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Everything posted by Playful1510

  1. I'm having an issue, where my Titan II can no longer reach orbit with a Gemini capsule on top. I was able to make orbit with a little fuel remaining before I updated RO. I also updated RPL at the same time, but I don't think that has anything to do with fuel amounts considering that the RedAV8R patches are in RO, and they determine how much of what is in the FASA parts.
  2. I was wondering, since in the readme it says to not have RSS installed, at what time would it get reinstalled? Just wondering, since I don't want to ruin my RSS adventure.
  3. So what I understood from Ratzap, I don't need to start a new save file, just delete the tree.cfg, and reselect the 19c tree? EDIT: Did so, and it seems to have worked.
  4. I saw in the changelog something about the FASA patches being integrated into RO. Does this mean that I no longer need the patches in the FASA folder now?
  5. I'm not sure if this has been seen before, but I don't have drag indicators when I right click in flight anymore. I am running RSS, RO, and many other mods.
  6. Weird because it looks like the model has rcs ports built into it.
  7. On the FASA Agena probe and RCS pod, I believe they are supposed to have RCS capabilities, however, they aren't using the Nitrogen included in the pod. How can I fix this?
  8. Would it be possible to integrate Nathan's Procedural Parts into the tree? It would be a good idea since PP is going to replace StretchySRB.
  9. Maybe. I also have spots in the tech tree that have no parts in them, namely, Bio Sample Recovery,Venera 2, Mars 2, Remote Sample Analysis, and Unmanned Sample Recovery. I am using all of the recommended mods, except for Remotetech, Soviet Engines, and Procedural Wings. These are just the nodes that I have found so far.
  10. I believe that it was the experiment considering that I have data already.
  11. I keep the .zips in a separate folder in the KSP directory, and I do that for every mod so I can track which version I have. As you saw in the screencap, I was above the 120,000m that you have said is where it should start, and it stopped doing it above 180,000m.
  12. I am having an issue where I get both FlyingHigh and InSpaceLow at the same time. I have heard that it's because RSS updated where space starts here. I also have a screenshot of what it looks like in action here.
  13. Does the updated RO include the update to RealEngines? Could I also recommend that Distant Object Enhancement be added to the list? Would it be feasible to say on the OP the last time the manifest was updated?
  14. I figured out what was going on! Apparently, when you start a new line in Notepad+, it indents automatically, and the indents were supposed to be done with spaces!
  15. I tried to update the manifest file, but now when I try to use that file, java spits out this mess... I checked on line 138, and there is no \t on it.
  16. I asked around on Reddit, but nobody has gotten back to me yet, so I figure I can ask here. Does anybody know of mission packs that mesh well with RSS? I took a look at the default ones, and the payouts are far too low to be sustainable, and they call for orbits at altitudes that in RSS are still in the atmosphere...
  17. Yay! Does this mean that the return stage will separate off and use it's own engine? You are really awesome!
  18. From what it looks like in your imgur album, take off would be with the landing engine? I'm not sure if you are going for a realistic lander, in which case, the ascent stage has it's own engine. In either case, VERY good job on the modelling, and the IVA!
  19. I was wondering if OP had any plans to continue with this mod?
  20. Only 60%? What do you mean I have to wait for my next chapter?!? A life outside of KSP? What is this of what you speak?
  21. Damn you, czoklettmuss... I had to watch that whole damn movie at once, it was so good! *shakes fist*
  22. Ok, I just was wondering. I just updated my .cfg, I wonder if NathanKell would have any problem with me posting the modified .cfg for a simple drag-replace just to make the process simple.
  23. I had meant a nice easy fix instead of .cfg file editing, especially since when I open that cfg in notepad the formatting is all weird.
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