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Everything posted by Espresso

  1. I believe you should be asking 'What are the chances of a next update?' Before asking that question.
  2. You do realise that they removed the windows x64 bit version, right? You're using the x32 but version. Only Linux users can use x64.
  3. Fair enough then. Looks like I need to be more careful.
  4. I know. Any suggestions? tried installing today, and I can't be bothered installing the old way. CKAN makes updates and everything way easier. Please fix this if it is at all possible.
  5. It sucks, because it's monday in Australia, and I have to wait until tuesday, but because of the release time, I probably won't even play it until wednesday. Goddamn different timezones. Other than that, I thought I'd contribute to this thread getting to 200 pages. All in all, I'm really looking forward to 1.0, and can't wait to play it.
  6. Sounds good, the mod still works in 0.90, excluding the bombs, but they only require removing the space at the end of their part. File names. On another note, what's your game gonna be about, where can I find out more? Best of luck to you.
  7. Thanks for this Chris, Much more exciting than finding out kerbals aren't asexual...
  8. I'm thinking EVA Parachutes integration, I remember Stupid_Chris said a while back he'd taken it over or been given it, if he could confirm this, or say what will be new, that'd be great.
  9. Hi all, for reasons I do not know, in my sandbox game, whilst in flight, I have no right click menu. I have a crapton of mods installed, and don't know where it's coming from. If anyone can tell me why, that would be great. I can't remember whether I read something about it in a thread, but there are no reports of it here. I think it is either an incompatibility or an outdated mod. My mods are: Before Issue: Active Texture Management Adjustable Landing Gear B9 Aerospace B9 Procedural Wings BD Armoury Better Buoyancy Camera Tools Improved Chase Camera Kerbal Joint Reinforcement In Flight Waypoints Collision FX Kerbal Aircraft Expansion Hyperedit (for testing purposes) Kronal Vessell Viewer Launch Count Down Mechjeb 2 Infernal Robotics Planetshine Procedural Fairings Real Chute Smart Parts Trajectories EVA Parachutes RCS Sound and Light Effects Rover Wheel Sounds MK 2 Cockpit Internals EVA Resource Transfer Blast Awesomeness Modifier Resources In Tracking Centre Tweakable Everything RCS Build Aid Editor Extentions Kerval Attatchment System Chatterer Distant Object Enhancement MK IV Spaceplanes Crowd Sourced Science DERP Escape Pod Alternate Resource Panel Sensible Pumps Mods Installed After Issue:(In other words, mods I installed after experiencing the issue, I didn't delete any!) Show All Fuels Time Control Landing Height Actions Everywhere Auto Actions Action Groups Extended Hullcam VDS Mk 3 Mini Expansion Science Alert No More Grind Horizontal Landing Aid Mk 2-1 Recessed Adapter Safechute Fuel It All Ship Manifest EVA Followers Stage Recivery
  10. Are you illiterate, or just lazy? The post above yours answers your question of 'Why won't it work?' It is outdated, the author hasn't been heard from is 6 months. Get Kerbal Konstructs. This doesn't work for anyone. Seriously, if you had bothered to read the page you posted on, maybe you would know.
  11. Probably a stupid question, but how do I get the dev build? I can't use github very well...
  12. Texel was going to update it, but I don't know where that went...
  13. That sounds like it could work, however, I'm clueless when it comes to coding...
  14. Little off topic, but where have you been Texel? You just sort of, disappeared... Was it personal issues, an accident, something else, or are you unable to say? Just curious, don't mind if I don't get a answer. The weird thing was that your profile showed you were online every month or so, but you never posted...
  15. TEXEL'S ALIVE!!! Actually, it works excepting the occasional bug. If you look back through the pages, there's a few mod part packs. If you get the chance though, could you fix the symmetry and copy paste bugs. If you've got the time, could you please add presets, numbers to the sliders, and an option to save a custom colour. Also, a Paint all button would be great.(I did notice you replying to my other thread, sorry if anything I just listed isn'r doable) Just my requests, it works still, like I said, excepting the symmetry and copy/paste bugs.
  16. Look, MonaBabii, I know we won't agree here, but let's just wait and see what happens. Who knows?
  17. But what about the unincluded features? The mod needs either an update, or a replacement, and I don't see the first of those anytime soon.
  18. It has many bugs, and many features are missing. For example, painting with symmetry only works half the time. Copy/paste doesn't work. There is no save/load preset. There is no custom colour saver, but there is a custom colour creator. A replacement would be better for us all. If you don't think so, you don't have to. I just think it would be for the best...
  19. True, but it still needs replacing. Hopefully someone catches on, and creates a better version.
  20. Allright guys, I've started a new thread here; http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100172-Part-Painting-Option-Need-Help we need a new Kerbpaint, hopefully someone'll pick it up, and give us what we need. For now, I think this thread needs to be closed? Texel's long gone.
  21. Hi all, I would just like to request a mod to allow me to paint my parts. I know kerbpaint does exactly what I want, but, frankly, it's old and outdated, with no-one updating the actual plugin. It is also now incredible buggy. I'm thinking chances are the next release will break it. To all Kerbpaint fans, of whom I once was, I also speak for you. The mod Is too old to work reliably. Below I have some points of what I would like in the new Kerbpaint (Or whatever we call it): -Ability to create a preset, to quickly apply colours to parts and a custom colour bar. -A button (Or shortcut) to paint all parts, and a reset all button. -Not the ability to paint in flight (Unless with a part? Makes it more realistic) -The ability to automatically make mod parts paintable, but only if it's possible. -Make sure all parts painted the same colour are painted the same colour. (Possibly wipe the texture where paint is to be applied before it is painted, but if unpainted, restore it) -Look in the original Kerbpaint thread for inspiration if need be. You can find it here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50008-0-23-KerbPaint-Paint-layering-for-parts-%28September-23rd%29-%28Same-Old-Still-Works%21%29 I'll post a link back to this thread there as well. Please let me know if any of these requests are unreasonable, I have no programming experience, and don't know the difficulty of something like this, however, I know many people will be appreciative of any effort made. It might be easier to have many people working on this, or bring it to the attention of SQUAD, so maybe they'll add the feature to the stock game. Then, there wouldn't be a need to make mods auto compatible, they'd be paintable too! Again, thanks on behalf of all Kerbpaint fans, and myself for any effort made to fulfil this request, wanted by many. Also, I know you've always wanted your lander to be painted bright pink, just for laughs. Or was that just me... Maybe another fluro colour? No?
  22. I'm a little confused. I want to try making some of these, but I can't find out if they're all the same size now... Are they? If not, can you please try to update it? Thanks. Awesome work here, and I can't wait to try it.
  23. Hi all, just wondering why the new cargo bays-amongst other parts-refuses to attach to the side of my craft, even though the fuel tanks can. This is quite annoying, and I am wondering if this intentional. the only mk 2 parts that will attach to the side are the fuel tanks...
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