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Everything posted by Tortoise

  1. Rescue _ in polar orbit Send up a satellite at _ altitude etc
  2. My mods: KSP Version: 0.25 x32 Output log: https://www.sendspace.com/file/mo4968 I'd really like help please, this most commonly happens when going from runway back to SPH or launchpad to VAB.
  3. Open up a server if I have enough money for a VPS, then have a big war on a KSP official multiplayer. (When multiplayer is added, ofcourse) W/ BD Armoury + Difficulty mods (FAR, etc)
  4. Since I have to download 2 files for this mod, both files have the same name... So which one do I rename in order to install it? Or do I just copy the VNG file contents into the existing VNG folder?
  5. I meant, and actually put the characters ingame. With animations and everything
  6. An action group to automatically rise the thrust limiter would be very helpful since some of my rockets that burn with SRBs in the first stage will have a TWR less than 1.0 when the SRBs are jettisoned, if I keep the main engine thrust limiter enabled. And it all happens too quick to right-click during flight.
  7. This was really a joke, A spaceflight simulator inside a spaceflight simulator.
  8. Because you use extremely expensive fuselages and engines w/ liquid fuel & oxidizer. I might make a 150t launcher, just do show that I can do it cheaper. May I ask, do you use FAR?
  9. You guys should add a feature where you can simulate your rocket taking off and flying into space, so you can ensure that all is well before you ship it out to the KSC launchpad. It'd be like a little spaceflight simulator at KSC.
  10. I was wondering if someone could make a mod that replaced the 3 main kerbals with Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY8cngQba58 Very unfortunate.
  12. I was practicing landing a skycrane on kerbin near the other things I've landed at KSC because I wanted to build a moon base, and I was thinking... How about squad develop a microgravity test facility where you load crafts into it, then you basically fly that craft just like you're in space. With no atmosphere. And all the orbital mechanics apply. This can also help with satellite testing too, prior to launching it. Basically it's just a huge facility that you can float around in.
  13. Mmmmm. 3 male kerbals and 1 female kerbal. I do support the idea of 3 other main kerbals in blue suits.
  14. For FAR/NEAR/STOCK it should just be extra mass. Lift won't change. Why would you think it does?
  15. Updated to version 1.4 v1.4 (10/22/14) for KSP 0.25 *No longer requires you to replace stock "Wings" folder, uses ModuleManager. *Fixed some incorrect module values.
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