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Everything posted by Nereid

  1. Current stage of development: I have to deal with the logbook before I can release this. At the moment all events are displayed and this could be a bit too much. I will have to limit this somehow.
  2. Final Frontier 0.1.6c is on Spaceport The load/save-issues on OS-X should be fixed. No other changes. EDIT: I don't really like the word "undecorated" in the filter. Any ideas for a better wording? IMPORTANT for OS-X users: If you have used a version prior to 0.1.6 on OS-X, you have to move the halloffame.ksp to your save game folder.
  3. 0.1.6c is coming when I'm back from work in a few hours. Puh... that would be quite difficult. In the next few days I will add the new window for detailed view. I will think about this in between.
  4. I'm using gamevents.onpartcouple, too. But I'm not sure how my solution will work in KAS at the moment.
  5. You could use it in a existing universe, but some ribbons are more or less meaningless then. Regarding RAM limits: This is not on focus at the moment. But I have noticed that KSP loads my ribbons as textures and currently I do load them again. So there is room for improvement. But the ribbon graphics are small and won't add much.
  6. Ah! I don't want Mechjeb too (its to big and automating way too much for me, but its a great idea otherwise). I was thinking to implement a similar plugin but decided to give the ribbons a try instead. I will test this plugin in the next few days.
  7. Ah! Thank you! That is the information I was looking for! I was just trying to solve one problem, but I didn't feel well, when I was changing the code. I have searched the unity/ksb api for a while to find a way to get to the KSP base folder, but given up a bit to early it seems. I will recompile 0.1.6c with this fix today. I will try the suggestion in the next release. Starting FF and not reloading/reinitializing things multiple times had puzzled my quite a bit at the first day. So I experimented a bit with "once=true" but didn't get any satisfiying results. This part of the code has to get a majoy overhaul some day. I'm programing in Java/C++ usually. C# and Unity too is completely new for me. So there are a few unnecessary quirks in the code for sure. Regarding help: sure, why not? I'm using a local SVN repository at the moment. Next week I'm out for business again the whole week, but after then I can upload the code and resources to githup or a similar site. EDIT: I somebody has some skills to create graphics any help would be appreciated, too. The ribbons are generated using a small java program. So adding new ribbons or changing them isn't hard.
  8. In the current version the toolbar is mandatory. So yes, you need to get it (but its included in FF).
  9. I haven't read the whole thread, but as far as I understand kerbals should be more diffent with different skills. I like the idea in general but not in some more specific points. Specializations like engineer, scientist, pilot,... ok, but without any impact on flight orders please. But: - an engineer (or a kerbal with better repair skills) may repair broken things quicker or doesn't tend to destroy instead of fixing them - a pilot may fly exactly in the same manner as a non pilot but with lesser risks of braking engines and perhaps a slightly lower fuel consumption - a scientist gives a bit more scientes points. - ... This of course has the requirement for more parts that could brake (i.e. not only wheels). But I really don't like the idea, that the skills of a kerbal have any direct impact on the behavior of the vessel in flight. Just my 2 cents....
  10. Kerbal Crew Manifest is a plugin I would recommend, too.
  11. This happened to me, too. It took minutes to upload and after resolving the errors Spaceport still told me there were errors on the page. After several uploads it worked. But all uploads were private add ons, so it doesn't matter anyway. But yes... its not a user fault, if multiples uploads are on Spaceport.
  12. Well, they could make there outdated uploads private at least. It's really no rocket science.
  13. Done. Now there are two ribbons for EVA in space. One needs a stable orbit, the other wont. But an EVA ribbon in a stable orbit replaces the other one. Done. I will do something like this later. The descriptions and names of the ribbons are generic or generated at the moment. They can't be changed dependent on celestial body without changing the code. And in the near future the descriptions, names, titles, etc. will be changeable via a config file. Until then we have to live with some non-logical descriptions like "first footsteps on Kerbin". EDIT: 1.6b is uploaded. Its just a minor display fix. Dead kerbals will now get their red status button on the right hand side of their names.
