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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Probably needs a third to take up the mantle with the Nathankell busy with squad stuff he probably cant dedicate the time to maintaining this as well as his other stuff just speculating of course
  2. I love these just fantastic really really good cant wait you should make two variants LFO and Mono prop that way you please everyone you could add a colour strip to identify the diffrent engines
  3. Awesome job maybe a small engine if your looking for suggestions
  4. @Drakenex that looks awesome any chance you would share the craft file
  5. SpaceX has focus and a goal and NASA doesn't, they need to be given a goal and a lasting budget like they did in the 60's otherwise they just meander around doing nothing. If they where given a goal to achieve they would probably achieve it trouble is NASA is dictated to by Government departments and we all know how useless they are with high levels of bureaucracy and focus changes.
  6. Maybe the on that says apollo
  7. If you give them money and point them at the shopping mall they leave you alone for hours
  8. I know your busy with the science stuff but I would really love an engine and tank combo from you PLEASE as my OCD cant seem to match anything nicely with your stuff to make it look cool
  9. As much as I dont like modders being harassed about release dates there is always going to be someone that asks that question as nobody reads the rules, Plus its going to be impossible to stamp out
  10. Those legs are truley a work of art excellent job, the Hab stuff would just be cylinders that inflate and are connected together on the ground but understand if its to complex as I have no idea on creating mods
  11. Sorry I didnt understand that comment at all
  12. Denny are you going to look into your other mods as well
  13. Why persist with a mod that's not maintained all it does is promote players to come here looking for support let it go man use the newer mods and let this die gracefully
  14. From a standard KSP not really experiencing any issue's as a nice to have would love an ION engine Version 1.1.2 KSP x64
  15. There are no DLL's in this pack so nothing has to be recompiled its a parts only pack, the cfg's files would need to be modified to add the new features like tags but for all intents and purposes it should load fine as is just make sure you use the newest module manager
  16. Bobcats products are so old and outdated just let them die peacefully and let this thread fade away
  17. Squad have a bit of a pattern for vanishing after major changes, there have been a few questionable ones over the years. They just wait for the outcries and riots to settle down before adopting a blase attitude to the ruckus, hand out a few minor its ok we are on it and continue business as usual, even though the community is screaming, this will be no different.
  18. Interesting article the only thing that it confirms for me was the coding for spaceport 2 was finished and never used but was alluded to right up until an alternative site was announced
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