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Everything posted by Kaa253

  1. Just now installed this. Amazing! Really amazing, so helpful, great work @dboi88 and contributors.
  2. What a 24 hours! New thread for Tutorials. First I delved into @RoverDude's work and discovered the wonderful variety he has brought to the kerbal's professions. I knew some but I had not grasped the full depth of this aspect of MKS until I listed it all down. So cool. Next @dboi88 has given the wiki page some big love - glorious! Now back to career. I have set sites on Kolonization of much maligned Dres. I am looking to squeeze about 7 "First Fleet" drops into the upcoming transfer window. A couple of Duna modules, one 2.5 Tundra, several Kontainer drops and next off the rank a Malemute Geo-lab survey rover to scope out a sweet spot. After the window closes rescue or relief cannot come for another 2 and a half years
  3. On the subject of professions key skills and bonuses. I think the complete list (at 0.50.7) would be as follows(?); Pilot Required for planetary logistics (within 500 m of Logistics Centre) Required for Resource Distribution (extends logistics range to 2 km) Gives Kolonization Research bonus Gives Reputation bonus Engineer Required for Power Distribution Unit (PDU) operation Required on EVA to switch modes on swappable converters (incl. USI-LS Nom-O-Matics) Required in Workshop to perform automated daily maintenance Can disassemble parts on EVA Can perform parts maintenance on EVA Gives Geology Research bonus Gives Funds bonus * Gives efficiency bonus to Drills (and Convert-O-Trons and same as Stock and Karbonite) Scientist Require at least one for Research Labs operation in Ranger CommPak. Additional Scientists / experience stars add bonus to this lab research Require a Scientist in the crew to enable the Medical Bay Require a Scientist in Pioneer modules to enable KerbNet access Gives Botany Research bonus Gives Science bonus * Gives an efficiency bonus to all Ag modules and Greenhouses * Gives efficiency bonus to Ranger Smelter and Crusher * Gives bonus to [Workshop] efficiency module * these bonuses are controlled by the (stock?) ScienceSkill and DrillSkill experience attributes. @RoverDude I am not sure how these Skills work exactly. Is it that ScienceSkill is best with Scientists but possessed to a lesser degree by Engineers and the DrillSkill is best with Engineers but possessed to a lesser degree by Scientists? Both increase with experience stars? Feedback and corrections welcome! @nottheboboAdded to SiteMap here
  4. With the new release and using my main save the problem has changed in that different members of the crew become homesick. Across 4 space stations I get 4 times just the scientist in the research lab going homesick. 4 out of 4 ; it still might be just a coincidence I suppose. I put the scientist in a different module and the homesick hiccup on vessel load did not occur. In the stock + USI only save I provided the issue appears to be fixed. I am assuming when you say "Make a new craft" that this is essential. As my KSS station cost over 2 million kerbucks in career mode and half a dozen launches I will need some "cheating" and compensation to make a new craft. I have not used Hyperedit for over a year but I seem to recall you could use it to cheat the bank? Downloading Hyperedit now to see what it can do. It might be a while before I have more to give in feedback.
  5. Thanks @v1per! I have added another Stock + USI only save to @v1per's github issue. Exhibits the issue, only one vessel in Kerbin orbit again, made in Linux 64 bit.
  6. I don't understand why but this does not work. @PART[InLineChute]:AFTER[HGR]:NEEDS[RealChute] { @MODULE[RealChuteModule] { %reverseOrientation = true } } @PART[InLineChuteSmall]:AFTER[HGR]:NEEDS[RealChute] { @MODULE[RealChuteModule] { %reverseOrientation = true } } Maybe there is someone who knows MM better?
  7. @steve_v & others. I found a temporary work around for this issue that you may or may not be able to use. If it is an orbital base with another vessel docked (e.g. a lander or return vessel) then you can transfer your crew into the lander and get away from your station until physics unloads (i.e. >2.2 km). You can then come back and re-dock. Fixed. If you have a landed base then you may have a rover / malemute or the like? Transfer your crew and drive away out of physics range and then bring the crew back. No more problem. I also tried doing eva out of physics range but for some reason this did not appear to work so it seems you need a vessel able to remove and return the crew. @RoverDude Sorry I don't have a vessel exhibiting this issue which is not complex with other mods. I am using Nertea's Stockalike Station Parts Extension with a patch for USI-LS but I cannot find any indication that this is at all responsible for the effect.
