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Everything posted by Kaa253

  1. You are not alone! I see this too. It is indeed proving to be tricky to find what mod or mod combination is setting it off. I note we are both using Linux OpenGL (which may be also irrelevant).
  2. I have been struggling with the same problem since 1.1.3 (with infernal robotics 2.0.5 from https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.5). I have found that if you limit the number of Gigantor arrays to a maximum of 2 attached to each metal beam part then the wobbles do not start up. It also looks like I can join beam segments end-to-end with each segment carrying two arrays with (so far) no wobbles attack. So for example with @ZodiusInfuser rework truss segments I can join 3 RoboTruss Pro - 2.5m beams together to give a 7.5m long truss and then mount 6 Gigantors (2 each) with (fingers crossed) no wobble out. Doing symmetric station construction gives 12 arrays and plenty of power . I really hope this continues to work out. I suspect the wobble phantom physics might not really be an infernal robotics "bug" at all but actually a side effect of another popular mod. No names as I have not performed any proper testing.
  3. Yes correct & sorry. My bad. I broke a rule/habit and posted before I finished reading all the posts in the thread
  4. 2 years of non stop KSP fun I got No Man's Sky and the hype was gone in less than a week I am back now for another 2 years of uninterrupted Kerbal madness I need no other explanation for why this game is still on the market
  5. Yes, thanks very much and sorry. I realised I was not up-to-date soon after I submitted the post. I should have retracted it.
  6. I found out the hard way that the Inline Chute Small.cfg has the same problematic DRAG_CUBE packed values as has the Inline Chute.cfg. There is so much drag on that part that with it on top of my stack it required around 7,000 m/s deltav just to escape the atmosphere! Not to mention the stack kept on flipping around to retrograde and the chute was rapidly heating up during re-entry prior to deployment as well. Deleted the DRAG_CUBE section and it all seems to be much better now. I do have Real chutes installed.
  7. Thank you for the best game I ever saw - and maybe ever will. Godspeed Felipe!
  8. It is not used in ksp (well known) but it has been in popular use on the forum since before I purchased the game (v0.17?). http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbol Me too!
  9. OK. Thanks for finding it, now added it to my watched bug list
  10. @Enceos That would be a screenshot from 1.0.5 or earlier I presume. BTW, thanks for the Ven style procedural part textures they look great!
  11. This came up in the Grand 1.1 thread but I cannot locate the answer to the question anywhere. Did the ability to rename vessels in the tracking station get removed? I am unable to find it in 1.1.2. It was possible to do before by clicking on the vessel name in the Info window. I often made use of this feature to do things like redesignate a probe as a lander after a successful touch down. A somewhat related question; I cannot find a changes log for KSP version upgrade 1.0.5 to 1.1? Was there one (or more if the pre-release builds had them)?
  12. I found the gimbal problem to be most noticeable with the LV-T45 so I removed Ven's mod on just that engine. My impression was that the 2.5 m engines were working correctly - but I could be wrong. Has anyone else seen the folding radiators throwing NREs? I took them out (i.e. back to stock) and the NREs stopped. If no one else has seen that problem it is very likely due to something I messed up myself.
  13. Thanks so much for the work on a quick fix Squad. KSP 1.1.2 for me is working near perfectly.
  14. Indeed. It looks like this 1.0.5 career save will be going to Eeloo after all!
  15. Given that 1.1 will be available on the KSP store soon, it seems to me that I asked you to chase up a bug in an old version of your mod for a rapidly aging version of KSP. Also I have realised that in KSP version 1.1 a big change was made to the way IVAs are done. The IVA problem could very well have disappeared for the Linux KSP v1.1! I don't see any mention of it in this forum from Linux users running the 1.1 pre-release. I think the best thing to do would be hold off a while to see if I have any issues when I get the chance to upgrade KSP. Just for completeness and your general information as I don't expect, wish or require any action for a week or two; (1) I am running Kubuntu (the official "K" for Kerbal version of Ubuntu ) version 14.04 LTS. A couple of years ago I tried to run the 32 bit version of KSP but I recall I was missing some dependencies conflicting with my 64 bit system. (2) Sorry to hear about your laptop - (btw, I have made old hardware somewhat useful again with Xubuntu, a very light weight low resources compatible Ubuntu distribution). (3) Oops! I popped the wrong ModuleManager in the testing "clean" install. The IVA glitch is the same with 2.6.18. Whichever way it goes I will let you know how the IVAs behave when I install all the new versions. Thanks so much for your help. I haven't actually attempted to build an off Kerbal base with your parts yet. I hope to give it a go on the Mun tonight. Cheers.
  16. The IVAs work without RPM installed as well. It is very weird. They always work, it is just when you transfer a crew member something gets primed to glitch. I think that because the kerbal portraits disappear which reminds me of parts with no IVA. Then if you try to go into IVA view mode the game freezes but does not fully lock up because you can still use ESC to return to the space centre. After doing that everything goes back to normal and you can even return to the vessel and visit all the crew in their new seats in IVA view mode. As you say, weird. I only put on RPM for a minute or two. It did seem to make the screen blink when you transferred the crew member. Like something still glitched out but the presence of RPM snaps it back to good again. I am really impressed with the quick 1.1 releases by yourself and other modders. Well done. I hope Squad don't make us non-steamers wait too much longer for KSP 1.1 "stable". I wonder if I should try your new 1.1 version in 1.0.5? Here it is late so tomorrow maybe.
  17. On Linux the folder is called GameData with a capital D (always). I wondered if you really wanted KSP.log, most times modders want the Player.log from linux systems. Anyway KSP.log on Github in a few minutes. Sorry I have not got KSP 1.1 PreRelease. I purchased KSP from the store back at version 0.18
  18. I posted the issue late last night. Now I have slept on this and with a fresh perspective I guessed those exact questions you might ask. I am setting up a clean install to see if the problem can be reproduced without my usual mod it until it crashes mess. Edit 1. It is still happening with only this mod and modulemanager in gamedata. Last night I believe I saw a lot of RPM warnings in the log. Now, if I add RPM it doesn't generate any NRE. Still investigating... Edit 2. This looks suspiciously like it maybe that I have not broken it. [KPBS] ERROR EXC loading Images Could not find a part of the path "/home/keith/KSP_linux/Gamedata/PlanetaryBaseInc/BaseSystem/Icons/KPBSlifesupport.png". Don't you just love/hate linux/Linux? Gamedata versus GameData Edit 3. I am not sure that "Gamedata versus GameData" is all it is? Issue logged on Github complete with Player.log. This mod looks awesome by the way! No rush, no stress, I am waiting for KSP 1.1 stable release and in the meantime switching to the space center appears to be an effective work around.
  19. I have just installed this to try (KSP v1.0.5 & KPBS v1.0.6). Has anyone else noticed that after doing a crew member transfer that if you try to switch to internal view (no JSI RPM installed) it throws a NRE? Or have I somehow messed it up?
  20. I have Windows 7 on a spare partition and almost never boot into it. Its whole design annoys me these days and Windows 10 looks even worse. I am with @kemde here too. KSP is the best game ever because (a) it is about space (b) you don't need to shoot anything and (c) it runs native on linux. My first linux install was done in 1997.
  21. I use Steam fine (qualified) on Linux. I thought that a Linux version of the 1.1 beta was not going to be made available? Didn't Squad say Windows version only?
  22. I'm here with you @5thHorseman. Another KSP old timer who bought the game before Steam I think? I will try to maintain my patience for the full 1.1 release because, while buying a second copy through Steam might be an acceptable show of support for Squad who sincerely owe me absolutely nothing, booting up into Windoze would be so, so depressing .
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