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Everything posted by Nereid

  1. Bug found: loading from a quicksave is not working at the moment. Investigating... This is strange: KSP gives FF the ConfigNode from the persisten.sfs if a quicksave is loaded... this could be complicated to resolve... got it.... an event was not working as I expected it to work. Testing a few things and release ASAP. This is a major bug so update ASAP. Fixed in 0.6.3-681
  2. Thanks for reporting. I will take a look into it ASAP. Questions: Do you lose ribbons everytime you switch ships? All ribbons? Do you switch by keyboard or within the map view? EDIT: if you can reproduce it regulary, please set the log level of FF to DETAIL/DEBUG (before you experience the bug), exit KSP after the bug occurs and send me the KSP.log (or at least save it, for later analysis). EDIT2: Switching vessel on ground works (and there shouldn't be any difference between ground an in flight). EDIT3: I still don't know, what have caused this. I will change the caching for the crew members a bit. Maybe that could cause this sometimes. Added some logging to get more information, if this happens. EDIT4: Release 0.6.3-681 will contain a bit more log information. Please set the log level at least to INFO and check for log outputs like [LOG 14:44:42.093] FF: hall of fame loaded in 0ms [LOG 14:44:42.093] FF: hall of fame loaded (34 logbook entries) [LOG 14:44:42.094] FF: creating new hall of fame entry for kerbal Jebediah Kerman [LOG 14:44:42.094] FF: creating new hall of fame entry for kerbal Bill Kerman [LOG 14:44:42.095] FF: creating new hall of fame entry for kerbal Bob Kerman [...] Those just after loading the hall of fame are ok, but if just before the bug occurs a "creating new hall of fame entry for" appears, we got it.
  3. Feature is implemented in 0.9.14-335 I have not tested this yet. But it should trigger on any save.
  4. Yes. But keep in mind that S.A.V.E will not do a backup after exactly 43 minutes have passed. It will do it on the next save. But not before the timer (43 minutes in your example) is expired. The time constraints are only in place to prevent to many backups. Their purpose is not to create a backup in a given interval (this is not very useful in KSP, because the backups could be identical). If you select "each save" there will be many of them. Because a quicksave is in fact a double save (quicksave file and persistant file) it will create two backups (if they are not in the same second). And if you quicksave often, you will get many backups...
  5. I you want to be on the save side, copy the whole folder <KSP-Install-Folder>/saves to any other location in your filesystem. Or just use zip or 7zip to craete an archive of that folder. Or just use S.A.V.E. It's up to you. - - - Updated - - - I have uploaded the current state of the planet pack. Download link is on the first page.
  6. Well, it should work with autosaves. But it would only backup a game BEFORE a ingame save is taking place (and they are at least done each time you switch from the space center to a vessel). If you play 4 hours without saving (not even doing a quicksave) it won't backup anything. It's not an autosave; it's an autobackup. But time is running out for me those days. So I may have overlooked some glitches (and unfortunately I'm the the only beta tester for my own plugins ). I have written this to prevent data loss with Final Frontier and to deliver a more generic solution for a backup I wanted to use for myself. I have lost some games myself because of corrupted saves. KSP may be more stable in 0.90 but now we have a lot of mods that may introduce new problems. And often you realize those problems hours or days later ("what in the hell has happened to my moonbase!!?!" ) - - - Updated - - - Well... yes. "S" is the first letter in "save". "A" is the second letter in "save". "V" is the third letter in "save". And surprisingly "E" is the fourth letter in "save".
  7. Yes. Kerbalstuff is not very reliable at the moment. And Curse sometimes needs time to check the uploaded version (and sometimes I just forget to upload on Curse, too).
