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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. Thanks e of pi, I can add the sun tracking as I'd talked about earlier, I was only hesitant to add the functionality because I couldn't see it in the example or on the real HRS panels themselves. I would need to add a pivot mechanism (well, the appearance of one since the module{} does the actual turning) behind the backplate and the suncatcher transform on one of the edges I've tried to capture a video of the open/close animation several times so I can post a video but my shadowplay recording software and KSP don't seem to be getting on, I just keep getting empty directories with no video output. I'll see if I can get it working, find something else, or just make a .gif Blender 2.7 supports different interpolations for the animation curves as well now, so I've adjusted it to use a smooth curve over twice the original time for the travel which might help with the sense of deploying too fast [Edit] Couldn't get recording software to work so here's a GFY HMTL5 video of HRS panel animation Actual animation time is ~15 seconds to fully deploy or stow
  2. The animation is done by constant angular change of the short mover and propagates via mechanical constraints so it should be constant, is there a way to affect the speed of the animateGeneric module to slow it down? Maybe I can change the angular change from linear X degrees per second to something else The attach rules must have the variable in the wrong position, that should be an easy fix, I hope Not sure about a sun tracker so they stay edge on as the panels in question don't seem to have that kind of functionality. Can always make panels which do have this ability later
  3. Dang, good luck getting that sorted Daishi A prior failure like this is why I now leave Dropbox syncing my whole Unity Assets/Models/Materials directories
  4. OK, thanks Taki and Tiberion I'm hopeful I can get that working eventually Glad you like it Orbital_phoenix, hope your Spacelab is also coming along well! Oh, I didn't mean as a surface detail on the panels which are (insofar as I can tell) flat on the faces (I could put a slight surface warp via normal to show the piping under the surface, maybe, if I ever manage to get normal maps working anyway), I meant that there are flexible hoses between each panel that bridge across next to the hinges linking each panel in a chain, which would contain the heat transport medium flowing from the truss out to the end and back in a single circuit [Edit] Try the HRS test version today (please provide feedback) Known issues; short mover and backplate are not yet unwrapped / texture is UV island placeholder only
  5. I'm assuming there is some demarcation in the Unity scene to say which bit breaks off though?
  6. Fixed a few things, unwrapped a) Textures are still potato, and for some reason 100% glossy Good grief these things are HUGE c) The actual HRS panels have pipes going panel-to-panel while the ETS-S1 versions do not, there less than 1200 tri's in one rig so there is room to add them if required/requested/suggested d) I have no idea how to make them 'breakable' and they probably should be
  7. E.V.E. is working for me at least, I'm using the KSPRC install on top of E.V.E. if that makes any difference [Edit] Now that this is, well, out, I wonder if we could get an as-is/where-is/at-your-own-risk Squad build/release of the x64 files in question? People are doing it for themselves with ~70% success rate in any case. They can slap the biggest, hairiest disclaimer ever on it and people would still try it, it would at least be interesting to know whether the 'success' rate would still be 70%?
  8. It's fine, just use local transforms so that they don't try and apply their animation against the global transform, which is now in the opposite orientation from them
  9. I'm guessing you may have duplicated then rotated/mirrored legs to create the full set and the rotation attributes are now out of whack for the one's which aren't working right in game (i.e. they now have a global transform offsets of 90-0-180 instead of 90-0-0)
  10. Sounds reasonable, simply have the IVA as a child mesh of the current 'externally visible' mesh which can be revealed when needed, i.e. when seen through viewports/windows (has a defining config flag internalVisible = 1) or when switching to IVA mode If you don't want it always visible then you can flag it to No, and have opaque/no windows
  11. Thanks e of pi, I am a bit concerned about the face/tri count on the stabilising arms for such small details, but I have some ideas for that which I'll try and implement tonight It should be 1.62m high when packed I believe (1.62 high x 8.64 long x 3.04 wide when accounting for the stabilising arms etc) , but I'll have to check when I get home from work [Edit] In game with placeholder texture I can see some normals aren't consistent, the base hinges still need doing, then unwrapping/texturing
  12. The body looks like it's from Alskari's Hollow Structural Parts mod?
  13. Multiple docking ports work, I just built a huge station using multi-port connections What doesn't work with multi-port junctions is only one of them counts as 'connected' for the purposes of fuel routing You can get around that limitation with something like TAC or Goodspeed fuel managers to shuffle the fuel around, or adding fuel pipes with KAS though
  14. Rigging test for HRS panels Basically confident in being able to produce the mechanics of the animation [edit] Temp end bars replaced with something closer + axis/end points
  15. I can't blame you, it wasn't easy to find shots which actually showed that obscure detail in enough, well, detail to actually work out what was going on at the hinges The other question is I guess, scale, the panels in the example at 8.6m x 3m which would make the fully extended HRS something like 40m, which is a little big for KSP sizing. Should I bring the panels down to 5.5m x 1.9m (i.e. 0.64 scale)?
  16. Here is the freedom truss HRS panels followed by the ISS-HRS panels You can see the offset hinges on the ISS panels and their rails, which allow the panels to stow becoming a flat face-to-face pack, while the FT-S1 HRS panels have the hinges straight on meaning they could only fold, at best, 45 degrees before the hinges impinged on themselves, while at full retraction this would place all the panels in the same place in 3D space which just isn't realistic Essentially I would just be using the same offset hinge implementation from the ISS-HRS panels so that they would operate in a mechanically realistic fashion
  17. Before I do myself an injury in public, how closely would it be preferred for parts to match the examples supplied? I'm looking at the LM-HRS radiators and the way they're set up in the example isn't really animatible (well, it's a word now), I'd need to make some changes to actually make the mechanics of it work so it could be stowed/unstowed.
  18. Finally managed to finish a station Just need to get the emergency escape vehicle and first crew aboard.
  19. Come into the light The last piece of Kerlympus finally arrives
  20. No trouble so far with Toolbar Beastly Science E.V.E. Chatterer HotRockets Distant Objects EdEx Engineer ENavBall FASA Ferram FurTek Expansion KAS KOSMOS KSPRC MSI Procedural Wings Procedural Fairings Procedural Parts R&SCapsuledyne RCSBuildAid RealChute RLA Stockalike Romfarer Lazor Cam SCANsat Science Alert CoolRockets SpacePlane+ Texture Replacer KAC
  21. Mine did that if I had it running in windowed mode so I switched to running it firescreen Otherwise no issues to report with x64, been running for ~3 hours with no other oddities [Edit] And now for the next trick, to install all the mods I wanted to play with and see if it asplodes
  22. Blender is saying 0 to 149 while Unity is saying -1 to 148 Perhaps check the original .BLEND you have which does works and see if that says (for example) 1-100 and its Unity scene reports 0-99 (indicating Unity is taking 1 off during import) You may just need to bump the location of your keys in Blender so that they're 1-150 and not 0-149 (so when importing to Unity they don't get -1'd out of range)
  23. Is there anything specific I need to do to make an engine compatible with AJE (if present)? Or would Camlost prefer that I leave the required MM config bundling to AJE?
  24. Ever wanted something to help you touch the sky? This F100 replica might help with jet building aspirations Requires Nazari's HotRockets! Mediafire download for F100 This first iteration has some very slight animation alignment issues (if you're flying with you view about half a meter from the engine), engine gimballing can be enabled in the CFG if desired (has some animation side effects) Pending; Kerbalised texture option, stock EngineFX option, rigging animation change, GE-F110 version with aeroshell covers. [Edit] Wait a sec, the throne made it onto the KSP Facebook stream? Dangit I missed it!
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