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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Thanks for the reply guys I thinks this has become one of my most favorite mods and I learn something new from KSP almost every day
  2. Use the crossfeed enabled mod then use goodspeed pump mod and it will auto balance all tanks or you can turn it off http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76499-0-90-CrossFeedEnabler-v3-2-Dec-20-14 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67163-0-23-5-Goodspeed-Automatic-Fuel-Pump-v2-14-1
  3. Hi love this mod just 1 little request would it be possible to get a little more angle on the hinged dish it seems to point down rather than straight or angled back reason I ask is i build small science and communication landers and the dish angles down instead of pointing back a bit
  4. I am really happy with this pack it doesn't need to be bigger or smaller if you don't like some things put a bit of effort in and remove them and customise it for yourself, if you want things bigger then use the tweakscale mod its not brain surgery.
  5. Try here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81754-Release-BobCat-Ind-Space-Planet-products
  6. Thats a thing of beauty i have found with the docking tube you have to be exactly dead straight with it to dock its not very flexible if your off just a little bit, it needs a little adjustment. Will Pegasus be the same colour as the home modules will you do a clear cockpit same as tesla.
  7. Most of us really like this mod, your very critical if you don't like whats going on don't use it or make your own personal config changes. Comments like yours make the mod makers not want to contribute at the detriment to us all
  8. Starwaster wrote an animated decoupler plugin here is his github page https://github.com/Starwaster/AnimatedDecouplers hope this helps he is really active and will no doubt help where he can
  9. NASA uses KSP I have seen it, my guess there getting ideas for the SLS Guidance system from MJ
  10. Will FAR be needed when the stock aerodynamics kick in
  11. No standard size made no changes unless the rescaling of parts done by squad changed things
  12. I give you the Kerbin Polar Scientific Research Station appropriately named ICE STATION ZEBRA
  13. I guess everyone is just waiting for the new model as it potentially fixes a few things but probably brings a host of other issues. I doubt your being deliberately ignored its more of a hurry up and wait and see what comes
  14. With standard squad aerodynamics coming does it really need a far config ?
  15. I could never understand why squad set the throttle to 50% they should just put it back to 0 again or offer a checkbox option to remove it
  16. You need to delete the ATM config or modify it to exclude the RPM monitors I found it easy just to delete the config
  17. Its awesome will it have your trademark yellow and white with your logo
  18. Thanks very much Bobcat appreciate it, any fix for the landing gear issue or its a long standing issue
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