  8. What exactly happpens? The window doesn't disappear when you start a game or the "expanded" window won't minimize if you press hide? Rememebr: The window will not disappear completely in the main menu. It will alway stay in the top right corner. "hide" just minimizes it. But the window should automatically disappear ingame. EDIT: Which plattform? EDIT2: try 0.9.13-333. It has an additional check and hides itself without relying on events, if the status is HIDDEN (by clicking "hide") and KSP is not in the main menu. - - - Updated - - - Strange. I can't reproduce this with my current build. And I didn't changed much since the last release. I have just excluded "training" and "scenarios" from the status list (and all backups), because they are "build-in". But anyway. I will release a new build just to be sure. EDIT: try release 0.9.12-332 please and report if the backups still fail. - - - Updated - - - If you set the number of maximal backups and the days to keep them both to 0, it will do exactly this.
  9. Problem may be a concurrent access. It cant backup training and scenarios, too. I will have to check this for regular games. But the ships folder was easy to copy/replace before 0.90, so I doubt there is a real problem. EDIT: can't reproduce. Anybody else with this problem? Unfortunately the KSP.log won't help much, because the backups are done in a background thread. Ingame the thread is synced with the save-event (to avoid concurrency issues; the thread is mainly used for backups in the main menu). But all log outputs in this thread will not make it in the log.
  10. A happy new year to all who are in 2015 already, but... ...were in the heck is Fierbinte in Korpernicus? EDIT: found it!
  11. Just as some kind of info: The current version will not backup your ship templates! I will add this as an option in a later release (maybe today). I was completely targeted for the saves and just forgot to take care of subfolders. EDIT: implemented in 0.9.11-319. It's optional (but enabled by default).
  12. Puh... Don't expect the planet pack until 2. Jan. If you are interested I can give you my ribbon creator and you can do it yourself. But its very, very ugly Java code. Written down in a few hours and its missing a comfortable GUI in some aspects.
  13. Strange. I'm using the same technique as KSP-AVC and I will hide the GUI on any game scene event other than main menu. Maybe I did something wrong (again)? The GUI part is the most complicated thing in Unity sometimes... Next year, we can analyze this with some log outputs if you want (or I install KSP on one of my Linux machines and do it myself).
  14. Thanks. Again, all copy&paste keys and menus should be disabled on developer keyboards. But the buttons do the same if selected. So it's just a cosmetic annoyance. And there was another typo, with some more important consequences. The timespan between backups is used wrong. http://beyondrelational.com/modules/1/justlearned/0/tips/9395/c-beware-of-difference-between-timespanminutes-and-timespantotalminutes.aspx I'm fixing this. Until then only EACH SAVE is working correctly. EDIT: The good news are this bug will just cause more backups than its supposed to do (but maybe not for daily or weekly backups). - - - Updated - - - Fixed in 0.9.10-309 This version will inform you, if you are storing backups outside the KSP installation folder with yellow colored backup path. If the backup path isn't permitted (maybe in a later version), the color will change to red. This release should do all file operations in the class FileOperations. Currently it is not restricted in any way, but this may change.
  15. Well, I had some correlation GameData-Savegame in mind (restore a save, restore the corresponding GameData if the user chooses this option). But if we omit this correlation you are right. To be prepared to remove the "outside of KSP-Install-folder backup option", I have moved all file operations in a separate class and create a define that will prevent all write operations outside the KSP installation folder. This way its easy for me (and everyone with a bit C# knowledge) to create a version with or without limitations if they were forced by SQUAD or the mods. And this way it would be way easier to check if the code does anything harmful. Best solution would be some kind of minimal file support by SQUAD and a startup option of KSP that allows any plugin to write anywhere if its allowed by the user.
  16. Well, that are a lot new bodies in Kerbol Expanded. This will take a while...
  17. Well, it writes inside <KSP-HOME> per default (or to be more precise: the working directory KSP starts from). And now we are on interpretion land. If the user won't change the default path, it will not violate any rule. If a moderator or SQUAD instruct me to remove the option, I will obey. But it would be quite ridiculous. EDIT: I have send a mail to a moderator to answer this question. Until answered, I will leave the decision to the user.