  14. No, it just takes all flights into account, since FF was installed.
  15. ? No. Nereid and toolbar are nested in GameData, and FinalFrontier is nested in Nereid. That's the way it should work. EDIT: The reason for this is: I'm planing to extract some of my classes into a seperate library/lib, to use it in other addons. All of my Plugis/Libs are nested in Nereid, so there is no naming conflict with other mods and everyone knows that those Plugins, Resources, etc. are related. And removing the FinalFrontier folder will remove only this Plugin, not others. I'm not sure if this folder structure is intended to use by squad this way, but it works. Naming conflicts in the code are handled by the namespace Nereid, which hopefully no one else is using.
  16. Final Frontier 0.1.6 is on Spaceport Lets hope all issues with multiple ribbons are solved. There may be an issue with the docking ribbon. I have not yet tested it with KAS, so connecting something with KAS parts in an orbit may (!) give you a docked ribbon. I will check this the next days and will try to prevent this. New features: Filtering for dead, assigned, available and undecorated kerbals added. New ribbon: EVA around a body without a stable orbit.
  17. They will work until you load a game where multiple kerbals got those ribbons at once. After reload only one kerbal with a ribbon of those remain. 0.1.6 won't have this issue and I'm still testing it. EDIT: multiple ribbons: fixed. load of halloffame.ksp: fixed news status "assigned" added tooltips for status added filter in hall of fame added docking ribbon: fixed Just a last test in my personal non-development KSP...
  18. To bad. I really liked the TT mod but I havent used it anymore since 0.20 because of the crashes and memory issues.
  19. The last weeks I have noticed quite a few mods that were release multiple times on Spaceport. After releasing my own mod I do understand now, how this could happen: The upload of mods on Spaceport is a bit... well... quirky. And its seems that it's not possible to delete released mods (the delete option won't work for me). But: It's very annoying for the user to browse to twenty or more releases of the same mod. So please modder: make older uploads that are not the current one private, so they are not visible to others anymore. And for newbies I strongly recommend to test the upload with a private mod first before releasing a public one.
  20. Thanks for the feedback. And I think "saves" is correct, too.
  21. My suspicion is, that steam wont start KSP in the KSP base folder, so the working directory for the save path is not the one I do expect. I have changed the relative path to an absolute path, so try this version and give me some feedback if it works please: http://www.nereid42.de/download/FinalFrontier0.1.5e.zip PS: Do anyone have an idea how to get the KSP base folder in C#? I'm using Application.dataPath at the moment (which gives <KSP base>/KSP_Data). If you want to test a load, try this content for the halloffame.ksp 34172148.975366 L+ Halwise Kerman 34172148.975366 L+ Hardred Kerman 34172148.975366 L+ Alan Kerman 34172158.97 E1:Kerbin Alan Kerman 34172448.4154532 S1 Halwise Kerman 34172448.4154532 S1 Hardred Kerman 34172448.4154532 S1 Alan Kerman 34172642.7954471 FO:120 Hardred Kerman 34172642.7954471 FO:120 Halwise Kerman 34172642.7954471 FO:120 Alan Kerman 34172642.7954471 O1:Kerbin Hardred Kerman 34172642.7954471 O1:Kerbin Halwise Kerman 34172642.7954471 O1:Kerbin Alan Kerman 34172680.4154532 E:Kerbin Halwise Kerman
  22. I will add some log outputs in the next version to nail this down. PS, some questions: Are you using a steam version? Do you start the KSP.exe or the Launcher.exe directly in the KSP folder?
  23. Yout could try this version: FinalFrontier0.1.5d. This issue should be solved in this version. But make a backup of your halloffame.ksp, because this version will permanently delete all multiple ribbons not earned correctly. I have just done a few tests and all seems to be fine so far, but I will do some more testing tomorrow. I all issues are solved, I will upload 0.1.6 on Spaceport.
  24. Maybe. This was a hotfix to prevent the spaming of the ribbons. I couldn't really do better tests on my notebook, because its way to slow. I think tomorrow at 20:00-22:00 GMT I will be able to release a version without those flaws. Edit: The problem is, that multiple ribbons are awarded in a single transaction. But start and end of this transaction are not logged currently. So I have to check the timestamp and make sure that all timestamps in a transaction are different if I remove multiple awards during load. The good news: 0.1.5c doesn't delete any ribbons in the log. 0.1.6 will do this, so no ribbons are lost - hopefully.
  25. I will add two other ribbons for those EVA not in a stable orbit. They will be superseded by earning those while in a stable orbit. Currently I'm merging the fix into the main branch. I will test it tomorrow; if time allows the new ribbons will be included.
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