  8. I had upside down chutes. Looks pretty odd! I use RealChute Systems (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/52931-12-realchute-parachute-systems-v1412-141016/) Adding reverseOrientation = true into HGR_Realchute.cfg. 2 times, once for each chute after the statements spareChutes = 5 seems to have fixed that.
  9. I would dearly love to see this and including the antennas from @akron's Coatl Aerospace Probes Plus would be awesome and a scalable distance factor or similar to accommodate mods such as OPM. I am not asking for much am I... .
  10. @TriggerAu Both of your statements above match what I see exactly (Linux + OpenGL/Nvidia) so I think you have got it sorted. Good to hear, thanks Mate.
  11. With Contract Configurator installed the button to open the GUI disapears from both stock and Blizzy's toolbar. I presume it is the problem reported in this post.
  12. I get this on Linux. I normally use Full Res graphics. I found a quick fix workaround is to switch Texture Quality in the game graphics settings down to Half Res and then immediately switch back again to Full Res. Performing a rendering reset in this way makes it go away - at least until the next game reboot.
  13. For me uninstalling Contract Configurator brought back the buttons from several other mods besides this one. Contract Configurator may be the only mod doing the button menu properly but I have no real trouble deciding between it and a bunch of other mods. Nevertheless, a shame.
  14. In my save the Soy-Juice solar panels close whenever the craft loses focus. Assuming this is seen by everyone, does anyone know if and how it could be fixed with a MM patch?
  15. For my install some of the parts you list as "wrong model" seem to be showing as Ven's models. I do struggle a little to remember what the stock parts are supposed to look like , but I believe I am seeing correct models for; strutConnector, fuelLine, launchClamp1, dockingPort1, dockingPort2, dockingPort3, dockingPortLateral, dockingPortLarge, telescopicLadder, telescopicLadderBay, sensorAccelerometer, sensorBarometer, sensorGravimeter, sensorThermometer, ISRU, SurveyScanner and there may be more.
  16. What is FilterExtensions? I think this means I don't have it. Yes, @RoverDude stream https://www.twitch.tv/roverdude/v/95003269 shows the effect at about 6 mins 30 seconds.
  17. I always have trouble removing a specific part from this mod because the long multipart config files make the job complicated. Trial and error every time! Under GameData\VenStockRevamp\PathPatches you need to find which config file contains the part you want out and comment it/them out (actually I prefer to backup copy the file and simply delete the lines for the to-be-removed part). Then under GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts you find more config files that require the same. If it is actually a "new" part provided by the mod and not a re-skin of a stock part then you need to delete the config found under GameData\VenStockRevamp\PartBin.
  18. Using this type of edit I took the legs out back in 1.1.3 (they might be fine now I haven't tried them). Now in 1.2 I have removed the antennae as well as most of the solar panels which seem to be not working (might be easy to fix - both the large radial and the Gigantor seem to be OK)
  19. In my case it is a completely new install starting from default setttings.cfg. I am mostly putting up with it since I am interested in playing career. At my current level of unlocked science the parts do not fill any of the categories in the VAB and I don't see any flicker. If I switch to sandbox it starts immediately. I think it likely due to simply having lots of parts. I do however have the following mods in common with @helaeon... CommunityResourcePack, Firespitter, InterstellarFuelSwitch, KAS, KIS, MechJeb, SVE (EVE, DistantObject, Scatterer), USI (almost complete collection), ModuleManager 2.7.1
  20. You are not alone! I see this too. It is indeed proving to be tricky to find what mod or mod combination is setting it off. I note we are both using Linux OpenGL (which may be also irrelevant).
  21. I have been struggling with the same problem since 1.1.3 (with infernal robotics 2.0.5 from https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.5). I have found that if you limit the number of Gigantor arrays to a maximum of 2 attached to each metal beam part then the wobbles do not start up. It also looks like I can join beam segments end-to-end with each segment carrying two arrays with (so far) no wobbles attack. So for example with @ZodiusInfuser rework truss segments I can join 3 RoboTruss Pro - 2.5m beams together to give a 7.5m long truss and then mount 6 Gigantors (2 each) with (fingers crossed) no wobble out. Doing symmetric station construction gives 12 arrays and plenty of power . I really hope this continues to work out. I suspect the wobble phantom physics might not really be an infernal robotics "bug" at all but actually a side effect of another popular mod. No names as I have not performed any proper testing.
  22. Yes correct & sorry. My bad. I broke a rule/habit and posted before I finished reading all the posts in the thread
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