.5 } speed { x = -4E-06 y = 0 } } } SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 2990.291 volume = True color { r = 0.2165048 g = 0.2524272 b = 0.2524272 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0.08436437 y = 0.5 } speed { x = -4E-06 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.08436437 y = 0.5 } speed { x = -4E-06 y = 0 } } scaled_shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 0.4 rimDistance = 1 } shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 3 detailDistance = 2E-06 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 8 rimDistance = 0.0001 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { DEFAULTS { body = Eve altitude = 200000 volume = False color { r = 0.5 g = 0 b = 1 a = 0.6019418 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/atmo scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = 0 y = 0 } } scaled_shader_floats { falloffPower = 3 falloffScale = 1.2 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 0.5 fadeDistance = 0.4 rimDistance = 1 } shader_floats { falloffPower = 3 falloffScale = 1.2 detailDistance = 2E-06 minimumLight = 0.5 fadeDistance = 100 rimDistance = 0.0001 } } SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 35000 volume = False color { r = 1 g = 0.8796117 b = 1 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/atmo scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = 0 y = 0 } } scaled_shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 2 detailDistance = 0.00875 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 0.4 rimDistance = 1 } shader_floats { falloffPower = 2 falloffScale = 2 detailDistance = 2E-06 minimumLight = 2 fadeDistance = 200 rimDistance = 0.0001 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 1854.369 volume = True color { r = 0.08737865 g = 0.1650485 b = 0.1262136 a = 0.3786408 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } } } CLOUD_LAYER { SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 3990.291 volume = True color { r = 0.2815534 g = 0.2815534 b = 0.2815534 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } } } CLOUD_LAYER { SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 5699.029 volume = True color { r = 0.4271845 g = 0.368932 b = 0.4660194 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } } } CLOUD_LAYER { SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 8262.136 volume = True color { r = 0.5048544 g = 0.3980583 b = 0.6116505 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } } } CLOUD_LAYER { SAVED { body = Eve altitude = 10825.24 volume = True color { r = 0.8349515 g = 0.6504855 b = 0.8640777 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 1 offset { x = 0 y = 0 } speed { x = -4E-05 y = -4E-05 } } } } } Go to BoulderCo/Clouds/datacloudLayers-BetterAtmospheres.cfg, find and remove all CLOUD_LAYER sections with 'body = Eve' in them and paste the above. Also remove all the CLOUD_LAYER sections with 'body = Eve' from cloudLayers.cfg You can tweak it to taste by bringing up the GUI (alt+n) in game. BTW, here are some photos of Venus's surface made by Òõýõрð probes: The brightness is most likely bulls#$@ and I think we've established that whatever crap the Evian clouds are made of, it is much darker and let's less sunlight through then Venusian sulfuric acid clouds. Still though, it gives a good idea about colors and contrast. I hope s1 develops a way to change surface detail texture/it's color, bc it would make more sense if it was darker purple than clouds. Also I really like what the bottom clouds look like on Sonic's last screenshots, it may not have the whole optic backstory behind them but they are aesthetically better then my green above purple. With darker surface it would look like a true Kerbal version of Venus. Also here is the diagram of Venusian atmosphere: It seems that if we want Venus-like Eve, the clouds should be at somewhere between 25 an 20km (keeping Kerbal scale). Below that, there should be less opaque clouds to simulate haze (athough haze is already in development for EVE). Fun facts: On surface level CO2 is supercritical, so it behaves similarly to liquid. One may say it's an ocean of CO2. On the other side of clouds, at 50km you could place a floating base, that would not only have very Earthlike outside conditions - to a level at which people could go outside with oxygen mask alone (unless a sulfuric acid cloud comes close) - it would also float without additional lifting gas, since O2-N2 atmosphere would provide enough lift against CO2.
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