  18. They have eased their restrictions as far as I remember. I will add a warning on the first page later, but it's obvious that this plugin will write its data to other parts of the file system if the user (!) decides to do so. Per default it will write in <KSP-HOME>/backup. If you change this, then it will write there. The source is quite manageable. Everyone can check that it does no real harm. - - - Updated - - - I was thinking about that, because I have faced this problem many times, too. Just installed some new addons and something got broken... the problem is: It makes it more complicated. And the main rule for a backup is: "keep it as simple as possible".
  19. I have no clue, how to do this yet. I remember a wiki that explains it. Maybe I will try it in a few days.
  20. S.A.V.E automatic backup system current version: 1.10.0-3173 Have you experienced some kind of major bug in a plugin? Did your save game got corrupt or have you lost all your ribbons in FinalFrontier, because of a single stupid mistake the developer (who is me unfortunately) has made? No? Well, you are lucky then. If you have experienced this, S.A.V.E may come to rescue. This plugin will handle automatic backups of your save games for you to prevent loss of data. As most other software, this software comes with no warranty of any kind. If you use it, you do it at your own risk. All releases until 0.9.11-319 will not backup your ship templates! And a word of warning: I have tested this on Windows only. I do not know, if S.A.V.E works correctly on a MAC or on Linux. Important! Please read! This plugin will store the backups at the location on the file system that is set by the user! It may write on any location on the file system if the user changes the default location. Please keep this in mind, if you are setting S.A.V.E to a different backup location. The default location for backups is: <KSP-HOME>/backup. There is a subfolder for each save game. Each backup is stored in a folder YYYYMMDD-HHMISS. Folders containing a .nobackup file are not included in any backup. So if you do not want to backup a game or a subfolder of a game, just create a file of that name there. Download: Spacedock license: LGPLv3 Features: Completely automatic; it will create a backup after a save Backups can be stored anywhere in the file system ("a king who must say 'I'm the king' is no real king" -a backup on the same hard disk is no real backup) Configurable backup interval Configurable minimal number of successful backups Configurable maximal number of backups Configurable time in days to keep backups Backup of all games at once Restore functionality Automatic backup before a restore is done. Compressed backups Cloning a game from a backup Screenshot: Hints: Setting "days to keep backups" to 0 will keep backups forever (as long other constraints are not violated). Setting "max number backups" to 0 will keep an unlimited amount of backups (as long other constraints are not violated). Setting both "days to keep backups" and "max number backups" to 0 will never delete any backup (not even failed ones). The value of "min number of backups" determines the number of successful backups that have to be kept in any case.
  21. Well, feel free to include the contents of FinalFontier.PlanetPack.KEXP.zip in your mod, when its ready. Because there are no major bug reports since yesterday, I assume that I didn't break to much.
  22. Final Frontier 0.6.1-604 released changelog: Some more or less minor fixes. (maybe the docking issue reported by Wyrmshadow, the first EVA bug reported by klesh) Fix for the new F.A.R plugin (thanks to BruceKnowles) Landings are detected again Planet packs now supported Planet packs have to be installed separately or should be included by the modder himself. There is an example for PFCE on the first page. Just extract the archive like any other mod/plugin. And this is somekind of a very hot hotfix. So be prepared for some new bugs (and it's time for branches already ). Testing was a little bit chaotic because of new bug reports in between. Important: This is the one of the first releases that will replace the halloffame.ksp. If you use this relase or a later one, there is no way back! Please make a backup of your save game before starting KSP with this release! - - - Updated - - - Then you will have some new ribbons with the PFCE planet pack. More than 750 ribbons in total if I remember right. - - - Updated - - - Currently we have to iron out all bugs. And I have no clue how this could be done (but I'm learning some new every day in coding for KSP ). The planet pack for PFREV will be next. To answer your question: not at the moment.
  23. Thanks. I have done it for PFCE. PFREV is the next one.
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